
Feb 3, 2021
I don't think this perk manages that.

That perk combined with the majority of the NPCs in the brothel being level 9 is going to be *real* hard to beat. I don't know if you can actually trigger combat fast enough to beat that.

I also just realized you get a free 25% to all resistances. Resistances are not a stat. Everything is shielding right now.

I wonder if she's reworking the combat system, or if she just wrote the wrong thing. Probably wrote the wrong thing.
It would be completely on-brand for Inno to get sidetracked into reworking combat though


Oct 18, 2018
I was 'bout to go and post to say how i appreciate how this game's able to cater to a fuckload of stuff even for non-furry/TF enthusiasts, but i think i'm just gonna nope out of that entire conversation.
I only found out about the game yesterday, i ain't digging through the entire thread just to get a whole asston of "dev bad" comments (as true as it might be)


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
I was 'bout to go and post to say how i appreciate how this game's able to cater to a fuckload of stuff even for non-furry/TF enthusiasts, but i think i'm just gonna nope out of that entire conversation.
I only found out about the game yesterday, i ain't digging through the entire thread just to get a whole asston of "dev bad" comments (as true as it might be)
You should have seen the dev blog's comments.
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Oct 18, 2018
I just don't think that repeating the same thing (as valid as it might be, mind!) ad nauseam has a point.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
I was 'bout to go and post to say how i appreciate how this game's able to cater to a fuckload of stuff even for non-furry/TF enthusiasts, but i think i'm just gonna nope out of that entire conversation.
I only found out about the game yesterday, i ain't digging through the entire thread just to get a whole asston of "dev bad" comments (as true as it might be)
The game --appears-- to cater to a wide variety of fetishes, but in reality, all that it offers at the moment is pretty shallow and inconsequential. You don't notice it ATM because the game is pretty good at making a newcomer feel overwhelmed with the "amount of content" it promises. Like being impressed by how wide the ocean is, only to step in and realize the water only goes up to your ankles. I don't remember Inno ever finishing anything she started working on. Of course, one could argue that the game is still in development and these things will happen in time... but as it stands, right now, it's really not that much.

You may think we're all jaded assholes who love to complain... You're just the "new kid" who found a new toy and is all starry eyed about it. We all started like you, but we have long since moved past the "disillusionment" phase. Alas, some of us have been here for years and have played pretty much everything the game has to offer ATM, and then some. We know how development goes, we know Inno's modus operandi. The game has received several revamps but it hasn't progressed all that much in 5 years of development. Its excruciating to see a game we were all so hopeful about, come crashing down like this...

So, enjoy the "new toy" feeling while it lasts. With a little patience and imagination, you can still eek out several hours' worth of entertainment.
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Active Member
May 22, 2020
I mean, if they're going to get sidetracked by something, might as well be something that could improve the entire game. Combat could certainly use a rework/some balancing. I wrote about it a while back.
Since a proper rework of the combat system is probably going to require a rework of the perk and magic systems as well, that's a thread Inno would be well-advised to avoid pulling.

Really, at this point, "fixing" the mechanics/engine of this game is going to look a lot like "creating an entirely new engine and porting the content across". Tinkering and tweaking is just a waste of time.
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Active Member
May 22, 2020
Its excruciating to see a game we were all so hopeful about, come crashing down like this...
For me, one of the main draws of this game was that there was an actual plan. A clear idea of the shape of the "finished" game combined with a premise that facilitated incredible choice. But if Inno refuses to follow the plan and fails to make any of the choices meaningful (which is what she's done), then that potential means nothing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
I was 'bout to go and post to say how i appreciate how this game's able to cater to a fuckload of stuff even for non-furry/TF enthusiasts, but i think i'm just gonna nope out of that entire conversation.
I only found out about the game yesterday, i ain't digging through the entire thread just to get a whole asston of "dev bad" comments (as true as it might be)
Honestly, just ignore all of us and have fun with the game. Despite bitching about the game's design, it still fun and what not.
Sep 16, 2018
I think the draw of a game like this is the world building and right now that "world" is a city and some sewers. I keep an older version of the game from about 2 years ago on my hard drive to mess around with the files and it's kind of jarring how little difference there is between that version and the most recent one. I mean there are some new features but beyond that there's nowhere new to explore and not a lot of new things to try out, it's the same gameplay loop but now there's a chance to encounter alligator vagina or whatever.


Jul 12, 2017
The most infuriating thing in the world is when you have a trashcan slow-mo trainwreck like this but it offers an experience you actually cannot quite get anywhere else (especially when the closest you get is a different trainwreck stares at CoC2 and TiTS)


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
The most infuriating thing in the world is when you have a trashcan slow-mo trainwreck like this but it offers an experience you actually cannot quite get anywhere else (especially when the closest you get is a different trainwreck stares at CoC2 and TiTS)
I feel ya, buddy.


Aug 9, 2020
Yeah, what a dumb new background. First, why would 'never having worked a day in your life' make you *MORE* physically fit and a better fighter? And second, those buffs are stupid. I guess it'll be even easier to legitimately hit the "super high damage over killing even bosses" point.
the health yeah that is dumb but not the main thing after all 10 health is nothing in the battle but a better fighter does make sense look at the things getting the buff range and melee those are thing that the can afford and have the time to do training and the corruption makes sense but i would remove the resistances because it makes no sense. to summarize remove the health and resistances and replace them with a increase the buff from 25% to 50% but give a negative that things cost 50% more because rich people probably don't know the common prices


Jan 2, 2018
I also just realized you get a free 25% to all resistances. Resistances are not a stat. Everything is shielding right now.

I wonder if she's reworking the combat system, or if she just wrote the wrong thing. Probably wrote the wrong thing.
I read this trait as giving you 0.25 of every type of shielding per 1 corruption. So at 20 corruption, you would have 5 health/physical/lust/fire/etc. shielding. Which would essentially be 10 shielding against anything, since health shielding works against everything.

And just from the resistances alone, this trait is busted. If you look up how much enchantment capacity it costs to get +10 shielding against all, just at 20 corruption this is already better than any other trait out there (+10 to all shielding costs 50 cap, +10 physique for example costs just 15) . Nevermind at 100 corruption, plus the melee and ranged weapon buffs. This would just be far and away the best background trait in the game.


Jul 27, 2019
Can I make transformative items? if so How?
Enchant a food item. Took me a while to notice that was an option too, every other mechanic in the game is tutorialized and signposted with giant neon arrows, but this particular bit goes almost totally unexplained.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
just check the promises for the next update and given the track record of this game i say that at least 1 field encounter and elis map being done by thr give date and the rest being done by April
I hope that's sarcasm or you don't mean April 2021 because any time in 2021 is not going to happen.

I used to be an optimist like you. Then I took a delay in the knee...

> April

You didn't check the fine print. It's April 2022
2032, you mean?


I hope someone is watching discord, because I wouldn't be surprised if we never see an update hit the blog
Nor would I considering that's where people who refuse to coddle go. I have my own source, however, that is doing things that Inno has listed among the content never to be added, so I'm fine. I stopped getting downloads from the blog a while ago. The only reason I use it is the direct connection to Inno since Inno is the one person who has control over it.

At this point I'm pretty sure she's waiting on NoStepOnSnek and other contributors to release a bunch of races and items so she can hide her own pitiful amount of work behind theirs.

No more truly comments in blog, so no need "updates about delays", only cuddly-sweety-lovey-money support from discordfags.
Another one endless project. Sad. I really liked this game.
As did I, but it has fallen to the same fate as other projects that have tasted the Patreon honey. Inno is only keeping things alive to milk now and the Discord is either unknowingly or willingly letting it happen.

When reality knocks on your door you turn the comments off. I hope those endless optimistic Innoxia supporters enjoyed that middle finger. :D
I hope so for their sake or they might just become the next people to be turned off. Not many on the blog enjoyed the middle finger, some less than others, as you can see by how it blew up and then got turned off.

Watching this game's progress is like watching the slowest trainwreck. I can't look away, but I wish it would get on with it, I've got places to be.
Better way to describe it would be is that you are a passenger on slowest moving trainwreck. You have plenty of time to get of the train and doing so would be not that painful. But you paid for the ticket and so you are detirment to see the ride all way through the end just so you could say that you arrived somewhere. Not in the time you expected to and certanly not where you wanted to be. And ending up there was painful while leaving you unfulfilled and frustrated at conductor. But at least you can give it 2 and half star review for providing you experience that you could not get anywhere else.
Trainwrecks are more fun to watch and they aren't even fun at all due to the potential of death and likelihood of injury.

Errr... you don't have to be a supporter to see the Sub. Star posts. It's not like Patreon, where some authors lock posts behind a pay wall. It just that some people don't care about Sub. Star or simply don't know it exists, meaning they miss Inno's more "exclusive" posts. Even before the comment section got turned off, she would sometimes do this - write a post on Sub. Star but "forget" the blog.
You CAN lock the posts on SubscribeStar, but it is optional, just like Patreon. Probably to keep minors from walking in on an adult page as it is with Patreon, but it is often used more as a paywall. I'm a subscriber to a different page for a game on here, that's how I know.

i wish she'd just abandon the project and let her simps pay her for all eternity already, this endless waiting is tedious
It is what is best for the project instead of letting it die slowly and painfully while actively torturing it.

I remember feeling this way, but fortunately I've been off the train since 0.3.9. I just drop by occasionally to have a laugh at how messy Inno gets. There's hope out there, folks, it does get better. Having no emotional attachment to any of this does wonders to one's psyche.

Nobody is laughing at the speed of development, they're laughing at constant bait and switch, with Inno promising a new version only to delay every. single. time. If Inno were to only release updates at the same rate they do now and post nothing else, people would have both patience and respect. CoC1 was updated at an even slower pace, but people were okay with waiting, because Fen didn't post every week or two saying, "The update will be here any day now, I promise, guys".
Actually, the bait and switch is one of the causes of the delays, so technically people are laughing at both.

Fuckin' this. Inno doesn't owe me shit, nor do I feel entitled to any updates... But when you break literally every release promise you've ever made for like over a year straight, you really can't be surprised or upset when people get annoyed either.

It's not even hard to avoid, either, it's a solo project not funded by a Patreon or anything - every release date and timeline is arbitrary and completely decided by Inno herself. Just shut the fuck up until you have something to release, or at least only tease features that are already finished and don't give a concrete date.
Exactly, couldn't have said it better.

Every release is like "Hello lovelies, I fixed an asston of bugs, so here's a shitload more to replace them. See y'all when I feel like it." I bet 0.4 won't even be playable when if it gets released.
Probably not, it COULD be like what happened with the elemental revamp, where Inno broke literally EVERYTHING in the game.

Where's the update Lebowski? Where's the fucking update, shithead?
It's down there somewhere, let me take another look.

It's funded on . One thing to note is that Inno characterised support of $2,500 per month - which she has long since exceeded - as, "Financial security, allowing me to treat development of Lilith's Throne as a full-time job."

So if you see people holding her to a higher standard than, "Oh, hai guyz. Just making this game for funsies." that's why.

Meeting deadlines (particularly self-imposed ones), sticking to the development roadmap (ie. not halting development of the main quest in order to work on fanservice side content) and actually getting work done is just the baseline of the standard that she herself set.
And the standard Inno is not sticking to.

this game is going to get abandoned. how? i have future foresight

but to honest, i feel like this game IS going to get abandoned, i can feel it.
That is a VERY real possibility, that can happen when a good portion of your community turns against you for development related reasons.

On the plus side, it's open source, so if it gets abandoned there's always a chance someone sees that as an opportunity to pick it up themselves
Some people already have, there are a few lesser known projects that take the source and do things Inno will not, one of which is my download source. I would be more than happy to help revive the project if it dies as long as others are willing to assist as well, I AM NOT going into the game project itself solo like Inno, and I am willing to give it the proper management it deserves along with the other people who take it up.

The source code is available, but it's not open source. There's a very good chance that Inno is going to change the licensing to restrict free use of her writing as well. Doubly so if anyone ever makes a version that's more popular than the original.

And the game will never be abandoned for as long as Inno can milk it. This is her primary source of income, why would you ever give that up when you could pull a star citizen with it.

Yeah, what a dumb new background. First, why would 'never having worked a day in your life' make you *MORE* physically fit and a better fighter? And second, those buffs are stupid. I guess it'll be even easier to legitimately hit the "super high damage over killing even bosses" point.
A shame, the game desrves better treatment. As for that background, I would think it would make the MC into the stereotypical otaku, fat and so physically unfit otherwise that they look like they could kick the bucket at any moment while sitting around their room gaming nonstop.

It would be completely on-brand for Inno to get sidetracked into reworking combat though
I could see it.

I mean, if they're going to get sidetracked by something, might as well be something that could improve the entire game. Combat could certainly use a rework/some balancing. I wrote about it a while back.
Indeed, at least that would be an improvement, unlike the last sidetracking that took place.

For me, one of the main draws of this game was that there was an actual plan. A clear idea of the shape of the "finished" game combined with a premise that facilitated incredible choice. But if Inno refuses to follow the plan and fails to make any of the choices meaningful (which is what she's done), then that potential means nothing.
Indeed, that was one for me as well, but that is not the case any longer.


Feb 25, 2020
Some people already have, there are a few lesser known projects that take the source and do things Inno will not, one of which is my download source. I would be more than happy to help revive the project if it dies as long as others are willing to assist as well, I AM NOT going into the game project itself solo like Inno, and I am willing to give it the proper management it deserves along with the other people who take it up.
I feel you on that. Not particularly comfortable putting a furry porn game on my resumé so to try and solo a game as ambituous like this is an investment and responsibility with little returns, only possible if it's your own brainchild and you've got a certain attachment to it (Or getting fat stacks of Patreon NEETbux).

It's good that there actually does seem to have decent refactoring progress happening though. 4 months back I wouldn't touch the code with a ten foot pole but it looks acceptable now, so I might consider getting involved if it becomes a group project a well
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Oct 1, 2019
I feel you on that. Not particularly comfortable putting a furry porn game on my resumé so to try and solo a game as ambituous like this is an investment and responsibility with little returns, only possible if it's your own brainchild and you've got a certain attachment to it (Or getting fat stacks of Patreon NEETbux).
I see LT more like a goldmine of ideas. The sex system, in particular, is just too fucking good. The whole game doesn't need to be revived, it should be used as a both good and bad example of indie game development.
I have a love-hate relationship with programming and my brain is probably smoother than that of a junior coder, but seeing these gameplay concepts wilt because of the dev motivates me to do my own thing inspired by what LT has promised.
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