Superb Renders.
Nice mix between RPGM and VN. I love how funny some situations and characters act when in their RPGM models.
A few very interesting characters, I fell in love with Viv, and Give me Esmy romance.
Too much forced and or blocked content unless you corrupt/have sex/interact with characters you don't care or want to.
The again female protag who is in a relationship and you must endure, accept it until they break, etc. I think there's some sort of law that says women can't be single in such games. Who knows.
Final notes from me.
So far it's a mix of feelings, The renders kept me actually, and just a few characters. Since, most of them are the traditional boring archetype of horny creepy, friends, family, etc.
Superb Renders.
Nice mix between RPGM and VN. I love how funny some situations and characters act when in their RPGM models.
A few very interesting characters, I fell in love with Viv, and Give me Esmy romance.
Too much forced and or blocked content unless you corrupt/have sex/interact with characters you don't care or want to.
The again female protag who is in a relationship and you must endure, accept it until they break, etc. I think there's some sort of law that says women can't be single in such games. Who knows.
Final notes from me.
So far it's a mix of feelings, The renders kept me actually, and just a few characters. Since, most of them are the traditional boring archetype of horny creepy, friends, family, etc.