VN - Ren'Py - Little Regina [v2.12] [EchoFoxtrot]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm struggling to decide how I feel about this game

    The renders are... ok, it feels a bit dated if I'm being honest but nothing that drags you out of the game it's the overall story I kind of have issues with.

    The story seems to be going in deep on some dark subject matter, but the talk around it feels a bit airy. So you get some serious background information on a thing only for it to then turn around and you're walking down a street basically skipping with this lassie. The game could probably do with a bit of polish so the transitions from dark to lovey dovey are a bit more subtle.

    There's also a whole bit where you're basically betrayed and just shrug it off like it's another day at the coal face so you're giving her all googly eyes rather than beating her about with a chair. I'm not usually one for violence but your man MC 100% is so the mismatch is.... odd. The game has a path it wants you to follow and by god you'll follow it. You might have a choice of doing an action "normally" or "brutally" but ultimately it's the same time.

    I mean it's an ok game, I don't think it's one I'll continue with. It feels a bit like a story which is hiding plot and story issues behind a veneer of violence and gore. Sure you can sodomise a lad with a baseball bat but at the end of the day does it change anything? The women all want the MC's dick and any talk about "hey, that's kind of an unhinged thing to do, maybe we need to chill a little" gets shouted down with "oh you just don't understand him, he's got kind eyes".

    Like... what?
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a tough one to review for me. I am not a fan of the whole alpha-white-knight BS on display here. As such I am really not attracted to the protagonist at all, BUT I'll say that while most games like this are very much on the nose, the writing here is a lot more intricate.

    What I love about this game is that the FMC isn't just some Mary Sue like in 99.9% of other games like this, but rather she's her own person with her own questionable decisions. She lies when she needs to and she manipulates him when convenient. Nevertheless, she's loyal to their relationship in an interesting way. Where others will use relationship conflict to drive the story, the Dev shuts this down immediately here - with great effect. I want to see where this is going.

    So while I can't quite relate to her attraction, it's valid and sincere.

    The story itself is slow but interesting so far. Not much to say, as I don't know where this will ultimately go. The writing is mostly focused on minute details of their life and their relationship. This can be either incredibly boring or really great, depending on your emotional buy-in as a reader.

    For me it works. And that's despite, not due to, the MC.

    Edit: Also let me add, I LOVE some of the little things the Dev chose to do as a narrative device, like the view of the cat on the people around her. It adds depth to these scenes and it's remarkably creative.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Story 4/5
    Well its on very weird start, already 2 mins in MC gets a visit from a prostitute but MC cant even get hes dick hard....and being a tuff army dude he cant even talk to girls...then it turns out MC has a case of some kind that hes working on and the whore is part of it which just makes me wonder why even get to the point of her giving MC a BJ, he should have stopped it waaaaay earliere, but then it just goes crazy weird where MC saves the prostitute from her pimp by kicking hes ass and killing him and after that your seriously getting the choice to kill the whore as well? what? why the fuck save her to start with if he then kills her?

    Story then keeps showing more and more girls where most arent a real part of the game and as for any real story there arent much either so dont be fooled by the promiss of a story based game, its more or less only about the loli that are close half the size of MC and MC wants to be with her and yes you have no choice what so ever in that either, atleast you do get a choice if you want to be with the "sister of the loli" but why you dont get the choice with the loli is a huge mistake from devs side and it will put alot of players off.

    And on a side note
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    Girls 2/5
    There are a few nice looking girls but they arent really part of the game, its really only about a single loli that i personaly dident really like, not that i mind that shes a loli but shes just not that pretty compared to alot of the other girls, so if you dont like the one loli girl theres really nothing to come for at all, they went a bit overboard making the loli as well with long red hair with a shitload of freckles and with braces and and tiny build, so im not kidding if you arent into that dont even start this game.
    Normaly i love smols/lolis but in this i feel like they took it a bit to far.

    Animations 1/5
    Yeah its a game without animations so that lowers the value by alot, i will say the picture to picture stuff is some of the best where it shows the fucking and the face on a spilt screen, which is why i added 1 point for that alone, but its not animated in any way.

    Music 2/5
    It has some music and effects but it is silent most of the time, also the music just dosent fit the scenes and its pretty annoy stuff as well.

    Choices 1/5
    Story needs alot more choices since it feels very kinetic now and it proberly is, you cant say no to the loli girl shes forced on the player like her or not and that will put alot of players off, there are 1 more LI kinda you can turn down if you want (cop girl) and then theres hes old friend so maybe 3 girls in total but im sure the lolis best friend will be an option as well at some point.
    All i can say forced LIs is never a good thing and she could have been made a friend or little sister to MC instend, without changing much of the story.

    I really feel like im being nice giving this 3 stars but i did enjoy most of the story, but hate forced LIs and the quality of the renders arent great, its a bit dated for 2024 and without animations as well and poor music choices.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    OK enough game, definitely will not be for everyone. Story/plot has its moments but also drifts into ridiculousness/over doing it frequently. While parts of the gore is related to the story, its more often used to be edgy/shock value than adding to the story or character building.

    At one point in the game you are given a button to click to see or skip a violent scene, be aware the very next scene after selecting will be the MCs dick getting cut no matter what you choose. Pretty weird to even bother asking the player if thats hows its going to be.

    The writing is overall above average, but the models look very dated. I will probably check back in if it ever gets completed but not a play each update one for me
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    As of 0.43-2 (end of season 1)

    Excellent AVN. I really like the models, the story seems intriguing enough to keep playing, but the driving force here is Foxy w/o doubt!

    I like how we can shape the decisions of our MC to be more human or brutal, I hope the dev has something planned with these points for the future endings.

    Overall, highly recommended.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Initially, I was a little skeptical about trying this game. However, I decided to give it a shot nonetheless after it was recommended by MissFortune´s game. Now, I must say, this game has grown on me, at least. It's an amazing game with good characters and a nice flow of the story. What impresses me the most is the freedom it offers in playing the MC. You can either make them a full-blown psychopath or a gentle giant. What's crucial here is that the developer gives you the choice without any restrictions. If you want to eliminate a potential character, you can just go ahead and do it. I have a soft spot for these kinds of hardcore "revenge" games; there's something so satisfying about it. But what truly stands out is how the developer seamlessly integrates these choices into the narrative flow. The characters around you react to your actions, and everything can potentially have consequences. All in all a GREAT game. Only "bad" thing to say is maaaybe the renders.. I mean pls its nothing, for real im not picky when it comes to renders, im all in for a game that even use Honey select or something, as long as the story is great.. Keep it up dev :)

    also LOKI FTW!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a story that is incredibly engaging and it's original. If you are into a single love interest (more options are available) this is a great one. A flawed MC who may or may not be interested in fitting into society (your choice-ish). I liked Little Regina because it delivers something that isn't the same old. I enjoyed it quite a bit. If you like red heads it's a no brainer.
    Great work EchoFoxtrot!
  8. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5895830

    I started at 2/5 stars and gave an extra star for the inclusion of the cat. That cat is dope! I love a novel with a Chad MC, but this MC is too much. The writing is passable, but I lost interest in the story pretty quick. I am shocked that the red head couldn't bring me back into it, but it wasn't going to happen. I made it to the first sex scene and had no woodie. Turn this into a first person shooter with the cat as the MC.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I was pleasantly surprised about this game. I been on this site for a while now and I kept seeing this game in passing and never gave it a read. I'm so into this game it's not even funny. I've been playing it for a couple days now. (I read slowly and analyze the renders so that's why I been playing so long.) The story can get dark at times with the main character being a POW and having previous childhood trauma I can understand the darkness. I sometimes get confused with the dialogue at times but once I analyze it a bit I get a good grasp of what's going on. This game really checks all the boxes in what I look for in a good VN game. Mature story, Older MC, Possessive MC, Cute LIs, Choices have meaning, and also it's a slow burn. Some stories just crank out the smut to get as much money as possible I understand it but I play these games for a Mature story with adult content in it. Jessie who is the main LI is so loving and cute you can't help but want to protect her. I understand some peoples apprehension to try this game but if you do you will not be disappointed.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed v0.42-3]

    This game has some interesting, fresh aspects but overall is just OK. It heavily leans into the graphic violence of its story and the loli main love interest.

    One-sentence summary: A soldier trying (and failing) to leave the battlefield behind and getting cozy with a (very) young student love interest and female policewoman secondary love interest, while getting entangled in a female-led criminal organization from his past.

    The Good ((y))
    • Interesting story, setting and characters
    • Gripping intensity in the narration -- definitely not boring!
    • Good-looking if not top-class character models
    The Not-So-Good ((n))
    • The game has a number of pretty dark, central themes -- graphic violence, gore, murder, humiliation, etc. These are not my typical preferences so I've skipped through a lot of scenes to avoid this content, but they are largely unavoidable.
    • Graphics look quite dated and aren't really up to 2024 standards
    • The main love interest -- with her slim body, braces and very young face -- appears much younger than the game would have you believe. If you like loli -- great; otherwise it may turn you off.
    • I found the storytelling boring at times and skipped past whole sections.
    Overall, I didn't mind the game and will probably play future updates, but this doesn't otherwise stand out from a quality perspective.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Liked the story a lot!

    Graphics Quality can be weak sometimes but mostly are well enough.
    Character Desing is well made und attractive.
    Likeable characters
    Consistent setting
    Understandable MC
    Thematic story
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I think this game has definite problems, I enjoyed playing it and will be back in the next part/episode!

    The big thing I enjoyed was the story, I felt it was good and better than a lot of stories you will see on this site and that's the most important part about this game.

    I was close to rating the game 5 stars for the story alone but I am very upset at the choices the author makes for the player, the author gives you a solid amount of choices about how to approach each girl, except Jessie. I am on team Christa on this one, I enjoy her personality, her rough-around-the-edge personality that softens up when she gets to know you. Jessie is forced upon the player with absolutely no choice in the matter. I think she is cute but, like I am not attracted to her at all. I 100% disagree that she is the right option for the MC. It is just confusing to have all these choices about how to enact "justice', being able to reject Christa and Dawn, but Jessie is immune to choices and is forced on the player. I mean seriously, we could have the same game if the MC sees Jessie as a little sister he has to protect. Obviously, it is the Author's choice, but I would have liked, yknow, to pick who the MC wants to date. I don't feel like that's crazy, because now I will feel like an asshole if I don't want to date Jessie.

    I know it is a lot more work, but this game is held back by the lack of the most important choice, who the MC wants to be with, and that will always hold this game back unless the author decides to revamp this game.

    It's your own fault for making Christa, seriously, I am upset right now!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    There's a deep story here, but that's really all there is. The renders are poor to average and the other graphics. like the scenery and stuff are generally really poor and look like a mod made for another game. The girls are nothing special and thus the sex stuff is nothing special. You don't get many choices in the game and so for the most part it's just an on rails story game. If you like the dark story you might like the game but if you don't like it then the entire game will be ruined for you. There really is no in between here.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1465339

    A perfect example of a game not trying too hard and failing. Starting with the MC who at first glance seems yet another "badass" who's seen shit. However, unlike most characters here his motivations make sense if you understand that he leans towards a Chaotic Good or Chaotic Lawful archetype. The MC also does this without somehow devolving into either a ragdoll (aka simp) or a misogynist (aka incel) like in so many VN's on this site do with a "badass" MC. Then there's the choice of the LIs, that allow for the option of multiple LIs at the same time without devolving into a super large and unmanageable harem. The renders are good and even the petite LI doesn't look like a loli since she's well just petite and short. About the only true thing I can criticize is the lack of real choices and diverging paths.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    [Version : 0.42-3]
    The story is good at least in the first three chapters, but I don't think I can continue playing this game because of how bad the render is.
    1. The MC. This is the first time I play a MC that literally made by body hair. As an Asian who doesn't have much body hair, it is really annoying to watch his body hair becoming the main focus of the screen when he's naked. I would even say it's disgusting, but that's just my opinion as I'm really not a fan of too much body hair.
    2. The main/unavoidable LI Jessie. As many have stated, she really looks like a KID. Physically and mentally. I do have played a few loli AVNs, most of which are incest-related, but this model is really disturbing to watch. It's just like you are constantly reminded that she just LOOKS LIKE A KID. The contrast is even more jarring when she and MC have sex: a loli girl getting pounded by a man with disgusting body hair. Tell me this is not weird at all.
    All in all, my criticism is mainly on the character renders, if you are not bothered by these you can still play and enjoy a good story. So a 3/5 game but I decide to drop it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game very much, just a good VN with lovely characters, especially the FMC (Jessie) im kind of obsessed with her, she is innocent and badass at the same time.

    There is a flaw that kind of annoyed me in the game however, in the narrative the MC has some potency problems throughout the game and in addition there is a flashback to a torture scene which affects the "manhood" which is quite the turnoff in an erotic VN
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Attractive characters, but like many games on F95, the game falls into the similar tropes of unnecessary violence and crime plots that fail to make it stand out. Very stereotypical tough guy MC archetype- while you are free to mold him to some extent, choosing extreme violence vs restraint, he really is a carbon copy of so many other games on here.

    Personally, I don't think the younger sister necessarily falls too far into the "loli" genre. While you are an older man and she certainly has many signals of being much younger, I think it's plausible to believe that she is petite and has many characteristics of a woman's body. Personally, I think the freckles and red hair is a good standout from other adult games here.

    My only piece of advice is to simply focus on the romantic relationships- authors here make the common mistake of bloated uninteresting crime plots and it seems this will be no exception. I'm sure I'm not the only one that fast forwards through all of that- it's boring and our world is full of first person shoots and action movies that do it better.
  18. 5.00 star(s)



    A good game with a really gripping story and cute LI. I really like the MC here, he is really giving me Jack Reacher (The series not the movie LOL) vibes. Even his back story and appearance is like that.

    Also one of my favorite character would be Loki, the flashes he sees is really cool and the comparison of the characters and their states with the animals is pretty well done.

    I really like Jessie as an LI because of her character, she does appear cute but is not naive, her complexity really attributes her character.

    Christa is great too, hope we have some good character development with her too.

    Really a good story focused VN, not for those expecting a lot of lewd scenes.

    Best of luck with the project @EchoFoxtrot dude.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Out of the 52 or so games ive played this is the first one im considering dropping. I played most of it I just got the last chapter left.
    The main reason im dropping this is the main LI that is forced feels like a loli to mean and any romance or lewd scenes with her make it feel uncomfortable to watch. If it wasn't forced and could just keep her as a friend or something be easier to get behind. I tried to force myself through it but can on force myself for so long. So because of that it's a 2/5 otherwise this game is a 3/5 while it isnt anything specially it's decent enough for what the plot is.

    Pro's :
    It's an actual dark story that isnt just about Sex
    MC keeps the story interesting with how fucked up he is
    decent renders
    decent plot idea's
    some okay characters

    Forced relationship
    The forced relationship makes me uncomfortable because even if she might not be a loli but just borderline loli. She sure damn feels like a loli
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6510130

    I like violent games on here and this one popped up from a recommendation, so I gave it a try. I played it so far but then stopped.

    The story I found quite enjoyable and liked the characters personality wise. The way they had emotions and interacted with each other was pretty good. Also, the MC looking after Jessie was kind of heartwarming and how his inner demons were less under Jessie's positive influence. Christa I like, tough and protective for those she cares about and liable to kick ass against any threats. I think she would be the perfect match for the MC and Jessie perfect in the adopted daughter role. That was the good stuff I liked.

    Renders are very average compared to many other games on here. They are perfectly functional for the story but definitely average. Models are okay, Christa looks pretty while poor Jessie is extremely plain and looks like someone spattered her freckle on with a paint gun - why so many? o_O

    Okay, now the reason I actually stopped playing is Jessie.

    I've seen some defensive comments in the discussion thread on here and I'm going to just say that no, I'm not a Karen, I enjoy some of the darkest AVNs on here, but, Jessie looks about 13 years old.

    I don't give a shit about faux outrage by the Loli lovers defending her look. I'm stating a fact. If they like girls who look underage then that's their problem. I don't.

    She actually reminds me of my cousin when she was that age. I'm not saying about the bust size because I know fine well we don't all get pneumatic tits but her frame and facial features make her overall look like a skinny little high school kid. I looked older than her in High School when I was 14.

    I don't care if some faceless sketchy guys defend her look, she looks like a kid.
    When MC is admiring her skinny little butt, I felt repulsed. A big buff guy who could be her dad admiring this little twig of a girl. Sorry but it's fucking gross.

    If Jessie played a daughter role then I would have enjoyed the whole story and it wouldn't feel weird. Sorry guys but if you can't see why players would object to this then maybe that says a lot about you.

    The Story seems fun but the renders and the very questionable LI content lower this right down for me. Yeah not for me, hard pass.