RPGM - Lisa [v3.0.4] [PaleGrass]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    There really is not much I can say here that hasn't been said, part of being this late to the party I suppose. I was initially apprehensive about this game because it seemed really generic fem protag corruption game on renpy, no offense to other creators or their games but they just feel way too dumb with the story progression, especially the ones like this where the protag is a 10/10 girl with a boyfriend that can barely pass as good looking.
    Lisa however has subverted my expectations, the mc is absolutely loveable, her boyfriend like I said earlier might not be the best looking guy in town but honestly once you start to play and are introduced to him, he just grows on you. The way the corruption is brought up and the people she's sleeping around with also makes sense cause it isn't some dumbass geezer but actually hot guys like Calvin. Same goes for other characters too, I think I like everyone they've introduced so far save for Troy who just feels really really shallow.
    I was initially not gonna talk about the renders cause honestly there is nothing to talk about here, the characters are fucking beautiful and the mc in particular is easily one of the most beautiful characters, there is actually nothing to nitpick about her.

    I will concede that this isn't exactly a masterpiece gameplay wise, there really isnt any gameplay at all, which is fine because it does just well without it and I can only imagine that gameplay elements like puzzles and shit will degrade the quality of the product since this isn't the kind of game that needs gameplay. It is a porn game with a story focus and it is a 5/5 at being just that.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best "western" games i have ever played.
    Great and realistic plot and character decisions/thoughts (emotion/logic vise). 9/10
    Realistic Artwork and Graphics 10/10

    But the only thing i find useless is the fateful path....
    Both cheating and hotwife paths are KING!
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Ok I’m a huge admirer of griding games and slow pace seduction and whatnot but this game didn’t live up to my expectations. I may be the only one but i think It sucked big time for me and maybe many people will like and i don't wanna ruin anyone's expectation try for yourself is all i can say but it's not my cup of tea.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Now, in the world of porn games, (at least in the European sector of porn games, lol), two great prono games can be distinguished: this game is Lisa, and the second is Fashion Business.
    Each of these games deserves the highest rating in all criteria.
    Pale Grass, took a non-standard path and chose to create a game on the RPG engine, for which he deserves special respect.
    Also, it deserves respect that Pale Grass regularly makes updates, regularly communicates with the fans of his game - this is very important when there is feedback from the author of the game.
    I want to wish the author of the game good luck in this project, and also that Pale Grass does not reduce the quality of the content. Good Luck Pale Grass!!!!!!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    An Absolute Banger. Loved everything about this game.
    Engaging storyline, beautiful characters, multiple routes, and slow corruption.
    I'll give this game a 5/5 star and I hope the dev follows through and finish it.
    His pace with producing high-quality content has been good, let's hope it stays the same so we can enjoy it more.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I discovered this game about 2 updates ago and I've always played the Renpy version, as I'm not a RPGM fan, but the game is so good that this is the first rpgm I'm playing haha. I loved Lisa, she is literally a dream girl and has already become one of my favorites in this type of games. The story is pretty cool and the renders are high quality. I like NTR games and this has easily become one of my favorites. Great game, I hope it continues at this pace and has many updates yet!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The story telling style is amongst the best and and ofcourse the animation is phenomenal. The best part is that each and every release does not disappoint and always lives upto the expectations. Keep up the awesome work !
  8. 1.00 star(s)

    Mychael Dark

    So fucking boring that I couldn't even make it through the damned intro. Saw all the great reviews and thought I'd give it a try. 40 minutes later and I'm still in the fucking intro. Text speed is atrocious and unchangeable. Can't say anything about the rest of the game since I lost all desire to play. After 25 minutes spent most of the time holding down the w key and spam clicking the mouse. 15 minutes later and still not through.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    If you dont mind being locked into XXX scenes then this is 3.5*

    So the character of Lisa is good, well written and acts like human. the other characters in this game are also good and introduced good. The biggest flaw this game has FOR ME is that the xxx scenes are not optional, you strat off with the obligatory annoying boyfriend who you as the player HAVE TO get intimate with! this is an rpgm game whih is cool, i dont mind.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well thought out plot and top notch rendering.

    Easily one of my top 5 games on the site due to several factors...

    1) The developer is active and responds well to suggestions, especially friendly and provides regular status updates.

    2) Lacks the grind factor that makes most RPGM games a total pain to progress through, smoothly plotted and well written and the addition of a Ren'py version greatly expands the target of the audience.

    3) Has a bit of everything subject wise to give the game an even broader appeal with the bonus option to avoid content that some may find objectionable.... all while maintaining the core focus of the game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game. Most characters have realistic traits and some depths, this makes the story and the adult scenes more interesting , adult scenes feel real(its a rare thing in this genre) and are exciting.

    Im not a big fan of rpgm so this review is based on the ren'py version. Which is very well made and usually posted a few hours after the official rpgm release.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Its is more of a VN then erotic game. In the sense that there is more emotional elements then erotic. If you consider that a positive then you should give it a try. I personally think there is too much emotion involved and I can't enjoy it the way I wanted to. If you humanize her boyfriend so much , then its difficult to NTR you know . I personally think its a bad decision.

    other than that , I think there is some scope for QOL changes , which are not that difficult to maintain . Mainly the lack of a quest tab. Other than that , the MC is very good , other models are overused ones though. So , overall 4 stars I guess. Not revolutionary , still a good play.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say the game ezigt vie potentia. you can see that the author artist puts a lot of time and feeling into it. And the Carter in the game you just have to love now the ones you hate who fulfill their role well (unfortunately) It's a game that values the story and personality of Carkter. what takes a lot of time and development just for that you should play it at least once and see how far the artist has gone so far. The story goes into the hot phase. I would say the course of the development of this game you shouldn't let go of your euhc have fun testing it. Don't forget if you like to have a tringle for the arts ; )

    Oh what I have forgotten warning how do you decide for the route you can see scenes that are not everyone's taste should only be increased and taken into account. The Femal MC can grow in love with you like me and then you don't want to reload it every time to do better. The light is also beautiful ; )
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I discovered the game this weekend, what a gem! And after I have read your introduction to your first public release version, I have to show you my respect! It's really impressive what you achieved since October 2020, kudos! I played the Ep2 Ch2 0.5 Beta 1 and thought WTF? The game was released in June 2021, how much content did you put in that?! This is more and not to forget, QUALITY, content than many devs release in years! The RPGM is used excellent, no single crash in meanwhile 17 hours playtime, not once! Good explaining where to find what, your render skills are really good (although the night scenes are bit too dark in my opinion), Lisa is gorgeous (although I am not a fan of monster tits but you morph them too to look realistic, fantastic!), there are some nice kinks in it (I hope more to come, but well paced!), the tease, the build up, and the descriptive sex scenes, matching perfectly to the images, are everything I want (for example the bar scene with Duncan was sooo hot! I do not approve such stuff in real life, I would kill those dudes in the blink of an eye, but those games are about fantasies!). Or the detail that the location in your render images matches the RPMG maps ... I could praise you even more, but I think, after approx. two years not supporting anyone patreon, you get my 10$ a month, says enough. I am still stunned! Really amazing, keep up this phenomanal work! The only thing I have to critize are some facial expressions which are not so good in my opinion (btw, Vivian is a stunner! favourite female right after Lisa!). What I would like to see (discover!) are more random scenes. That's why RPGMs are so much fun, roaming around, using the bus, train, etc. and discover a new scene here, another there (groping, etc.) or find something on the map which triggers some kinky stuff, depending on that stats of the MC (which you already have implemented). I wish you success with this game, that you earn some good money with it. Good work should pay off! And hopefully keeps you motivated so we can see much more stuff of Lisa and kinks in this high quality, well paced manner!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, I really hate RPGM games..but since my first adult game was Anna in early 2020, I have to try it. I'm playing from the first chapter, my only "problem" is that the message speed is way too low. I've seen some hottie in the last 2 years..but oh boy, Lisa is always melt my "heart".. Dialogues, writing is extremely hot too, and there is soo much content already. Ginas and Sharon face a little bit weird..but wouldnt call it a problem.
    Camping trip alone worth a 5 star..
  16. 3.00 star(s)



    so sad and unfortuante. after nearly 2 years i downlaoded this game again and wanted to look after its content and if there was aynthing improved on since my review back in the past... unfortunately not really... and i really wanted to support this game on patreon but not like this. i gave it 4 stards back then, no i would give it 3 stars and thats not cause of the writing or quality, but cause of the options, the quests, the unskippable stuff, the stuff i can't choose to deny even i can save before it, way too many similar characters in looks and too many connecting stuff which forces you to do certain quest you maybe don't wanna do...
    e.g. i can't go to the party, cause i need to meet with viv but when i decline her lesbo romance i still need to go to hear but to visit luca whose content stopped for me as soon as possible cause i hate little wannabe cool pricks. so i can't do the party anymore it seems (?).

    the reason i wanted to support this game are:
    + the really really GREAT looking fmc (nice outfits, sweet face, great curves)
    + the really really hot sex scenes! (mostly with guys i would like to avoid or just be friends...)
    + the really nice writing (prime example is the story scene with malik - really dramatic and mature and cool!)
    + you see the experience in rpgmaker which is also nice (also really GREAT renders)
    + the many little things like the loading screens, the creativness in some quest etc.
    + humour (putting "yourself" in the game is a nice gimmick for example ;-)
    (+ POTENTIALLY many kinks which isn't really a thing even the game feels like it...)

    but the negative stuff is overshadowing the good stuff more me at this point. and i played this game for 7 hours on my weekend cause i hoped and hoped and waited. but it seems no, nothing happens. my 4 hours of this 7 hours of gameplay feel completely wasted for me. for example: i can't skip the big events like the school event, the camping event or the mod-shop events (which all i personaly don't care for really), i also cant cheat on her bf or say to him "lets be just friends cause the chapter of us being a couple is past for me and i want to evolve". so so many nicely introduced and executed events which i REALLY dont care for, nearly forced - or forced (like the scene with her bf and moddy-guy in the bath-tub scene) and when there actually is a character i would look forward to he either gets killed, is side character you can't just talk to a few times or isn't even talkable at all and just there for a scene or two. its tedious, exhausting and especially annoying and frustrating after so many hours, that you get the generally get the feel you have choices and live in a corrupted/kinky place but the truth is you don't really have much choices and most is there to push the different stories of characters forward (at least i) mostly don't care for - even its great writing... gosh am i currently pissed now... need to take a break... maybe see you in 2 years again, but now i doubt much will change or get improved on beside the stuff the creator is already good at.


    puuh well what can i say there are some really good and some really ... exhausting things about this game.

    + female mc who looks really great

    + nice renders
    + nice dialogues
    + nice introducation
    + nice slow (a bit too slow) pogress of getting more naughty
    + many options to safe even with warning

    - too much unskippable stuff
    - too corny in the long scene at the end
    - missed opportunities to spice the story up like getting lost in that temple and either: 1. find a new realm alone 2. encounter a creature, alien or ancient man 3. find an ancient artifact which corrupts her step by step - all better than just waling around and finding the same guy you try to avoid... and then all go home happy
    - the only option to get ntr is to have unavoidable (sharing) scenes with her boyfriend which are also not even skippable... even they are nicely rendered

    the game started interesting, the girl is really really lovely, dialogues are greatly written BUT this game turned out to be more of a college student soap opera romance movie... much emotional stuff but no tension, nothing interesting, forced characters, and even there are options the options are most mediocre and the big ones are very similar which means too few options to form the character in my opinion. the long last scene was a total waste of time for me personally bu you have to do it, there are no real choices but you need the points and you have to do scenes with particual boys to unlock more and the scenes are extremely long and not skippable even they are ofc very nice made... missed opportunities so far and i want my last about 15/20 min back... didn't want to play a melodrama student adventure with no adventure beside some "this cute boy or this cute boy stuff" sorry but for this i do have plenty tv shows (which i always skip personally)

    but its still hard work and again i like the dialogues and the pics of the mc and mc's curves and look very much otherwise i would have give the game so far just low 3 stars.
    => but srsly add more real options and more spice to the story. too linear, too romantic, too student afternoon tv movie. the only real intersting thing was the temple which was a big missed opportunity and the explosion/thief guy/accidents which could get interesting later on. the rest of this game so far is nice but hella boring the girl is amazing tho
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Kinky Bully

    Let's get the complaints out of the way :
    1. The models: The main protagonist is extremely hot. But other female models look a bit creepy in my opinion.
    2. The bigger problem: RPGM :cry: . (personal opinion)

    Now for the good parts:
    1. The scenes are very damn hot.
    2. Many choices and variants.
    3. A lot of future potential for many scenes.
    4. Some characters, including males and females have very likable and interesting personalities.

    1. The story. Very simple. Nothing extraordinary.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Cute and sexy MC, amazing Story .... rich content, frequent updates, great graphics... indeed a perfect recipe....... not too many branches which makes you very difficult to track and play.... still enough route to make some choices
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, just wow! This game is unexpectedly good! This dear devs, is how you make renders. And I'm not talking quality only. Expressions, gaze, gestures, everything looks realistic and even professional in my opinion. Fantastic story with slow and steady corruption of Lisa. Exactly my kind of thing. The only minus at the moment would be the joker-like smiley expressions that change their faces drastically and it looks weird and maybe a little more interaction in the RPGM aspect (After all it's a RPGM game right?). The only issue I have is that some scenes are way too long and you can't save during them until you get back to RPG world. Other than that - love it, deserves support!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    It's still interesting to me that devs are still interested in using RPGM, especially for what is essentially a VN, but it's worth a download.

    I am not sure what's up with the models as most of the NPCs look to be using the same model with some morphs dialed in. For me, their faces are distracting, but admittedly, we are not here for the faces.

    The step mom is a joke and if she has really been a big part of the MC's life, then I think the MC would have turned out a lot different then she is at the start of the game. I mean why try to turn your step daughter into a slut now? Why wait so long?

    The MC's friends are all kind of vapid and seem nothing like the MC. It's hard to imagine how they have stayed friends for so long. None of the NPCs are interesting and have any real interesting back story, with the exception of the owner of the beach bar.

    The biggest con, imo, is that it's really just another, dated corruption game. Few of the scenarios are new and there is plenty of familiar faces in the game. The obnoxious, full of himself jock, the lovable geek, the bar full of obnoxious men... Then of course there are the scores you have to grind a little bit to get before being able to view a scene. Just some of the same old stuff we have been seeing for years.

    Several of the renders suffer from the RPGM effect with several scenes having no real background and are just the characters rendered on a black screen.

    The renders are pretty good with some awesome ones thrown in here and there. The pacing of the story is pretty good and the grind is not too bad. The best part is the MC is very smart and is played that way. While this is a corruption game and you do have to suspend some disbelief, it is handled really well here and in some cases, it is a fresh approach. The MC can be faithful, into sharing or she can cheat and the scenarios aren't too crazy or far fetched. Regardless, I like the way the MC thought through the situations and she had some decent options to choose from.

    The Dev is definitly talented. And I think this is why I am more dissapointed then I should be. The renders are good and I really like the MC as she is likable and hot. Plus the sex scenes are all really well done. It has been a while since I have enjoyed the "content" in these games like I did in this one and really, that is why most of us are here.

    There are some great scenes as well, getting lost in the caves and the pool party on the swim trip were really well done. For me, however, the corruption genre is just a little dated. So many of these VNs these days have great stories to go along with the content and this Dev has the ability to produce something like that and instead opted for a dated trope.

    Having said all that, it is still worth a download. The dev dropped a huge amount of content for an initial release and it shows they are serious about development. Plus, the "content" is really good. Just don't expect much from the story.