That's why the game rolls over past 2b credits. Suddenly your rich and all your kids want their share, no more 2b credits.
Luckily my last save was hitting 2b every three days lol
The game runs really, *really*, ***REALLY*** bad when your running two full high production milking rooms. Literally nothing you can do short of not doing that will save you. Even on my PC we're talking like 20-60 second delays every time I'd try and skip 12 hours.
Windows repeatedly told me the application had crashed it was taking so long to advance time.
The game's code for impregnation includes a whole bunch of really, really stupid decisions. There's little things like the fact that breeder roulette really just comes down to guessing who goes first, because they always win. And then there's big things, like the way the number of children conceived can be multiplied (MULTIPLIED!) by including a bunch of different variables. Not just once, but multiple times!
And that's how I had 97 children from a single pregnancy.
You can hit multiple pages in the child map off a single birthing.
Amazingly, that caused less lag than having two people assigned to the milking room.
yeah the, uh, milking room issue is something fucking else. for example i have three milking rooms with four people each and capping nearly 100 million a day. because of that issue i:
- have had to delete a save file three years in the making
- have had to uninstall and reinstall LT after wiping my hard-drive of its existence
- have had to attempt to replicate the milking room issue to see if it was just a file issue and not the game
- discover it was, indeed, the game, and watch my RAM usage skyrocket
- cry
- weep
- cry some more
- get my shit together
- cry
really get my shit together
- crack knuckles
- crack neck
- crack spine
- crack my limited edition Fire Emblem: Three Houses game
- cry some more
- finally get my shit together
- crack my Milim Nava body pillow
- delete LT
- reinstall LT
- only use one person in the milking room and ignore them for the rest of their unhappy, wasteful lives
- grofit?
- nope
- profit
slowly profit
- but profit