Imo just unsub until a new update comes out if you don't like the speed of progress, there's no real reason to anyways besides wanting to support the dev.
This reminded me of something...
"Sometimes, those who would make the wisest parents are the ones who choose to have no children at all."
I feel like there's a correlation here in the sense that the more one knows about the game's history and track record the less inclined they are to finance it. If that's the case, that means only a subset of people remain to support the game and they may not be the ideal types to push it forward in a healthy way. Support, patience and kindness is all nice and good but when all that does is perpetuate bad habits, then you have a problem. There has to be a balance.
It's logical to abandon something that you don't like but that's not the problem here. It's not that I don't like the game, I just think it's going down a self-destructive path. A bunch of wasted potential. I admit that my comments aren't exactly positive or morale-boosting but if I truly wanted I could have abandoned this game a long time ago. The reason I haven't yet it's because it is still an active project and so long as it's being developed there's still hope it will find the light.
It's a catch 22. The subscribers this game needs don't want to support it it because it's not in a good position, and the game isn't in a good position because it doesn't have the supporters it needs. (The developer being in a bad spot is another big reason for it as well.)
And all of this leads to another double-edged argument. If you complain about the game, people will tell you to shut up because it's a free product. If you're a subscriber and complain, people will tell you to to shut up and unsub. This is the beginning and the end of a circle-jerk mentality in that the only people allowed to say anything are those with only nice things to say or like-minded individuals who match the remainder of the community. (I'm not saying its your case in particular, STOPS, just stating examples I've seen.)
The ones with the power (subscribers) don't do anything and the reason why this project is going downhill is partially theirs - because they don't care, don't see the problem, or don't have the courage to speak up their minds. That's not "liking" a project nor is it "respect" towards the developer - if you watch someone stumbling towards a hole, you try to help, not whistle to the side, thinking it's not your place to intervene. At the end of the day, their indifference/inaction is just as harmful as some of the "shit-posts" I've written here about the game/dev... if not more.
A work in progress (and the end result of thereof) tend to be the reflex of those who made it and supported it. An unhealthy community and a developer with the wrong headspace, will lead to disaster.