
New Member
Apr 18, 2022
Glass cannon mage build would work for this?
Sincle enemies came infront to ya to capture, and most spells have AOE, dont think it will work well(you can try with no aoe spells). But you stil can get greatsword and put most points in ATK, i think it will work as well.


Feb 23, 2018
Well, don't let the fat guy rape her but I think you should lure them one by one, maybe throw something. I did that last time.
Nah, i just want to know if i let cocona in crawling state can escape the church safety and how to escape (i find it nearly impossible if choose trap making / lewd lona) in the last defend without cocona summon to soak dmg)


Mar 16, 2018
So I finally finished/visited all quests/locations that I knew of and I do wonder if Lona family may still be alive somehow. Sure - she does say they are dead, but I do not remember that it was stated she saw them to die or anything like that.

Since there are still survivors in Sybaris proper - maybe they can still be reunited? I would reckon that at least visiting the site of her house may be a little sidequest/location - she did, afterall, watched her home from afar from the tower in South gate camp. It can seen as some sort of reckoning with her past/tragedy.


New Member
Jun 20, 2022
Nah, i just want to know if i let cocona in crawling state can escape the church safety and how to escape (i find it nearly impossible if choose trap making / lewd lona) in the last defend without cocona summon to soak dmg)
Tell her to stay and then kite them one by one over your traps. At the end where mama shows up don't fight just run and break the barriers and leave before they die.
How to work waiters? They attack me all the time.
They won't if you are sprinting so when handing over beer always hold down sprint.
So I finally finished/visited all quests/locations that I knew of and I do wonder if Lona family may still be alive somehow. Sure - she does say they are dead, but I do not remember that it was stated she saw them to die or anything like that.

Since there are still survivors in Sybaris proper - maybe they can still be reunited? I would reckon that at least visiting the site of her house may be a little sidequest/location - she did, afterall, watched her home from afar from the tower in South gate camp. It can seen as some sort of reckoning with her past/tragedy.
Sybaris is largely unfinished so it wouldn't surprise me if her ruined house will be an explorable location in the future. I don't have much hope about her family being alive. If they were to be in the game they will probably meet a horrible fate.


Mar 16, 2018
Sybaris is largely unfinished so it wouldn't surprise me if her ruined house will be an explorable location in the future. I don't have much hope about her family being alive. If they were to be in the game they will probably meet a horrible fate.
True on all points. I also thought that they, theoretically if they are alive still, could be at some more distant refugee camp and Lona just never found them - with the chaos, separation and death during the Sybaris fall in mind - Lona just does not have any reasonable basis to think that they are still alive.

At the end of day it all depends on Eccma and what he choose to do with it.

As a little sidenote: sure, if they were to be still alive they most likely would be in dire living situation. But at that point, at least on my playthrough, Lona is basically a killing machine which can go head-to-head with any enemy and has more than enough money to spare to, theoretically, take care of her family (i.e. put them on the ship).
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Apr 3, 2021
True on all points. I also thought that they, theoretically if they are alive still, could be at some more distant refugee camp and Lona just never found them - with the chaos, separation and death during the Sybaris fall in mind - Lona just does not have any reasonable basis to think that they are still alive.

At the end of day it all depends on Eccma and what he choose to do with it.

As a little sidenote: sure, if they were to be still alive they most likely would be in dire living situation. But at that point, at least on my playthrough, Lona is basically a killing machine which can go head-to-head with any enemy and has more than enough money to spare to, theoretically, take care of her family (i.e. put them on the ship).
i suspect a few things for them knowing how the creator works:

1. They both are dead and does not apear in the game

2. They are dead and we only see their corpses and maby a note/diary

3. They are alive but we see them die in a cutscene

4. They are alive and both are slaves
4.1 They both eventualy die being slaves
4.2 You could rescue both of them from slavery, what's next is umpredictable
4.3 Father eventualy dies being a slave but mother is alive so you can rescue her, what's next is umpretictable
4.4 the same as above but mother is the one who dies and father is alive

5. They are both alive but not slaves living in a really deplorable condition
5.1 Eventualy they both die pacificaly or brutaly in front of Lona
5.2 they do not die and you can escolt them to a save place
5.3 Something happens and father dies and mother is abupted to a rapeloop so lona have to saver her, what's next is umpredictable
5.4 Something happens so mother dies and father gets complety crazy and end being a companion (to help lona and revenge his wife) or a enemy (is so crazy that he tries to Kill or rape Lona so you have to kill him)
5.5 something happens so mother is abupted anyways but father is alive, you save her and the rest is umpredictable

6. You only find a letter what it say they are both alive and left the island leaving lona bahind
6.1 they leave without Lona because they think she died in the caos
6.2 they left lona bahind because they are terrible parents or do not care about her
6.3 they left lona in the island because the fortuneteller say so and they agreed because... some reason
6.4 only one of them find the way to leave, the other or die or is still in the island somewhere so one of the things above could happen
6.5 they just leave without Lona for no reason

What else do you think could happen to them if they appear or are mentioned again in the game?
Feb 25, 2021
So the art is really good but it seems really samey. Are there bad ends with more variety at the end or is what it's like at the beginning mostly what you get the whole time, just with different appendages?


Apr 3, 2021
So the art is really good but it seems really samey. Are there bad ends with more variety at the end or is what it's like at the beginning mostly what you get the whole time, just with different appendages?
there are multiple bad ends and only 1 good end for now, in the next update we will get another good end, maby in the future we will get more


May 3, 2017
How often does the download link for this thread get updated? I was thinking I'd wait till a 0.7.2+ link before playing more since you need a new save, but then I realized I have no idea the frequency of updates for this.

Also, if purchased on itch, am I right in my understanding that it wouldn't be translated?

Aug 11, 2021
How often does the download link for this thread get updated? I was thinking I'd wait till a 0.7.2+ link before playing more since you need a new save, but then I realized I have no idea the frequency of updates for this.

Also, if purchased on itch, am I right in my understanding that it wouldn't be translated?

That's what the patch is for. It patches the parts that are not yet in English. I have already made the patch and I will probably release it once I deem it fit (I have yet to play it out and see how the texts fit).


May 3, 2017
That's what the patch is for. It patches the parts that are not yet in English. I have already made the patch and I will probably release it once I deem it fit (I have yet to play it out and see how the texts fit).
I see, thanks for the explanation. So I guess I need to wait for both the patch and the thread download link to be updated. Once the download is up, I'd then apply your patch.
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New Member
Jun 20, 2022
True on all points. I also thought that they, theoretically if they are alive still, could be at some more distant refugee camp and Lona just never found them - with the chaos, separation and death during the Sybaris fall in mind - Lona just does not have any reasonable basis to think that they are still alive.

At the end of day it all depends on Eccma and what he choose to do with it.

As a little sidenote: sure, if they were to be still alive they most likely would be in dire living situation. But at that point, at least on my playthrough, Lona is basically a killing machine which can go head-to-head with any enemy and has more than enough money to spare to, theoretically, take care of her family (i.e. put them on the ship).
i suspect a few things for them knowing how the creator works:

1. They both are dead and does not apear in the game

2. They are dead and we only see their corpses and maby a note/diary

3. They are alive but we see them die in a cutscene

4. They are alive and both are slaves
4.1 They both eventualy die being slaves
4.2 You could rescue both of them from slavery, what's next is umpredictable
4.3 Father eventualy dies being a slave but mother is alive so you can rescue her, what's next is umpretictable
4.4 the same as above but mother is the one who dies and father is alive

5. They are both alive but not slaves living in a really deplorable condition
5.1 Eventualy they both die pacificaly or brutaly in front of Lona
5.2 they do not die and you can escolt them to a save place
5.3 Something happens and father dies and mother is abupted to a rapeloop so lona have to saver her, what's next is umpredictable
5.4 Something happens so mother dies and father gets complety crazy and end being a companion (to help lona and revenge his wife) or a enemy (is so crazy that he tries to Kill or rape Lona so you have to kill him)
5.5 something happens so mother is abupted anyways but father is alive, you save her and the rest is umpredictable

6. You only find a letter what it say they are both alive and left the island leaving lona bahind
6.1 they leave without Lona because they think she died in the caos
6.2 they left lona bahind because they are terrible parents or do not care about her
6.3 they left lona in the island because the fortuneteller say so and they agreed because... some reason
6.4 only one of them find the way to leave, the other or die or is still in the island somewhere so one of the things above could happen
6.5 they just leave without Lona for no reason

What else do you think could happen to them if they appear or are mentioned again in the game?
I think being able to meet and save Lona's parents would clash too much with the ludonarrative of her being all alone.
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