too bad you can't disable the 'trans' content
I don't think this is the kind of game that will work by disabling content. Aofie's saga is much more than just being a "trans character" as her very existence and history brings major emotional turmoil into Lisa's life. Unlike other games where you disable content cause you don't want to watch certain type of porn, a story driven game like this will suffer pretty negatively with cuts. For example, Aofie getting raped got me less horny and more angry. What mattered was to witness the circumstances and helplessness of a character. Not to mention, as a lot of character lives criss cross into each other and are intertwined, if you cut certain characters out, a lot of developments would just confuse the player.
Either way, I'd rather not come off lecturing others on how to play a game so, if going through a character's story is not something you prefer, I'd suggest going into settings and enabling the "skip everything" option and simply using the ctrl key until the character is out of the picture, and then continue playing on normally. There is also a Text Speed Mod linked in the opening post that would make it all much faster