It just might make me believe that the porn (game and video) industry can actually get to a point where we're treated as equals, rather than as a piece of meat to be fucked. Don't get me wrong, I know that the porn industry isn't necessarily great for women in general, but it would be great if we were at least treated the same as cis women at the bare minimum.
The porn industry, in general, doesn't treat anyone all that well, or all that poorly. However, between men, women, and transsexuals, the people in the industry who receive the worst treatment, overall, are men. I understand that most people wouldn't have any idea about this, since most people don't actually know much about the porn industry and how it works.
As for being seen or treated as a piece of meat to be fucked, that's how all performers in the porn industry are seen and treated, and it shouldn't be surprising to anyone. Could they be treated better? Yes, to a certain degree. Should they be treated better? Yes, insofar as it is practical. Should they be seen as victims? No, not so far as the industry itself is concerned. They may, in some cases, be the victims of the general public, but not of the industry.
I actually hate that scene out the back of the bar but I felt it necessary to put into perspective the gravity of what Aoife's going through.
Why would you hate that scene? You don't hate the scene of Lisa being raped, and she's the protagonist of the story. Or at least, you haven't given any indication of hating Lisa's rape scene. These are fictional events, happening to fictional characters, and part of making us care about them and feel that there are high stakes to the story is putting them in bad situations and allowing bad people to do bad things to them. But you already know that, because you're a good writer.
Just like there's nothing whatsoever wrong with a player being turned on by Lisa's rape scene, so there's nothing wrong with a player (or you, the writer) being turned on by Aoife's rape scene, which was far softer and shorter than Lisa's.