Tutor Post: Byron, the Beach and some plans for the future!
Hello everyone, hope you're all well!
I've just been in the best form recently, it's always super exciting as a developer to move into new things whether it be new sets or characters that you haven't touched for a while or even some new techniques you've learned along the way and are finally getting to implement! It's definitely all three this past week for me and it's been such beautiful weather here my spirits are really peaking!

So I mentioned in a post before that finding a beach asset that functionally worked for mass CG was proving difficult, that's definitely still the case. I downloaded everything I didn't have that even resembled a beach and they're either absolutely awful looking (usually very old products) or they completely dominate my RAM (95% usage+). You know me by now, I'm very picky with CG and really want everything to look as gorgeous as it can so apologies to my RAM but you're getting hammered for a while ^_^!
The assets I've put together aren't exactly what I wanted but creating large outdoor scenes that look convincing can be quite challenging and even though it's not perfect, I think the CGs are bright, colorful and will be a nice change of pace after the previous release

ANYWAY let's talk about the Byron scene which is the first I've been working on. So originally it was intended that this scene was a little tease into Lisa getting more comfortable on camera, Byron being a prolific IG user would show her the ropes all the while getting plenty of skin on skin action but with no real sexual encounter. I had a change of heart.. After leaving you guys hanging with the Bo, Joe n' Jade and the Following Ms Short scenes I just hadn't the heart to keep teasing you guys so I've written in another surprisingly long scene (not really a surprise is it?) that I think is AWESOME-ly cool! I don't wanna give too much away but there will be some freaky action on that beach and I just know you guys are gonna love it
So that's Byron, let's hit up the progress list:
-Byron Beach - 40-50%~
-Visiting Jo - 0%
-Date with Viv - 0%
-Council2 - 0%
-Moddy's Gathering Outros - 40%~
-Instagram photos - 0%
-2 Paul scenes at home - 0%
-Mod Shop Betting game - 0%
-Harassment events - 0%
I'm just noting the percentage here as the CG completion as I won't be dropping back into RPGM for some weeks yet and that's where the Renshire rewrite will take place too and I'll add it to the list later x
Speaking of Renshire I wanted to let you guys in on a little project I'm cooking up for the future. So Lisa is a tremendously long game and the story between all of the moving parts is quite complex with a pretty diverse cast of characters both dead and alive so I wanted to give context to a few of the key players and what happened both in the past and what is happening in the present that Lisa never sees. Enter the "Stories."
I haven't decided on a name for these little VNs but I'm working with "Renshire Stories" for now. The first of these likely won't begin work on for close to a year yet but they will follow characters like Sharon, Bill (Aoife's Father / Tony's Brother), etc. I also plan to develop these in Ren'Py for ease and also as a means of learning the engine whilst being productive!
You may be thinking: "But won't this slow down your progress on Lisa?" and the answer is not really. (I promise) I estimate that these little stories would probably last between 15-30minutes each with perhaps a longer one right at the end of the game which I'm writing currently to follow Theo. I'm thinking that I'll probably dedicate one night per fortnight come the time to these VNs and they will never take priority over my release schedule.
There are so many twists and turns written into the script, some of them are really wild and leave Lisa entirely bewildered and I would not be surprised if the player experienced the same so these VNs are intended to supplement the bigger events and hopefully give you guys a "holy shit" experience
Anyway that's all a long time away but it's food for thought ^_^ I'm actually a little nervous event mentioning it for fear of the blowback! xD
I was also a bit iffy on the whole idea of the Post Patch for a long time, I know everyone's super excited about the party and I am too but I don't wanna leave Episode 2 (Exhibitionism 2) unfinished then have to go back and do it later. It's sort of highlighted that I might need 4 chapters per Episode instead of 3 simply due to how invested I get in crafting particular scenes. The Post Patch is basically a collection of things I didn't get around to during the previous 2 chapters but when I look at the scene list I'm really excited about the finished release
I think I've gone into ramble territory again.. I'm just buzzing, a heavy optimism is weighing on these pale shoulders xD
Thanks so much everyone for your continued support, as always I'm overwhelmed by how amazing this whole development thing is and I couldn't do it without you <3