Java - Lilith's Throne [v0.4.9.9] [Innoxia]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    My second time playing a text-based game and damn, it's a great one. The level of customization is insane and there's always something new to discover. I have a lot of hours in it already, and I can tell I'll pour a bunch more, but I can't even imagine how much better the game will get when it's completed. Props to the devs!
    Likes: TheK
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    It's a good experience even if is still not completed. You can read all other review to confirm but i can give one more incentive or another way to play:
    I played with my girlfriend and it was the best experience for both of us. We discover some fetish of each other and help us be together even if we are far away

    10/10 I'll be pegged online again
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best text-based games I ever find. Even without animations this masterpiece carving somethins special incide. The dialogs and actions are made with love and care, every single sentence from npc feeing alive. This game will make a fine addition to my collection. You should try it yourself. And if in the end you find enjoing it, don't forget to check discord server for this game, there is plenty of mods and presets.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    A really solid concept that takes the text based CoC/TiTS style of game and focuses on the player's ability to customize their experience. There is a main plotline and some special characters, but in my opinion the game's best aspect is in the randomly generated (but user constrained) content as the main plot/characters still need more development and polish. There are tons of different options for races, genders, orientations, body parts, and fetishes. If you love the idea of being able to create characters based on your search terms for rule34 content then this is your jam.
    It's an incredibly ambitious game for a text-based rpg, and the collage of menus is just a testament to that. It's not hard to fully understand once you get a bit of experience and it's only natural that there be so many menus and text boxes when the game is tracking so much information, but it can be a bit overwhelming at times to keep track of everything going on, especially when more than 2 characters are involved in a scene. But the logic behind the systems in place is very coherent, especially the sex event system which might be the best I've ever seen in a text-based game.
    As other's have mentioned, the game is kind of spread thin across all these different systems, and sometimes I struggle to find the narrative and/or gameplay value of having these options. Sure the variety is cool, but I wish there was more character interaction content available related to those options. I just wish there was more character content in general. Hearing that the companion system was basically discontinued was surprising, considering that it was one of the strongest points about the game in my opinion, despite being incomplete. But that may just be a smaller part of the overall problem that this game has many features that seem underdeveloped. It does really offer something for almost anybody interested in these types of games, but I feel that the slow development progress so many people have complained of was inevitable with the sheer amount of different systems interacting with each other. Perhaps a more focused vision would have been easier to work on, but I'm no game developer.
    I give this game 4 stars because I personally found a solid amount of enjoyment from this game, but I feel that people who are looking for a rich narrative experience might not enjoy it as much. There's a lot of text and customizable content, but that's more about specific sex scene setups as opposed to being a plot/character driven story experience like in CoC. This game is more like a gonzo shoot where you're the director having your actors play out the fetishes you are into one scene after another. For many, that's exactly what they're looking for and this game has it.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This game had great potential, from the customisation to the sexual interaction's control, and it not being too text heavy.

    The problems are the complete lack of balance, horrible progression system, artificial restrictions(with certain character interactions). and lack of meaningful updates.

    the player's power goes from 0 to 100 a few minutes after the beginning of the game, money becomes instantly trivial to acquire, and the game is practically abandoned, with the rare updates only being tiny bug fixes, with scarce droplets of content.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Without a doubt my favorite text-based porn game of all time. There's a lot of kinks that you can find or avoid depending on your taste. And all things considered, the gameplay/combat system is actually enjoyable. I cannot recommend this game enough.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    inuitive combat system, sex sytem, world building is all great. A lot of content, it took me many hours to complete all quests. The experience is highly cutomziable depending on your preferences. I feel like melee weapons are a bit OP especially because the magic system is really interesting but never worth it really (except for maybe flash) .
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is so broad in many areas: the character creation lets you modify practically everything, the sex scenes are fully interactive, you can enable or disable any fetishes you like or don't, you can even "make" a family.
    The only limitation i feel it has is obviously the lack of images, it only has them for plot important characters, but this is not a bad thig, i prefer it this way better than being flodded with images.
    The game also makes it easier to read/follow with the colored text.
    And the game is also open source and moddable.
    Overall i love this game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game gets a lot of hate for not getting finished quickly enough, but there is a lot to love here.

    I think it has the best dynamic in-combat text generator of any of these as well as a lot of the great lust, transformation, furry content that Fenoxo's stuff has. If you liked TiTs or COC then you'll probably enjoy this one for a while.

    The big issue here is that the dev took on a ton of extra ambitious stuff before they are ready so most of the story is under construction. Might be a good one to wait another year on if you find that frustrating.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    the game is literally top tier. Everything is just *French hand*.
    The customization is over the top.

    There are a couple of things that can be added (or may be just a personal preference to users):
    1. Adding number of penises to your character (like at the max 3? maybe 4?)
    2. Adding an option in 'buggy' menu to in-depth customize the slaves that are nearby or owned by the player.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Basically wonderful and really fun, also has a lot of potential, and it already has a good amount of mods that change the game quite a bit, I love how creative the devs are with the writing and well... everything, I recommend it.
  12. 4.00 star(s)



    Great game, all it needs is just more time- Balance, Quality of Life and Content updates.

    There's a few problematic features I'd love to get attention- that's
    Consistency (described versus shown statistically),
    Convenience (managing inventories is messy),
    Balance (with an open world and so many enemies there's inconsistent difficulty / reward).

    There's also enchanting -
    You get an absurd amount of essences and even using them as you please, still end up with hundreds to spare.

    Enchantments range from balanced early stats due to stability limit, to barely increasing limit later in the game while absurdly powerful.

    My suggestion is to make enchanting a skill you get better by having individual enchantments be Level, Loot or Quest rewards with increases of how effective (strong) and efficient (costly) it is.

    For Quality of life, books, spells and scrolls should display read, learned, points in possession. Body parts should have consistent information- best both numerical and descriptive instead of having to guess what numbers correspond to what status (like tight-loose, small-extreme). The buttons for self and other targeting should not be next to one another in the menu screen (quick-load is often faster then re-equipping). Special item sets should show other items required for set bonus (and what it may be).
    Job benefits should be available to obtain and (un-)equip in-game - there's already item sets for maid, butler and a few others, why not work that done enough grants a perks?

    Balance is always tricky in open-worlds, but at least loot with enchantments should matter a whole lot (like the suggested enchanting changes).

    There's more content to come.

    Is great, looks promising, keep up the good work!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    it has a decent history, interesting mechanics but with little to none sexual content, because once you see all interaction with one character, why would you have sex with another person if it is the same text, at least with important character like metaxis or liliya it should be a especial event (i know you need to something to be able to have sex with metaxis or helena and i like that but once you are having sex it is the same as everone else . it is a little bit unbalance, mele is by far the best opcion, after it is magic and by far the worst is lust, i think it could be fix with a good skill tree, the tree we have is too pointless, most of it feel like very unrewarding, like why if i reach the bottom of a tree i still receive only 1 shield it should be at least 3 or 5. the perks are the only thing worth.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I can say without a doubt that this is the best erotic text-based RPG.

    This game offers a wide variety of option in order to include every kind of players where it offers the following:

    • A fetish system where your character and every npc have different sexual encounters
    • An impossibly wide amount of species ranging from cat girl, harpy, lamia and every mainstream fantasy species TO FUCKING CAPYBARA GIRLS
    • A slave management system where you can purchase one of your choosing and train her.
    • A pregnancy system where I don't need to explain it (except where your kids become adults at birth, and no, not the toddler kind).
    And all those setting can be edited in the menu, where you can disable fetish or remove the Capubussy.

    The story itself is ok, but the development progress is a bit slow.

    The only problem I can point out is the fight system, where it's hard to fight and in most cases your character gets raped. Like, a lot of times.

    TL,DR: you have a fetish, it's in this game
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Been following this one for a while. Really great concept and gameplay.
    It may not have the most content but what is there has been continually refined and expanded upon.
    I like that the companion and party feature still remains as an option even though it cut content.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    100 percent worth the download, despite being a work in progress Litith's Throne is an amazing game with a great story (all be it unfinished) interesting game mechanics and AMAZING sex scenes only downside over all is the lack of art for many characters yet it does not hinder the over all experience. Wish I could forget about this game just to play it again for the first time
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    As of the current version at the time of this writing, version v0.4.3.9, I would of given this game 5 stars due to how you can tweak various settings to fit the game in how you want to play and because of the story where
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    . This on top of silly mode letting me be an American tourist meant I could of been the sole American human in a furry filled Britain hang on to his humanity and apperance while impregnating British furry women with FREEDOM. But I'm giving it three stars because my sentiments are similar to other users in regards to the development and changes the game has faced.

    To start off, the game lets you choose what furries you want prowling around or how often you want humans to come in, what sex, gender, and genitals you want to encounter on top of what age you want to encounter them(as in if you want young adult male herms walking around or old cis-gender grannies. Yes, you can pick how old you want them to be and what gender/sex there is for encounters). The last version lets you choose what skin color you want as well which may be a plus if you were aiming for specific type without altering a character via transformation items. Fetishes can also be altered on a character so if you didn't want a foot fetishist, you could simply force them to drink a potion to get rid of it and make them into someone that's into kissing instead. In short, this adds a lot to the player in what they want to encounter. Sex also has some depth in that you can pick various positions, pick how gentle or rough, and read the text where it says things like "your roughly fuck your enemy in an anal mating press as you deliver a sloppy kiss on his human lips" or "your slave sucks your cock as you gently thrust into her feline muzzle." Technically depending on where you're at, sex positions can vary but otherwise, it's not a crafted sex scene like CoC but at the very least you can let your imagination work it out though it may not be for everyone.

    Player customization is standard transformation stuff similar to CoC and Flexible Survival but this can be chosen by the player in what transformations they want. No RNG based transformations where you lose your horse dick for a dog dick when you can simply choose what cock you want while retaining your human face with cat ears. Fetishes and sexual attraction to whichever sex can also be chosen which means if some succubus tried to sway your character whose a gay man that hates impregnation, the succubus's won't be arousing to said gay player even if she didn't use a impregnation based tease. All these points are the high points I have since I'm pretty much like how this allows me agency in what I can pick in partners for my protag as well as crafting him into what he could look like and what he could be into or not into as unlike other games like CoC, he definitely won't be aroused by futanaris or rim jobs while he's fucking furry women in the name of Humanity Fuck Yeah and regular women of varied skin colors impregnated with his seed because I'd envision him as a Southeast Asian that wouldn't get much rep in a porn game compared to a Japanese protags.

    Now the reason I'm giving this game three stars is as others have said which are the downsides: Unlike others though, I'm lucky not to face bugs that tanked performance but then again, my last playthrough didn't end up having a lot of tiles populated with furry and human muggers and prostitutes. Then again that playthrough was done on a mid-range desktop rather than an outdated laptop from almost 10 years ago. Even then, there are various changes made to the game that have altered the experience, from abandoning the concept of party members which can still be toggled but is more or less abandoned. I honestly can still see it have potential as I prefer having my furry waifu slave by my side steamrolling enemies after getting her into a few high level fights and hearing her input when I finally go to the other village that dev's still working on. Another downside is the change to combat where now you have to use action points which radically changed in how you fight with magic. Before in previous versions, you could blind your enemy in the same turn but now you have to try it with action points and meet a specific criteria which makes the blind spell feel worthless. Changes to potions in adding limits means no longer being an OP god for an in-game day as they now cap at a certain threshold. One last change was an arcane limit where if you equipped too much magical items, you can suffer in corruption that also nerfs your health or lust down to its number and if you got hit physically or sensually, you lose though on the upside, this did allow me to use a mating press without it biting me in purity after unequipping enough magic items to bring my character back to a stable state and it can be toggled so it's not all bad if you wanted to keep that unbalanced, overpowered aspect. While it took me a while to get use to the changes, I preferred the old combat and potion system even if it was unbalanced. The biggest con to this though is the development time in that it's been a few years since development and the game's second settlement, a farm town, barely has any content compared to stuff being added in like new races which could of been put on a back burner and released alongside the town and something like armpit sex which while some may be into that, that should of taken a back burner compared to bigger things like newer places and quest tied to them.
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    Al Gore

    I can't in good conscience give this game 1 star because it has a strong foundation and I've certainly gotten my share of entertainment out of it, but the dev has some serious issues. There are few (furry) porn games that combine good random generation, sex mechanics, customization, and half-decent (not perfectly balanced) combat like Lilith's Throne does.

    That being said, the game has been in a development hell twilight zone for years because the dev constantly underdelivers on promises. There are two real possibilities. Either the dev has some serious mental problems, or is a psychopath that manipulates their SubscribeStar donors. Either way it's tough to say if it will ever get finished.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Lot's of things to do but little to dive in. Played this game a long while ago and years later it doesn't feel like much changed or improve. It also has the same problem as many sandbox game, trying to fit in a main story with the whole system, making the whole development a lot longer. It feels like there is no clear objective/vision from the author.

    Was really excited when I saw there was modding potential but that is puddle deep too. Can only add items and race.

    The sex/transformation system is rarely touched on when it's really the lifeblood of the game. So many things could be added/tweaked with real progression. Many details are sadly omitted in scenes too.

    I hope modding is expanded upon or that the game itself becomes a community project.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is near unplayable. A buggy mess that almost never gets updated. The rare update doesn't add anything of substance (like for example continuing the main quest), instead it is just more empty broken content system or racial variant #69.
    The economy is a mess, the items are a mess.
    There are a million customization options but most of them do not actually do anything.