
Apr 29, 2017
Resident Post: Betrayal??


So this was a big push in RPGM this past week / week and a half, I know that might not seem super exciting because RPGM isn't CGs but it needed done and it's really, really looking fantastic imo but more on that in a bit!

These wet foreskin images took many, many attempts to get right lol

When I was putting together the Malik scene at Hotel Brava, it kind of felt like I was directing a movie. Making sure the music was just right and brought in at the perfect time, making sure that the transitions fit the tempo; I mean I do this for every single event I make but when making the intense and dramatic scenes it's just such a joy to work on, I absolutely live for this stuff! TB is one of those events and it's really got me giddy seeing it come together.
It's made even more awesome by knowing that when the characters talk about the events of TB they're all soclose to everything to do with it, it's like a spider's web all intertwined. This event like the Malik event will hopefully have an impact on the player and their outlook on things the first time they play through it but as more important details in the story are revealed these events will hopefully take on a completely new meaning and might even be worth revisiting later to see it all a little better. AT LEAST THAT'S MY MASTER PLAN! Bear in mind: I'm not the most competent person in the world so we'll see how it pans out lol!!
I've probably spent 50+ hours working on TB in RPGM this week / week and a half alone and it still has to be finished and tested but hopefully the event will be a good 30 minutes of high tension gameplay for you guys, I'm a mixed bag of excitement and nerves when thinking about how you guys will receive this event in particular. Personally I think the CGs are some of my absolute best yet, the music is just so gorgeous that I don't even have the words for it and I think the dialogue is both intentional and interesting to fit into the former as it portrays Lisa's growth and the furthering of the story in many ways so.. I just hope it lives up to the expectationsince I've referenced it for well over a year and there's nary a post that doesn't mention it :)

So.. many.. RPGM.. maps.. xD

I have begun work on the Red Light District (RLD or North District) in RPGM and it's looking nice, it's got the clouds rolling over and little tidbits of story related chit chat from the locals but it also has this really cool feature which is basically proximity background sound. If you're in the RLD at night you can hear the sounds of the club in the distance but as you get closer the volume increases which is a small effect but it's a really cool one ^_^ it will definitely need tested though because I fear it might be a little heavy, especially for mobile users but if that's the case I'll simply add the option to remove it. I think going into the RLD at night for the first time I'm gonna prompt a save then give the option for the player to disable this effect but we'll see how the Deviants find it on their hardware and I can work forward from there :))
Getting it all working took a bit of trial and error but even if it's too heavy to use; I've picked up a new skill at least <3
I was gonna add a screenshot of the RLD in the above collage but it still needs a lot of work, mainly on the amount of NPCs that are being added to the map. So far there are 30+ unique NPCs added to this map alone, many with very distinct paths and it still looks barren lol. I have sort of went against my rules on RPGM mapping here in that this one has quite a lot of open space which i typically dislike in RPGM games but it's a design choice here because there are "drugged out" NPCs on random movement paths in this map and I wanted to avoid the chance of getting stuck as much as possible x

Did I showcase this image before? It's hard to keep track lol

BETRAYAL! Wasn't sure what to title this post with but I think this has probably been my main thought this week so Betrayal it is! I was writing more on the Renshire Stories during the past few weeks and it really made think on just how much betrayal there is in the story. Starting from before Lisa was even born right up until the final chapter of the game it's probably the most or one of the game's most prominent themes. It had me thinking about Dante's Inferno and more specifically how treachery was considered the most heinous moral crime. In Inferno there are different "classes" of betrayal like "Caina" which is specifically betrayal within family. I guess I've been thinking about the two in a sort of symbolic way in that Lisa is surrounded by "betrayers" OR you could instead consider it as "Lisa is trapped in the deepest circle of hell" according to the poem at least. I think this is really, really cool and I wish I were a better writer to perhaps incorporate this mirroring idea into the game but still for one to face a battle for which they aren't equipped in the deepest pits of the inferno and somehow come out victorious, well, that'd be something, wouldn't it? xD
We'll have to see! I've been very forward in discussing my preferences in fictional works; in that I love tragedy above almost everything in stories so it should come as no surprise that I, myself am writing an incredibly tragic story <3

I've done the post work on all of the currently rendered Orgy CGs so I have a count thus far which is: 138. These are all unique CGs, no dupes or alts and the Orgy isn't even 50% complete yet so it is looking like it'll be at a MINIMUM; 350-400 CG upon completion. I think because the number is so large that I might have to scrap the sweat on / sweat off idea, it'll honestly add another 200CGs to the total and even just for file size alone I think it's better that I omit it for this event lol ^_^(it'll be epic without it anyway, I promise!)
(Fun fact! There have been a total of 3871 raw renders for Jayce's Party so far xd)

Now with a huge chunk of the RPGM stuff out of the way, TB and all included maps are almost complete, the Marcus scene is fully implemented, return to Theos just needs tested, the Rubbins' scenes are well underway, my focus over the next week will be getting all of the outlier scenes completed with all post work done, things like the remaining CGs in Lisa's Outfit3 event and the Night After event with Sharon, leaving only the Orgy to finish up.

This is one of the many "default" positions. You'll select your scenes from CGs like this :)

I do still have to make the April Wallpapers but.. THAT'LL DO IT FROM ME FOR TODAY I SUPPOSE xD

Sorry there's no consistent date I slam these posts on, I often start writing these wee updates then the light bulb in my brain goes off and I'm back onto the game and before I realize it, an entire day's past and I just keep repeating the cycle ^_^

Talk to you guys soon!! Thanks so much as always to every single one of you!! :) x

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Pegasus thend

Active Member
May 1, 2020
I wrote some bits n' pieces about lighting on this post:

It's easy to get caught up in using Pointlights & Emissives for entire scenes because they're quite straightforward to use but I'd really recommend sticking to spotlights for lighting characters (I know I wrote this in the post I linked but just reiterating because I think it's that important ^_^)

That and building your sets beforehand with all of your emissives set nicely are probably the 2 best off the top of my head tips I could offer. They're the big things I wish I'd done from the start (that and using dForce xD) but if you're struggling with anything mate I'd be happy to TRY and help lol!

Oh man, don't get me started x) it's crazy isn't it! I'm kinda lucky I started building Lisa in 720p because a lot of the images just wouldn't be possible if it were a higher resolution.

I'm still running this trusty 3060ti, a 12th gen i9 12900k and 32gb ram. I bought a new case when I rebuilt my PC a couple of years ago and it's too small and I just don't wanna rebuild lol! Depending on the set I usually render 2.5/3 characters per image then comp them together in Photoshop.

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Also if you need a hand with anything Daz related feel free to ask, here or in DMs. I'd be more than happy to help mate :) x

I know dude, I'm sure there are hundreds of players in the exact same boat but we're nearly there I swear!!

The peeper though! There's no content there in the upcoming patch BUT I was writing his next scenes a couple of weeks ago which will follow in the next patch ^_^ they feature Sharon and lemonade, damn what a time to be alive xD

Yarg! Yeah mate :)

Not until I finish all of the CGs ^_^

No, not yet bud. That content is still a ways off <3

Nothing was removed in 2.9 :eek:


YO! :D

I dunno what else to write but hello to anyone reading lol ^_^!
I wrote some bits n' pieces about lighting on this post:

It's easy to get caught up in using Pointlights & Emissives for entire scenes because they're quite straightforward to use but I'd really recommend sticking to spotlights for lighting characters (I know I wrote this in the post I linked but just reiterating because I think it's that important ^_^)

That and building your sets beforehand with all of your emissives set nicely are probably the 2 best off the top of my head tips I could offer. They're the big things I wish I'd done from the start (that and using dForce xD) but if you're struggling with anything mate I'd be happy to TRY and help lol!

Oh man, don't get me started x) it's crazy isn't it! I'm kinda lucky I started building Lisa in 720p because a lot of the images just wouldn't be possible if it were a higher resolution.

I'm still running this trusty 3060ti, a 12th gen i9 12900k and 32gb ram. I bought a new case when I rebuilt my PC a couple of years ago and it's too small and I just don't wanna rebuild lol! Depending on the set I usually render 2.5/3 characters per image then comp them together in Photoshop.

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Also if you need a hand with anything Daz related feel free to ask, here or in DMs. I'd be more than happy to help mate :) x

I know dude, I'm sure there are hundreds of players in the exact same boat but we're nearly there I swear!!

The peeper though! There's no content there in the upcoming patch BUT I was writing his next scenes a couple of weeks ago which will follow in the next patch ^_^ they feature Sharon and lemonade, damn what a time to be alive xD

Yarg! Yeah mate :)

Not until I finish all of the CGs ^_^

No, not yet bud. That content is still a ways off <3

Nothing was removed in 2.9 :eek:


YO! :D

I dunno what else to write but hello to anyone reading lol ^_^!
K I misread if nothing was removed then where is scene then I can’t seem figured out why I can’t active this EBA5351B-1652-4269-A6E1-CDB475C13BC4.png scene even though I already complete all the Jay first party and on the second one!


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2018

View attachment 2061701

If there is something wrong with the walkthrough,
just tell me and I'll fix it (y)
You asked if we find something wrong, let you know. Well, I see two things so far. In the Student Council about the jersey's, you say the Sports Room is in the West Wing. It's in the East Wing.
The second thing is, I didn't see anything about the woman who is missing her cat. Couldn't figure out how to find the boy to help find the cat. Thanks.


Active Member
Jun 7, 2019
You asked if we find something wrong, let you know. Well, I see two things so far. In the Student Council about the jersey's, you say the Sports Room is in the West Wing. It's in the East Wing.
The second thing is, I didn't see anything about the woman who is missing her cat. Couldn't figure out how to find the boy to help find the cat. Thanks.
IIRC The Find Cat quest is not yet implemented... You can get the quest and meet the boy (which is triggered by talking to a man nearby... standing next to a car iirc) but the next steps to the quest are not yet in the game (or at least weren't before the whole Jayces Party event began).


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2018
Where do you get the "Summer Blouse and Jeans"? Is it one of the shops in the town center?


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2022
I have tested the game for 15 minutes and it seems to be running fine, but when I press F2 I see that it is running between 20 and 22 fps. The game should be running at 30 fps, right?

Edit: it doesn't matter anymore, it was my hard drive that installed a Windows update, now the game runs at 45 fps (y).
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Sep 13, 2020
hello everyone, i just started playing game seeing the walkthrough videos, just want to know if ver 2.851a has lesser content thn 2.90b (the latest version ig)? plz help me out anyone
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