I can make my kids occupants by editing my save game data. I also found a way to find them without walking around from tile to tile, and make them occupants. When your kid is born, look up their birth date and mother's name under pregnancy stats. Once you have that info, close the game, and open your save game file with notepad. Click on edit, and then find. Enter either the birth date or mother's name, and click find next. Keep clicking until you are sure you find the right one. It will usually say something like, "[Blank] is your son/daughter, who you fathered with [Blank]." Once you find them, you can also edit them. For example, add or remove fetishes. To add them as occupants, take their id number, which is located above their name, its something like id=xxx, npcoffspring. Copy their id, and add it under "friendly occupants". Then, just save the file, and open the game. Edit at your own risk. I will not be responsible if you mess up your game data. I recommend you back up your save game data if you are going to edit it. I messed it up once and had to start a new game.