RPGM - Lisa [v3.0.4] [PaleGrass]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Where the hell did this game come from? Heaven? It is so long and so good (even though its in RPGmaker too?!) What a great start to a corruption / NTR / Cheating game! ill jump right in to my good and bad points with some more to say after...

    - The Writing: This game has great writing and amazing characters that for the most part feel real and only add to the feeling of corruption and sexy situations! Most NTR games (American ones) lack great character build up that makes the corruption even sweeter when you get to it, and this game has that.
    - Its long: Its fucking long! SO much love was put into this first release that I can hardly believe it, It feels like the dev worked on it for 8 months, the episode 1 title is definitely misleading.
    - Detailed World: I hate RPG maker games, they just wind up being a waste of time 9 times out of 10 but this game does it right by only using the RPG featured for exploration and discovery (plus letting you pick your own side quests). The story is beefy and most of the time your viewing a story part and not running around "killing 10 wolfs" to proceed (more on this in the BAD section). MOST of the time the dev makes it very clear where you go for what task, thats not to say that this doesnt need an active quest log though please. Also I loved the little H-events that just happen while your exploring like the guy who feels you up walking down the street, please let us see Lisa's progressing corruption by how she reacts to the groping (like she eventually likes it or something). Long section short those events are great spice.
    - Renders are good: I cant say they are beautiful but most the girls including Lisa look hot (the friends are hot as fuck). The moms nipples did freak me out a bit, she is missing hard nipples? all she has is areolas? huh? but otherwise nice renders and the locations are beautiful too, seeing a goofy RPG maker view then zoom to a real render always is jarring but it works.
    - Sex Scenes Detailed: The sex scenes are hot and well rendered as well, very descriptive text that isnt something stupid like "unf unf unf" " ohh mmmm" spammed 15 times. The inner monologe of Lisa is perfect and we need this for the cheating and NTR aspects, it totally helps show the corruption of Lisa's attitude and sexual drive. Plus the first cheating sex scene was so uncontrollably hot and totally took me by surprise.
    - NTR / Cheating: The NTR / Cheating is by far my favorite part (and most peoples?) and it was done so amazing. games like this ("a wife and a mother" as well) work SO well with NTR themes because its already dealing with a MC turning into a slut (becoming more sexually free). I do have some suggestions though that ill write at the end.
    - Dark: This game is not afraid to get dark and I fucking love that. The bar scene? Wow, fucking great stuff man.

    - RPG maker sucks: I'm sorry RPG maker games still bug the shit out of me, they are not optimized for reading text like renpy games are, like the slow speed at which text appears is painful and the skipping sucks or doesn work! There are multiple bugs I ran into that caused me to replay 30 min of dialog that I couldn't skip, not I'm not blaming the dev for this its all RPG maker lol. I know the Dev is fixing bugs very quick and I eventually installed "MV cheat" to be able to edit the characters position in the world to avoid bugs myself but it then broke the barely working "hold shift to skip" function! fuck! This Dev does make use of the RPG elements but it does bum me out to use this shit engine.
    - Animations: these would be cool ( I want to see Lisa's jiggling milkers so bad) but honestly its not necessary the game is great so far without them, no stars taken off.
    - Minor problems: some minor issues like when I accepted the main "swimming trip" quest I must have missed or blown past the "this will take three days" text because I thought the game was bugged because Lisa wouldn't go on the trip! A quest log would fix this or some text on the screen saying "days before the swimming trip". Also going home to change clothes for quests is super lame and not fun at all, I understand why it needs to happen but maybe just let her change on the spot or something.

    Long story short I loved this game and Ive played more than 23 hours of it! Its so good and even the "side quests" feel like main story. I cant wait for more and ill probably be joining your patreon.
    P.S. ill make a comment in the main thread about my thoughts on some missed opportunities.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually avoid RPGM games because I hate RPGM UI and gameplay, but I played this all day and could not get enough of it!
    The MC is absolutely smoking hot...plus it seems like the author has a genuine feel for human interaction...her relationship with anothers feels remarkably real.
    Great job PaleGrass.
    I'm looking forward for the next episode!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best new game in the last 12 months, easily. And I've tried quite a lot.
    The corruption development is great, renders are awesome, especially Lisa, who is absolutely gorgeous !! Huge content for a first release.
    It would be great to add like some kind of journal of tasks, to be sure you haven't missed anything.

    Great job PaleGrass, i've read you have worked 8 months for this first episode, and it really shows in your game ! It's well polished.
    I'm looking forward for the next episode !
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    Guys, this game is a jewel.

    Story, plot, assets, I like all of it.

    I like that sex scenes are long, very well described, full of assets and details. After the RPGM little grind the DEVELOPER correctly reward the user with long detailed sex scenes (I LOVED the threesome on the pool)...

    Honestly subscribe to the dev patron and support these guys, the quality is outstanding.

    What I would improve.....well I would like to see more hardcore sex scenes (rape, blackmail, etc..) the schoolboy's sex is not real my cup of tea.

    Let's see next episodes.....

    UPDATE April 2024,
    Unfortunately I found this game became boring and smooth like a vanilla ice-cream.
    We all know the issue with the censorship..... but unfortunately from my point of view the game lost some spark.

    I lower to 4 stars because the art and the sex scenes are amazing!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very meaty start! Chapter 1 is ridiculously long for a debut, and I was fully engrossed throughout. First of all the MC is absolutely smoking hot...plus it seems like the author has a genuine feel for human interaction...the relationship with her girlfriends feels remarkably real. I'm very intrigued about the various routes, but I'm also a bit worried that despite the illusion of choice in this game, there really isn't much in the way of deviating from the main path. I.e., after sitting through a second boyfriend sex scene, it really didn't feel like I was on the "cheating" path. But besides that, this is a very promising game!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game if you like corruption !

    For a first release, their is a good amount of content with very nice renders. I really like Lisa character and, damn, I need a spin off with Sharon !

    There is still rooms of improvment regarding gameplay (less repetitive, more save points, gallery mode, ...) and some bugs to be fixed (got stuck several times in different places) but I'm really considering supporting the game if updated regularly
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok so I will keep it short and simple
    Is the game worth playing? even though it's just a first release episode 1 already has a ton of content so a BIG yes.
    + Awesome renders.
    + Great models.
    + The story is well written and well-paced doesn't feel rushed or too slow.
    + Most of the characters that are introduced till now have some personality not just there to be a fuckdoll.
    + Most of the sharing/cheating content is avoidable.
    + The FMC boyfriend is not beta XD he is also packing a huge ding dong (which I rarely see in this type of game).
    + Great amount of content easily 5 Hours+
    - The only real con this game has right now for me is probably the lack of animation I mean let's be real here it's 2021 already (Although The dev did say that he tried but couldn't do it because of system limitations) So there's a hope that we might get some if he is able to upgrade his system.

    Since it's the first release there are some bugs but the dev is very active so they mostly fixed quickly.
    All in all the game definitely worth trying even if you don't like RPGM.
    Keep up the good work dev.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Potentially a great game that is held back by 2 things.

    First the good.

    Despite many of the scenarios being right out of a porn flick, the writing is all very plausible. The characters feel real (mostly) with believable emotions.

    Additionally, the themes are great for whatever you're looking for. There are 3 primary paths at the moment, which revolve around how the MC handles her relationship with her boyfriend.

    Cheating, which, lets be honest, most people are going to go with.
    Faithful. Curious to see if the maker can actually make this path work, given corruption is almost mandatory.
    Sharing/Hot Wife(GF). My favorite. I've been looking for a game/story where the "cheating" or sharing is done as much at the man's behest as the woman's. Add on some element of male domination (very light, very consensual) and its a dream come true for my kinks.

    Finally, the renders are really good.


    Which brings us to the first of our negatives. While really good a lot of the time, there are a lot of times they're just... scary. Especially when people smile. I think the artist needs to look at more references of what a person looks like when they smile. Every person who smiles in this game looks like they're auditioning for a role to chewy scenery as a Saturday morning cartoon villian. Its weird.
    Also, I can't be the only person who finds overly large breasts unattractive. They make a joke about the MC's best friend (Jo) being a B cup, but compared to Lisa's Z cup, I prefer Jo's. Which is a shame, because otherwise I really like Lisa's model.
    And her mother isn't sexy, she's nightmare fuel.

    Finally, most problematically, the game really doesn't need, and probably shouldn't be RPGM.
    It talks a lot about Free Roam, and how you can go all these different places. Unfortunately, like most Adult RPGM games, there's nothing on the map to DO. You can work different jobs, or access different shops, but you could just as easily do it all through a standard Ren'py interface. The game doesn't use any other RPGM mechanics (thankfully). No combat. No inventory. Not even any money. Items and costumes are added via story progression.
    Simply put, the map doesn't need to be there, and the game probably would have benefited from removing it.

    Additionally, many of the events, which are where the actual game and progression takes place, are rather wordy. I've gotten real sick of mashing the 'Z' key over and over again.

    The game just should have been done in Ren'py.

    Despite this, its surprisingly engaging and had more of my interest than I expected.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start to a game with plenty of content, great renders, decent story, good characters, and a whole lot of kinks/fetishes which may be it's biggest selling point for me. Let's go over a few things.

    1. The name, Lisa, is a bit generic. Not a big deal obviously.

    2. The story: The pace is pretty damn good in my opinion. Lisa is adventurous pretty early on, but doesn't get too wild until later in the episode. It gives everything a chance to build, which I really like. The side stories are interesting, but just in their initial stages so we'll see where they go in the future. If you like female MCs and corruption themes, you'll love it.

    3. The characters: Being a female MC you spend a lot of time with Lisa and she has the majority of the content. There's some others such as her Mom and her friends, but she gets the brunt of the content. For me that's great because I think Lisa is the most attractive in the game. She's not a complete pushover, but is a bit naive and is learning about her desires. It works.

    4. The content: There's a ton for a first release, don't hesitate waiting to play forever as there's plenty to see and do already.

    5. The renders: Really good. Lots of locations, worlds feel alive, characters look great. Only thing I notice is the cling around the breasts. Working within DAZ myself I know that's a bit issue with DAZ. There are workarounds, but I just don't think it's feasible for someone creating a game with a lot of content.

    6. The juicy stuff: There's a lot of it already and there's some really good stuff in here. I really like that the sex scenes aren't just a few images and we're done. They go on for a while, there's a lot of text during them, they escalate, it's great. I'm also a big fan of corruption stories, NTR, basically anything taboo and there's some really good stuff in here. I really like that there are some pretty dark scenes in this. To me, I like playing games to see something edgy, different, than what I can see normally and this has some great potential.

    I also like that the boyfriend isn't a complete douche. His scenes are actually pretty hot and it'll be interesting to see his relationship with Lisa expand.

    I like the dark stuff, the taboo, the group sex, the reluctance, the nervousness, etc. Would love to continue seeing her in predicaments especially with believable corruption and escalation.

    Overall: Really great start to a game with great renders, interesting story and characters, and really good sex scenes. I'm a fan of this content, but if you're not there may still be something there for you in one of the different routes.

    Great job dev and keep it up. I did the drinking scene and it was interesting to see Lisa get her first anal, hopefully we get to explore some more in that area and other really taboo extremes.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Based on EP 1 so far, this game has been very very promising. The fact that whilst using RPGM and a free roam format, there isn't a grind (i.e. killing a million enemies or being forced to eat or bath every day) is a blessing. The quality renders scenes are great, and the character models themselves are unique (or I have not seen them too much in other games at least). Finally, the story so far is fantastic, especially since the player's choices matter. I've already developed interest in practically all the plotlines (particularly the Deloittes, the Origami group and Luca's situation). And with the content that PaleGrass plans to introduce (at least according to their patreon page), Imma have to keep an eye on this one...
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    I usually avoid RPGM games because I hate RPGM UI and gameplay. Not really a fan of having to walk a whole lot to get to places and grind stuff.

    Yet, the art in this game caught my eye and I decided to give it a try. Oh boy, am I glad I did. The art in this game is FANTASTIC. Certainly among the best I've seen around here. Sex scenes are great and the girls are very very hot.

    The story has a corruption side that really spices up everything. Definitely looking forward for further releases. This game has the potential to be one of the best games here.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I just played and I was surprised, the main character is beautiful, the story is engaging and held me a lot from beginning to end, what bothered me a little is the rather slow way of passing the dialogue, besides the game for me is 10/10, I really enjoyed it, it has a bright future, I just hope that when the game starts to succeed and the money starts pouring in (probably happen on a whim) it doesn't turn into an awam, which comes out with a ridiculous little small update for year, this game has incredible potential, and it remains that way, a lot of content in episode 1, looking forward to episode 2. great job (y)

    Sorry for horrible english, it's not my native language, hope you understand :KEK::FacePalm:
  13. 5.00 star(s)



    Dick raising BEAUTIFUL graphics, A depraved, swinger MILF++ mother, a HOT and naive rich girl, her boyfriend who gets turned on by her being molested by strangers, a crime family playing by its own rules, an heir to the said family turned into a sexy tranny, a college with SEXY students AND Teachers with "devil may care attitude.. You put all this in the blender that is the suburbs of a beach town., and you get a MINDBLOWING experience that is this game.

    I positively hate RPGMs, but I played this all day and could not get enough of it!

    But the ICING on the Lisa shaped cake is the WONDERFUL Dev. @PaleGrass is dedicated, humble, responsive and an alll around awesome person!! He has an eye for sexy and is the dev we need but maybe don't deserve!! I wish there were more stars I could give just for the Dev.

    Try this game... you will love it!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    First time i review something, such good game for the first episode and i can't wait for the next one.
    Gameplay is good no grinding for a rpgmaker game, visuals are also good, facial expressions could use some upgrades tho , keep it up good sir.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written game with the right pace. A lot of content even for the initial release. The creator has done a really good job on this one. Only flaw is the rpgm system. Rather prefer renpy. But given the open world gameplay the content is really nice. Hope we'll get the next updates within the least span of time. Really love the game bro good job
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Chef's kiss

    Not a slow burner, but not rushed also. Perfect pace on this game.

    Couple of bugs, so save often and on different saves, but for EP1 release I dont remember a game with this much content.

    Good luck Dev.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    memes memer

    overall, i'd say it's 8.5/10 but i'm giving it 5 stars because it offers something distinct and is well worth the play. my main criticism is pacing.

    visual quality 9/10 - especially a lot of the materials and "bells and whistles" are some of the best i've seen in an erotic game, especially the fluids and cum appearance. i'd say the thing that sticks out the most is that the tongues look like they don't match up with the pretty much superb quality of everything else. like they look unnatural and sharp sometimes and like dry or fake.

    designs, 9.5/10 - i'd say near perfect. the characters feel distinct both in appearance and personality, and the models really match their personalities. i really love the main character, she has a unique aesthetic with her having a sort of "babe body" with sorta a cute/shy face. i don't know if she's asian because she has blue eyes but she kinda looks asian and i have to say she's probably the first asian character i've seen in an erotic game that actually looks attractive and not like a stereotype-cartoon of an asian female. the only criticism i have, especially since she is the main character, is sometimes her lips look kinda sharp and unnaturally thin. it's only in some scenes. and also in some still where she smiles/laughs aggressively, her face doesn't look quite right.

    pacing 6/10 - it's not horrible but it does feel like there's a lot of downtime imo between content especially between the sort of inherent slowness of rpgm (like sprites walking in sprite cutscenes) and the dialogue (which sometimes feels like filler or bloated). currently, i almost feel like there's too many tease scenes where nothing ultimately happens (especially for the sparseness of actual content scenes). i really hope something comes of her tutoring outfit and it's not just a dead end blue ball arc. i think if either there were more actual content scenes or some of the tease scenes were a little more sexual (while still being tease scenes) or if some of the filler/fat inbetween was cut would help the pacing.

    story ideas 8.5/10 - the overall premise is pretty fantastic and i really like a lot of what's going on. i think the decision to have a 3some so early in the cuckold arc seems rushed tho. i think some really good scenes (like first maybe a scene where she confesses to her boyfriend and they have somekind of semi-humiliating/mildly-degrading sex, then having like some scene where she blows the other guy infront of her boyfriend when he doesn't want to have sex or something) could've been fit in between choosing the hotwife option and having a full on 3some and also making the nature of the 3some different.

    idk, i initially gave this game 5 stars but playing the update i don't know. i was really excited for it but it just seems like more of the same. i really hope the aoife storyline becomes futagirl on girl (lisa) content. i actually really like futagirl on girl stuff. i kinda wish the game would just refer to her as her even if she's trans because idk, i'm not really bisexual and it just kinda takes me out of the moment. she doesnt need to be born as hermaphrodite or futa, especially if it's relevant to her character or story to be trans but like in the dressing room scene, it kinda took me out of the moment for lisa to be like "i forgot he was a boy". i feel like it was a wasted oppurtunity it would've been hotter if she said something like "oh i forgot she has a dick" or even possibly playing into somekind of arc like after being mad at her boyfriend (or even after breaking up with him maybe idk) she's temporarily sick of guys but is addicted to cock and aoife is perfect because she has a cock to fuck her with. the "i forgot she's a boy" thing almost feels political like "yea trans aren't really women!" and it's just a fucking porn game.

    i also really liked the sharon+lisa bath tub scene and the whole having paul in the house but i also feel like there's missed oppurtunities or maybe i'm not finding the events (that's another thing that hasn't changed: pacing and difficulty of getting content). i would've thought when she masturbates at night that'd be an ez oppurtunity to have a new scene with paul, or idk, i was hoping maybe in the shower scene, paul would've started masturbating before she noticed and maybe she only notices once he ejaculates on the glass or maybe she notices then he cums on her, idk. i just feel lost. like the journal isn't really helpful. seems like a lot of glitches or bugs or idk abrupt dead ends without knowing the arc is done for now. still really hope the tutoring arc continues and is a hot one too, couldn't find any continuation of that story arc

    it's still good. i mean it just seems like it has all the same problems/shortcomings but also all the same strengths of the initial release. i personally would much rather see a sort of "carnival of events" where you're just thinking of pervy places or times of day to go to and there's an event there rather than having branching paths. like content drought i think is the biggest problem with most rpgm games. the rpgm medium i think is at it's best when you're not hunting for that 1 event to progress the story but instead it's like a lewd disney world or something. or at minimum, having a reliable and accurate guide/journal to progress that next event to continue the progress.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Still playing but i can rdy say that is a great game, solid Ep.1 with huge initial story.

    -Lots of Characters
    -Interesting Story
    -Hot MC

    -RPMG? (i pref Renpy for this kind of games, but this RPG was easy to walk around

    Good work dev!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    incredible game for RPG,story of a young girl and her corruption,one of my favorite topics,the expressions of the characters are very good, the sex scenes are wonderful.Huge game for first release with lots of content,is a game that interests me and I will watch it,really a great game that i really liked.