
New Member
Dec 15, 2017
Any chance of getting this for Lona?
There's too much sprite and CG variations for Lona, it is possible, but it would be immense amount of work
Also a lot of dialogues wouldn't make sense cause, well, she wouldn't be flat anymore


Apr 3, 2021
Is there a way to turn on addictions without uping the difficulty? Maybe with the console?
i don't know but hell mode is not too hard like it sounds, if you do fine in hard mode then you'll do fine in hell mode just be carefull with the food, you will lose any food that ins't dry food and smoked meat (and some exceptions) at the end of the day/night, so you just need to invest 10 points on SUR to make your own durable food, that's all
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Jun 4, 2017
In console type:
Thank you very much. Edit: I tried it various times and it apparently isn't working, the code appears to be executed successfully, so I wonder what I'm doing wrong.

i don't know but hell mode is not too hard like it sounds, if you do fine in hard mode then you'll do fine in hell mode just be carefull with the food, you will lose any food that ins't dry food and smoked meat (and some exceptions) at the end of the day/night, so you just need to invest 10 points on SUR to make your own durable food, that's all
Thank you for the tip. I believe having to escape ambushes will be the hardest part to adapt (unless you just need to go unseen and then you can leave the area), but I'll give it a shot.
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Apr 3, 2021
Thank you very much.

Thank you for the tip. I believe having to escape ambushes will be the hardest part to adapt (unless you just need to go unseen and then you can leave the area), but I'll give it a shot.
well... about the ambushes if you run fast enough you will be able to leave the map because if you are far enough from the enemy it will count you are not in combat. I do that all the time
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Mar 15, 2021
So I'm sure I'm just dumb, but when I click on it, it just takes me to another page. How do I download it properly?
The problem is this, .rb file extensions are verboten which is bullshit it's just a name.

The uploaded file does not have an allowed extension. The following extensions are allowed: .rar, .zip, .7z, .swf, .save, .xml, .qsp, .sav, .txt, .pdf, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif, .gif, .mp3, .mp4, .audio, .wav, .avi, .gifv, .vob, .webm, .flv, .wmv, .m4v, .rpy, .rpyc, .rpa, .dat, .webp, .torrent
In order to get around this I just add .txt to the name which people then have to remove themselves, but it seems it makes this forum treat the attachment as a .txt file. To get the file you can do either one of these two things

  1. Copy and paste all the text in notepad or something and save it as "99998_FixesAndCheatsDependencies.rb"
  2. Right click the attachment and save as

Do people prefer if things are packed in a .zip instead?
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