Create a stripper pole ...I failed. Please help me.
1. The pole is in the garage. You'll need to use the ladder on the cabinets to get up above them.
2. The Pole bases are on the roof. When you enter the roof, turn right, move forward. The first base is on the pillar right in front of you. Use the Screwdriver on it.
3. The 2nd based in in the same area. Move forward, turn around, move forward. It should be on the wall to the right. Again, use the Screwdriver to remove it from the wall.
4. When you have the Pole and the 2 bases, select the bases in your inventory and use them on the pole.
5. Go to Amber/Jasmin's room on the 3rd floor, turn left. There will be a hotspot on the floor, use the assembled pole on it.
6. Use the screwdriver on the pole to secure it to the floor (and ceiling).