as you read on it said combat skill mean you deal additional dmg from combat skill, combat skill is your ATK, con is your based sex ATK,... hmmm on the sex battle you will notice 3 DMG,1st DMG(ATK is RED),2nd DMG(SATK is yellow),3rd DMG(will/arousal not sure yet but it decrease enemy stamina). scoutcarft is effect on sex critical maybe because SPEED/SCU.. lets say you meet a troll/orc they fist your AHole and PHole made it loose your SATK no longer deal dmg on them but you got combat skill carry up tested on it and worked as i said satk will deal no dmg on orc but you got atk carry up the dmg while your A/P hole is loose ...., you can try it out by yourself and i'm a deadly mages killing everything in my sight. used one of my save to tested it and took a picture on it.... my Phole dealing 3 type of dmg ATK 110(red) STAK 1(yellow) WATK 1(purple) lucky to took pic in time while my sta droped to negative...