Canon probably doesn't matter to you but here is some reference material
All Enforcer lore that I've written is publicly available
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Additional reference material including identification formats
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Additional historical context
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Missed that post. Since I've been pretty much roleplaying some kind of DSG-powered lewd version of
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so far, what I really meant (and misphrased) with "canon doesn't really matter here" (yeah, I know your post wasn't directed at me) was something along of the lines of "complete consistency with Lilith's Realm".
antediluvian did a great job at keeping all of LT elements while making a parody of what happens when public safety goes crazy at a situation that is beyond their control lol (the contradictory orders part was gold) - and everything, in my opinion at least, was kept "in line" (many real-world elements have a fitting fantasy arcane version) with the current LT fantasy setting.
Many thanks for the links DSG, bookmarked. Will look at it in detail later since it took me ages to write this post (writing walls of text and going back on what you said to try and make sure it didn't come out wrong is slightly annoying) - and since I missed the chance to say it before, thank you and thanks to all modders for the quality content they brought to the game. Without them, it'd be way less entertaining and kinda bland.
I mean, probably for the same reason we're all still here. The game idea had potential, even if we're just watching it be wasted.
Another game, among the first ones I played after registering here, and which I enjoyed a lot went fom being abandoned to dragging backers into full blown criminal activity that is no joke, so I can say I'm just satisfied this is not the case here... Innoxia does back-and-forths but while I'm too new to comment or judge on anything, I don't think she'll ever get involved into such shady business. At least I hope so, as the consequences are more than just ruining a game that used to be good. I'd advise staying out of the thread in question unless you're morbidly curious and you would end up wasting a lot of time...
That's because we do.
But there's only a handful who want to dig into this game. Because anything of substance you want to add will have to be hard coded into the game, and anyone who's looked knows how much of the game needs to be re-written. And when each bit is going to be re-written seems to be random. Like the "surprise, we redid the species code!" update. I absolutely wouldn't want to mod anything meaningful into the game knowing that any work I do now will be wasted at random.
Plus the stuff I'd really want to play with is the sim elements, and the game engine can't handle it.
This is all too familiar but I can see what you mean. The main difference here is you guys have what it takes to create an actual spinoff if it comes to this, and I'm glad to see this. And while I won't take a good/bad stance concerning the developer, I'll at least say she did not engage in practices that are so nefarious they are frowned upon even in the darkest parts of the Internet and there is only one reason the consequences only started fairly recently.
It helps with world building, and I like world building in porn games.
I also love fantasy lore and world building efforts in VNs and eroge, and text-only porn games are no exception.
The Enforcer stuff isn't much of a political thing here, either, in my opinion. I believe it takes an interesting approach on moral grounds, especially considering some Enforcers already acknowledged the balance was more than just fragile and just like they might go "what if" when the Dominator tells them a target's crime coefficient goes over 300 (due to rape PTSD) vs full zero against a criminally-asymptomatic individual displaying a full zero due to how the Sibyl System really works, some of them decided to actually rebel against the supreme ruler and the system itself - to protect the people and fight for laws that deserves to be protected. Lilith's Realm is fairly comparable to another Orwellian dystopia where everyone is okay because it just works, and you can choose to let people live in delusion (in LT, just fuck them senseless and mug them) or help them realize they've been living a lie and bring back their true nature so they can decide for themselves (which is already implemented in the dialogue for LT, even if the karma system does nothing)
*ahem* But that's it for the Psycho-Pass tangent...