ejlwolf99 The navigation still sucks wind.
All the arrows, many of which just don't stand our against the background, suck.
It's a pretty huge stretch to get us to believe the MC's never gotten access to the internet or discovered what erections and you're not selling it. That amount of teasing he got just in the first release would have prompted anyone to dig into what they were talking about to know if their teasing had any basis in reality. If he'd gone through that his entire life up to now those pills better have had a memory erasing effect.
STOP FUCKING WITH THE MOUSE CURSOR, the circle sucks. A circle is not a pointing instrument.
Oh god, the get through the obstacle course of everyone else's view range when no one is ever in the house when you wander thought it is horrid. Mini-games in general suck and are hated story elements, and this one's terrible because you haven't given the player navigation that's anywhere near precise enough to make this easy or fun. It's just frustrating to click up and left to have MC turn around and go directly down into step mom's field of view is torture. Nope, I'm done for now, maybe I'll come back to this in a future build.