Just to add up in the Romance part, and to add some other stuff:
Also anyone knows how to trigger the Daddy event? I never saw the guy yet ik he exists.
*Iirc her favourite gift is chocolate and the perfume, also by the end of the sucessful date and convincing her mom you are a good Bf the relationship score is usually 69.
*Iirc you gain more relationship points with her IF you keep Scarlet rather than giving her back right away, work with Helena and at one point she will ask you to bring Scarlet and you can give to her for free, Scarlet is free in either case but this way you increase Helena's relationship and not with Scarlet (also Scarlet will reset ALL her inventory, sexuality, and tattoos too)
*You can't make her preg, you can only get pregnant by her
*To bang her you need to have like 1000 filly points iirc which is incredibly tedious and outright stated to be rigged so it never happens, just write debug and get the points yourself.
Non Marked Romances (aka you have to do some shit to clap em)
Hannah and Pix
*Finish their trainings in the Gym, you can find Hannah in the bar and you can ONLY bang Pix if you hold back twice after getting her perk
*Go to city hall and help her, you will lick her and then you can fuck her, shrimple as that.
*Finish Axel's quest regarding Vengar, any outcome but siding with Vengar instead of kicking his ass will allow you to feminize Axel
*Participate in her game 6 times, you don't need to win.
Queen Slime
*Accept Claire quest, progress and you will find her and her servants
*You can only get fucked by her if you are feminine or androgynous wearing girls clothes, BUUUUUUUT during Arcane Storms this restriction is removed.
Vrond and Astrapi
*Keep hiring them to go to Elis and talk with them
*Beat up ALL raiders from Themiscrya and you will gain 50 points of relationship with her and gain a perk
*Unlike Callie you can only bang her if you look like a girl even during Arcane storns