
New Member
Jul 6, 2023
Hey, I recommend waiting for 2.85b to enjoy the whole party content. Down below is a 4 word text spoiler describing an information about the wildest scene without naming a character.

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Last save file I have seen here, but did not tested: Comment #6792. (2.82a) ( I CBA linking it :))
Enjoy the last patreon post:

Model Release: Lisa 2.85a

DEVIANTS: There is no new content in this version. It simply houses a few bugfixes.

All bugs that have been reported have been fixed in this version but there very well could still be more so please don't hesitate to let me know if anything comes up <3

The rest of this post is just copied and pasted from the release a few days ago :)


Well here it is. Honestly I didn't think I'd get it done, I was so close to drafting an apology message because I still had so much testing to do and with me leaving for a few days I was just overwhelmed but we pulled through ^_^

Now just forewarning: This is unbelievably rushed. I mean REALLY rushed. I don't think I've ever still been writing right up until the deadline, I was literally still writing yesterday that and getting the Recollection Room up and running was a crazy dash (Which again is mostly untested). I fully expect game-breaking bugs to be lurking somewhere in some arrangement of switches so if that happens to anyone that I'm really, really sorry. I have been running through different route variations for a couple of hours now but there are just so many and I'm so burned out. I just need a break from this screen lol!




I can't stress that enough lol!


Win: https:// mega.nz/file/TBwjHITY#i2YF9mo0zrZ_XawROE5dfdwKik0fzX0ij1xNZPQDliw

Mac: https:// mega.nz/file/zE4wBTCK#gjHWyY4cF8YkWL6LCr2T3CbbUTviS7aS6uIponAaUKA

So aside from potentially critical bugs, there are also some variations that just aren't finished. The two major ones being ANY of the Danny Leaves alt routes during Gina's Game. Basically you can only choose the red options during the game (these were prioritized because I assume the majority want the filthier options ^_^).

The second is a worse offender in that it's one of the Danny Stays exploration scenes. I won't spoil where or what the scene is but it'll be both apparent and in equal measure disappointing when you find it. This particular scene is only available for those that both have selected the Cheating path + Danny stays at the party and are NOT on the Sharing path.

"So pG.. how is the content this patch?" Well to be honest.. I really fucking love this patch man ^_^ I think it's so diverse in it's content, I love the graphics, I'm really proud of how the writing runs alongside it and I really think the dynamic shift in the tone and the narrative fits well. I just hope more than anything that you guys enjoy it! :))

Like I mentioned above; I'm away this weekend so there won't be a patch until at least next week to resolve any bugs and also implement the missing content. To combat the potential bug issue a bit I've added a little switch in Jayce's Apartment that will teleport the player to a temporary Recollection Room with all of the content unlocked - using this teleport will also disable your ability to save and there's no exit from this RR. This is necessary to avoid further issues down the line but it'll all be noted in game too :)

This teleporter will be available after Elevator 4 which is the final scene before GG starts. You can access it from Elevator 4 onwards. The game will notify you if you've seen all of the current content with the exception of Danny Stays + Cheating route which as mentioned is unfinished sadly.

The backend of this entire patch is quite complicated, before I started writing this update, aside from the Recollection Room; the largest map in terms of file size was the Mod Shop. The Mod Shop map actually has the entirety of Moddy's Gathering's events in it so it's no surprise. Jayce's Apartment is now roughly 2.5x~ the size of the Mod Shop. A lot of this is alternate routes housing their own events (a lot of which I imagine might be unnecessary but my brain is completely pickled, I'm genuinely finding it hard to think straight) but I think this is one of the biggest updates I've done as far as writing goes and that's mostly to accommodate the choices available.

When I was skimming through at speed-runner pace each route takes around 16 minutes to complete so if you're reading and viewing both major routes there should be well over an hour of content in here.

Like I said it's quite complicated but here's a "quick" breakdown of what's in here:

-P3 Interlude:

This is where Danny is yeeted or embraced. I made a mistake in the previous version so expect a little popup box during this event to correct that mistake. This will be removed in the next version as the error's been fixed.

-P4 Kitchen

-P4 Elevator

-P4 Sofa

The P4 events are short and sweet, I think the party and it's characters are already established enough so these events are simply paving the way into the next event which is..

-Gina's Game:

2 primary routes (Danny Stays / Danny Leaves) - these begin similarly but transform quite quickly after 20 or so CGs. There are Cheating / Sharing variations in both, mostly in the Danny Stays version (this might change which is another reason to save on a new slot) but once you've played both Stays / Leaves you can assume you've seen most of the visual content.

At the end of GG P1 Lisa gets a dare to move elsewhere. This dare is shared between both routes but the way in which it unfolds is quite different so they're both worth playing. This event is extended compared to the rest of GG and hopefully it's exciting! There are still a lot of crossover CGs in this dare between the routes but I think it's worth playing all of them.

-Exploration Events

After GG P1 you're free to have a look around for a bit, there are currently three (to be four in the next patch) scenes to find here, they are all signposted with heart bubbles making them basically impossible to miss. One is for leaves, one for stays and one that's shared between both. Each of these have their own variations but this is again mostly dialogue differences with the exception of one.


And that's the end of current content. The next big patch will see Lisa getting changed into some pajamas then continuing with the final phase of GG. This phase branches even further with routes like Danny Stays + Cheating having extremely different outcomes. These routes then lead to the final scenes, will Lisa stay at the party? Will she go home? Will she end up in bed with one, two, three, four of the party crew? So much to do but it's close ^_^

The fun news about the remainder of JP is that basically every scene from this point is a sex scene so even though there's a ton left to do, it's all H scene from here x)

I kind of wish I had time to finish JP before doing a release because I feel like things are still likely to be moved around based on the final scenes, I wanna give you guys options rather than have a string of choices leading you to one destination that was unbeknownst to you when you started. I will of course do this, it just makes it more difficult doing things this way but there's reason #3 to back up that save file!

When's the next update? The usual "I'm not sure" but it's in my best interest to finish Jayce's Party ASAP because I really feel like I need a break. I won't take any time off until it's finished but upon completion I'll be taking like five days or I dunno, maybe a week off. I've been grinding Lisa for almost three years now and I could probably count on one hand the amount of days I haven't worked on the game. I think it might actually be helpful to my development as well, I always found when playing an instrument that if I stopped playing for a few days before picking it up again that I'd actually learn things faster and play better. This of course meant stopping playing which is something I found difficult (and still do obviously ^_^ I'm a "burn the wick at both ends" type of guy lol!).

Anyway that's it from me today. I'll be hanging around for 10 minutes just to confirm things are working but after that I'll probably not speak to you guys until Tuesday but I hope you enjoy the patch, definitely visit that Recollection Room and play everything and most importantly have fun <3!!

Thanks everyone x



Apr 10, 2021
Hey, I recommend waiting for 2.85b to enjoy the whole party content. Down below is a 4 word text spoiler describing an information about the wildest scene without naming a character.

You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

Last save file I have seen here, but did not tested: Comment #6792. (2.82a) ( I CBA linking it :))
Enjoy the last patreon post:

Model Release: Lisa 2.85a

DEVIANTS: There is no new content in this version. It simply houses a few bugfixes.

All bugs that have been reported have been fixed in this version but there very well could still be more so please don't hesitate to let me know if anything comes up <3

The rest of this post is just copied and pasted from the release a few days ago :)


Well here it is. Honestly I didn't think I'd get it done, I was so close to drafting an apology message because I still had so much testing to do and with me leaving for a few days I was just overwhelmed but we pulled through ^_^

Now just forewarning: This is unbelievably rushed. I mean REALLY rushed. I don't think I've ever still been writing right up until the deadline, I was literally still writing yesterday that and getting the Recollection Room up and running was a crazy dash (Which again is mostly untested). I fully expect game-breaking bugs to be lurking somewhere in some arrangement of switches so if that happens to anyone that I'm really, really sorry. I have been running through different route variations for a couple of hours now but there are just so many and I'm so burned out. I just need a break from this screen lol!




I can't stress that enough lol!


Win: https:// mega.nz/file/TBwjHITY#i2YF9mo0zrZ_XawROE5dfdwKik0fzX0ij1xNZPQDliw

Mac: https:// mega.nz/file/zE4wBTCK#gjHWyY4cF8YkWL6LCr2T3CbbUTviS7aS6uIponAaUKA

So aside from potentially critical bugs, there are also some variations that just aren't finished. The two major ones being ANY of the Danny Leaves alt routes during Gina's Game. Basically you can only choose the red options during the game (these were prioritized because I assume the majority want the filthier options ^_^).

The second is a worse offender in that it's one of the Danny Stays exploration scenes. I won't spoil where or what the scene is but it'll be both apparent and in equal measure disappointing when you find it. This particular scene is only available for those that both have selected the Cheating path + Danny stays at the party and are NOT on the Sharing path.

"So pG.. how is the content this patch?" Well to be honest.. I really fucking love this patch man ^_^ I think it's so diverse in it's content, I love the graphics, I'm really proud of how the writing runs alongside it and I really think the dynamic shift in the tone and the narrative fits well. I just hope more than anything that you guys enjoy it! :))

Like I mentioned above; I'm away this weekend so there won't be a patch until at least next week to resolve any bugs and also implement the missing content. To combat the potential bug issue a bit I've added a little switch in Jayce's Apartment that will teleport the player to a temporary Recollection Room with all of the content unlocked - using this teleport will also disable your ability to save and there's no exit from this RR. This is necessary to avoid further issues down the line but it'll all be noted in game too :)

This teleporter will be available after Elevator 4 which is the final scene before GG starts. You can access it from Elevator 4 onwards. The game will notify you if you've seen all of the current content with the exception of Danny Stays + Cheating route which as mentioned is unfinished sadly.

The backend of this entire patch is quite complicated, before I started writing this update, aside from the Recollection Room; the largest map in terms of file size was the Mod Shop. The Mod Shop map actually has the entirety of Moddy's Gathering's events in it so it's no surprise. Jayce's Apartment is now roughly 2.5x~ the size of the Mod Shop. A lot of this is alternate routes housing their own events (a lot of which I imagine might be unnecessary but my brain is completely pickled, I'm genuinely finding it hard to think straight) but I think this is one of the biggest updates I've done as far as writing goes and that's mostly to accommodate the choices available.

When I was skimming through at speed-runner pace each route takes around 16 minutes to complete so if you're reading and viewing both major routes there should be well over an hour of content in here.

Like I said it's quite complicated but here's a "quick" breakdown of what's in here:

-P3 Interlude:

This is where Danny is yeeted or embraced. I made a mistake in the previous version so expect a little popup box during this event to correct that mistake. This will be removed in the next version as the error's been fixed.

-P4 Kitchen

-P4 Elevator

-P4 Sofa

The P4 events are short and sweet, I think the party and it's characters are already established enough so these events are simply paving the way into the next event which is..

-Gina's Game:

2 primary routes (Danny Stays / Danny Leaves) - these begin similarly but transform quite quickly after 20 or so CGs. There are Cheating / Sharing variations in both, mostly in the Danny Stays version (this might change which is another reason to save on a new slot) but once you've played both Stays / Leaves you can assume you've seen most of the visual content.

At the end of GG P1 Lisa gets a dare to move elsewhere. This dare is shared between both routes but the way in which it unfolds is quite different so they're both worth playing. This event is extended compared to the rest of GG and hopefully it's exciting! There are still a lot of crossover CGs in this dare between the routes but I think it's worth playing all of them.

-Exploration Events

After GG P1 you're free to have a look around for a bit, there are currently three (to be four in the next patch) scenes to find here, they are all signposted with heart bubbles making them basically impossible to miss. One is for leaves, one for stays and one that's shared between both. Each of these have their own variations but this is again mostly dialogue differences with the exception of one.


And that's the end of current content. The next big patch will see Lisa getting changed into some pajamas then continuing with the final phase of GG. This phase branches even further with routes like Danny Stays + Cheating having extremely different outcomes. These routes then lead to the final scenes, will Lisa stay at the party? Will she go home? Will she end up in bed with one, two, three, four of the party crew? So much to do but it's close ^_^

The fun news about the remainder of JP is that basically every scene from this point is a sex scene so even though there's a ton left to do, it's all H scene from here x)

I kind of wish I had time to finish JP before doing a release because I feel like things are still likely to be moved around based on the final scenes, I wanna give you guys options rather than have a string of choices leading you to one destination that was unbeknownst to you when you started. I will of course do this, it just makes it more difficult doing things this way but there's reason #3 to back up that save file!

When's the next update? The usual "I'm not sure" but it's in my best interest to finish Jayce's Party ASAP because I really feel like I need a break. I won't take any time off until it's finished but upon completion I'll be taking like five days or I dunno, maybe a week off. I've been grinding Lisa for almost three years now and I could probably count on one hand the amount of days I haven't worked on the game. I think it might actually be helpful to my development as well, I always found when playing an instrument that if I stopped playing for a few days before picking it up again that I'd actually learn things faster and play better. This of course meant stopping playing which is something I found difficult (and still do obviously ^_^ I'm a "burn the wick at both ends" type of guy lol!).

Anyway that's it from me today. I'll be hanging around for 10 minutes just to confirm things are working but after that I'll probably not speak to you guys until Tuesday but I hope you enjoy the patch, definitely visit that Recollection Room and play everything and most importantly have fun <3!!

Thanks everyone x

I am oozing with excitement, but I am still going to wait for 2.85b. I just wanna play the finished product before the next big update! :p :p

Thanks PG,


beware, the germans are cumming
Respected User
Jan 27, 2017
here is my unofficial android port of Lisa v2.851a.
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minimum system requirements: Android 8.0

have fun and please report problems (you can reach me ).
updated 07.07.2023 (QOL improvements)
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
So unless i missed something, tldr is there is nothing new in this update and previous one was introduction to the party with no new hardcore events? Just asking so i won't waste time on downloading it if there is nothing of significance when it comes to sex scenes.
  • Angry
Reactions: yrban7477


Apr 10, 2021

Wait, It got released officially?

I thought the public release was going to be 2.85b (The completed version).

What's happening?



out fighting regex
Feb 23, 2023
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Aug 26, 2021
So unless i missed something, tldr is there is nothing new in this update and previous one was introduction to the party with no new hardcore events? Just asking so i won't waste time on downloading it if there is nothing of significance when it comes to sex scenes.
Nothing new, just wait till 2.85

Bobber Tail

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
It is very hard to save. It opened it automatically first sleep, but I can't get it to save and then the cheap RPGM froze. I lost the whole second day. At least skip works.
4.30 star(s) 126 Votes