VN - Ren'Py - Little Regina [v2.12] [EchoFoxtrot]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    TL/DR MC has a real Dr. Jeckle and Hyde vibe going on. The juxtaposition of playing a brutal killer who also has a a big heart is relatively compelling. The LI are all actual characters and it has some nice slow-burn relationships.

    + Both of the female LI have fantastic character models- and they are very differentiated from each-other.
    + Some pretty dark content that makes the plot tick- it isn't just there for gratuity or fetish.
    + A lot of different plot vectors to consider.
    + Unique male MC character model.
    + The dynamics of that soccer team are damned hot.
    + If you like white knighting for gals it is pretty enjoyable. MC is more like a grey knight than a white knight though.

    ~ Sometimes it annoys me with a main character keeps running into events right before something bad will happen to save the day at the last second. That happens a bit too much here- but the way it is executed is better here for some reason. Maybe because the follow up and real talk about any trauma doesn't just get glossed over.
    ~Some folks will find all the violence and gore off-putting; but it felt narrative rather than sadistic so I was cool with it.
    ~Some might criticize the MC as a Gary Stu- but he is far too fucked up and has far to many mental problems to really be characterized as one. Lots of bad decisions compound that.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Only draw back of this VN is not being able to name the MC.I stayed engaged through the whole playthrough, the narrative is well done and it's apparent the dev has put a lot of thought into it.

    Petite lovers will definitely enjoy this.

    Looking forward to future releases.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Holy shit, what the hell is this??? It's definitely not the porn game, that's for sure. Because if it was, it would at least try to get the player excited and not to scare him off.

    It takes forever to see something worthwhile in this game, but it doesn't take long to kill your mood completely. It felt like you need to click through thousand renders to see the first nipples, but in the meantime you get to see a lot of senseless violence and gore. Getting a knife in the eye, getting your hand cut off or a getting a hammer through your head, you name it, it's in there and not even skippable.

    You really need to be a sick bastard if you find any enjoyment in such scenes. It's just awful all around and I'm not even starting to talk about the outdated graphics and bad dialogue. I would give zero stars if I could.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.15

    Great start for this game. The story is very engaging--left me wanting to see what happens next. There have been a couple of scenes so far where Dev did a good job of creating strong tension. LI's are looking good! And I really like that I get to play an MC that is a true badass without being an over the top Superman, who has depth and inner conflict.

    Great work, Dev!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the story and the way it develops. Normaly don't read all the content but I do now. The plot thickens every release and I love it. The renders could be better but understanding the level of the writer I understand and just stick with him to see it improve.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Updated Review as of v0.33-2
    I love this game. The story is fun and a bit more original than the typical AVN. I love the characters as they seem more real versus the game where everyone is a perfect 10 or tries to be. For me I like the "cute" factor and the differing characters. The graphics are good, not great, but fit well into the story.

    Still relatively early in the story, but love where it is going.

    -- Initial Review --
    Not a bad start. It is a bit jumpy on the story up front, which I would like to see smoothed out. However, it is an interesting story with a premise that is different than the norm around here. Nice to have a badass as the MC vs some pimple nose beta.

    Graphics are excellent and the dark elements work. Grading this on a new release curve I would say it is a 4.5 star
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a promising game. I hopre it reachs its full potential with time and updates.
    Storywise doesn't have the usual tropes (landladies, roommates, goblin MC) so for me that's good.
    Renders aren't the best but with time that will get better. In this demo they're serviceable, the cop lady is hot.
    Gameplay is nothing complicated, just standard vn with no choices for now. We will see what the future updates brings to the table.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Graphics are nice but everything else is garbage and the dev seems dead set on insulting the U.S. Army every chance he gets. The MC is basically changed every scene to be a completely different character. The dialog is so badly written with a vast amount of spelling mistakes and dialog that makes no sense at all. The plot is a jumbles mess of things just thrown in to be there, so the narrative goes all over the place.

    If you are going to use anything more than an off side comment about "Was in the Army" even a five minute google search would have corrected so many of the obviously incorrect information you have.

    If you are expecting a good story this is a pass as the story is all over the place. If you are expecting a lot of sex/nudity you are not going to get much from the initial build. If you are expecting competent written characters you are going to get characters that change their personality to fit whatever convoluted scene they are currently in. If you are just wanting cute 3d girls to look at.....well you do get that.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    7/31/2022 v0.1d
    nice start:
    I thought the blood-splattered socks were pretty stylish on Jessy
    The story was pretty nice so far, though much isn't explained as of yet
    No porn action in this first update
    issues I noticed
    Jessy looks sick on the soccer field, it might be the lighting but she looks anemic. like she should be in the hospital and looks like the main reason she's failing her benchmarks in soccer
    Grammer, there are several spelling mistakes. if you could run the text through Grammarly or a similar program, I think the issue would be fixed

    as a first update, there really isn't enough story/content that would justify 5 stars, I think that will change when more chapters are released
    v0.1d is about an hour long