But it needs to be pass by some days, before the fiancé notices or tells. If you cheat and tell the next day, it more of a sharing route not cheat.Well. Even if you tell after you have cheated, it's technically still cheating.
If on cheat path, better option would be
For saul, when Lisa accidentally fucks him first time on bed and later discover paul in shower. Instead of fucking him, she should have been dominant and tell him to leave so that she could shower alone. Then again, for footjob it was not needed to tell paul about it,just make some excuse. In the bar scene, Lisa could have said she needs to fix her makeup while saul gets a mystery call suddenly and he leaves while the waitress bring drinks to paul . You get the idea.
For carter, after being creampied 2nd and 3rd time no need to tell. Also she mentions she wont tell about getting fingered in ass and then creampied but next day she tells it.But actually she shouldnt tell.
This is how cheating path supossed to work. First time under paul's vision is fine. But subsequent scenes when paul is not present in scene no need to tell him later on cheat path.
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