RPGM - LonaRPG [v0.9.3.0 Beta] [EccmA417]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great unforgiving rpg which one usually expects to have a bloody death as a defeat event, only there is bloody rape instead. Obvious influence and references from Darkest Dungeon and Goblin Slayer. As far as fap material goes, its full of blood and gore, not everyone's cookie. As a game though, it does sandbox rpg right.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    In the current version as of now that I know of 0.3.5 :

    - The story of the game is refreshing understandable not too far fetch even in the fantasy era ,the some of the characters in the game are pretty well thought out and the story is brilliant it's about chaotic mess of humanity when they deal with dangers from all sides and themselves and you're just a nobody right in the middle of it trying to survive.

    although the lore is bit conflicted or if is due to miss translation ?

    Example :

    the red kelp I have no idea what this is, is this the same as the 'infections' ? that the mc find in the sewers ? if so then as the other sources in the game states that this red kelp or infections seem to block the goblins as they doesn't want anything to do with it but there is a group of goblins camping in the sewers, so it kind of didn't add up , if the red kelp is this infections.

    also the soldier diary states that elise is a girl that lost her family due to deep ones, but elise the one that in the clinic based upon the journal that elise wrote that's not the case. Is elise meant as lisa ?

    as I understand the game is still work in progress so the translation to english still not there yet I can understand that.

    - The game mechanics is pretty good I am surprised that they still can make the game like this with so many variables with a rpg maker ace engine and doesn't crash , there is bug here and there but the dev teams quickly respond and fix it if the bug is really there. again the game still in development it look pretty working to me from my point up to this point.

    -Originality, the game is pretty original nothing quite like it in the rpg survival dark genre.

    - renders , the art is decent enough for an rpg maker ace game

    - music is great matches the mood in the game.

    - Play ability , pretty basic about the basic of the game there is tutorial inside the game and active community to help you if you get stuck in the game.

    - Performance, the game is decent enough to play it , but I have a potato computer so what do I know about this one point ?

    -animations, mostly the events is still pictures and the animations mostly in the sprites it's decent and get the point across.

    -voice acting , there are none of this in the game.

    -grammar , I don't know about this point I kind of not excel on this point in english major so I wouldn't know.

    -Amount of content , There is so much content in this game at this current stage even despite the fact the game is still in development and I can see the potential of this game to add more and expands the quests as the base skeleton frame of the game function is there and it work decent enough.

    my personal gripe is that wish they added more alternative endings to the game in saving the mc companions, you get so attached to them as the story line for the characters are very well made and pull your heart string, rarely a game does this for me. Usually npc you don't give a damn, lol

    but hey the game still in development there still could be changes let's hope for the best.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    If you're looking for a deep, dark, and challenging H-RPG then you might have just found the best game on the site for you. LonaRPG goes above and beyond in a lot of different ways, including aspects that some may find disturbing. I'll warn you now, I can't think of a porn game darker than this one, and I don't mean "dark" as in just edgy, but legitimately disturbing at times.

    The story is: you are a young girl named Lona, a refugee who has fled from her ruined home of Sybaris and is trying to make a living in the harsh world as an adventurer. Along the way she'll meet orcs (who will try to rape her), human-fish monstrosities (who will try to rape her), bandits and rioters (who will try to rape her) and unnatural amalgamations of flesh (who will try to rape her), seeing a theme huh?

    So the pros of this game:
    -Dizzying depth. I've been playing for a few updates and still haven't come close to finding everything in this game.
    -An extremely ugly, depressing, and harsh atmosphere that is consistent in driving home the point that Lona is indeed alone in a cold, grim, unforgiving world (yes this is a positive, the world-building really enhances this game's experience)
    -The developer updates at a speed that would make most h-game developers cry tears of blood. The three most recent updates were within a span of seven days. Patreon says he's making over nine hundred dollars a month and for once I can say he earns every single cent.
    -The extremeness of the actual porn in this porn game isn't something you can find anywhere else. I can't think of the last game that had the girl actually bleed when she got raped in the ass.
    -The incredible openness of the world and the sheer amount of content already in the game means that it has immense replay value. If you get bored it's actually a viable option to just wander off into the wilderness and see what you can find, and there's tons of things to find.

    The cons:
    -The biggest con, and the reason why this review is only 4 stars, is that the game just isn't very well designed at this point. The blazing speed of the updates means that a lot of issues are getting hammered down, but if you happen to get ambushed by wolves in a forest you're still going to die in seconds because they bounce around like frogs and the tight corridors give you literally no way to run away.
    -Adding on to the above, some character builds just flat out don't work. Going as a sex-based attacker will render you completely helpless against the undead or animals, which I mean come on. If you're going to give us something as extreme as the orckind bad ending might as well allow us to fuck zombies to death. Not being able to use sex attacks against animals is even more bizarre, as there is literally a bestiality scene already in the game.
    -This may be a pro for some of you, as it is for me, but the grim atmosphere of this game can hit you like a punch to the gut. If you're expecting the bad endings in this game to be the same as other porn games you are badly mistaken. If you're here for the porn, do not click "give up" after you've been captured.
    -The trade point system doesn't make sense from either a lore or a gameplay perspective, and it's rather frustrating to work with even after you've grasped it. In the end you are going to come away from almost every area you spend money in with some of it lost to the void because of this system.

    In the end, this really is the Dark Souls of h-games. It's got everything from minimal surface story but surprising depth for those who look for info, relentlessly dark atmosphere, high difficulty with an extremely steep learning curve, and to top it all off you're going to get ryona so extreme you really can't get it anywhere else. If you can stomach the more gruesome parts of the game then I wholly recommend it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is challenging and fun, has a lot of nice features like the skill tree. In this game you can choose your play style and personality type that fits you best. To me the sexual content is completely unappealing, but for this kind of game that works to it's benefit really well and just goes in hand as part of the grimdark horror. I'd say even if you're not into the kind of stuff in the tags, give it a try if you like survival rpgs.

    There are several different types of weapons to choose from, even magic! Although that being said equipment is really limited aside from the weapons right now (ie. few accessories only a couple of outfits and no proper armor). Although very limited, the outfits do all show up on your CGs with a lot of detail which is nice.

    You can also bring along a wide variety of different companions, including animals, to aid you on your quests. There are a lot of areas to explore beyond just the starting city and you unlock new quests as the game goes on.

    The combat is tricky to learn and the hitboxes can be a bit confusing but once you get the hang of it, it's a lot of fun to bait your enemies into a trap or surprise attack them, as well as being able to kite them around the map and attack them from afar with magic or arrows.

    There's quite a lot here already, and the developer seems good about improving and expanding the game. I'd definitely recommend giving it a go.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    PROS :
    - Superior artwork, like, S tier in this all website, not some deviant art guy or 3D model newbie.
    -Solid combat system.
    - A lot of posibilities.
    - The gore is not the typical blood bath like an anime. Even if you are not into it, like me, it doesn´t become THAT gross.
    - A lot of content, and it´s suppose to be a beta.
    - Both the artist and the programmer do their work in a very outstanding way
    - Good character design.
    - This type of worlds is not original, but at least it manages to stand out.
    - I hope I am misjudging. I hope the creator does not become a "YandereDev"

    At the level of Terauge, Portals of Phereon and Mainden Snow. Really hope to see more.
    Top 5 in all the website to be honest.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok so this game has many potential to become one of the best survival rpg game.
    First of all you start with little girls who try to survive in this fucked world. As you progress the game become more interesting and very hard especially if you don't manage your resource very good.

    Overall this game is very good. Just add more adjustment due to diff of the game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting game with multiple ways to play / enjoy it. Art looks good too. Could use more translation and tutorial ingame due to its initial difficulty, but the core gameplay is definitely there. The stamina system gets critiqued a lot but managing it is basically what makes the game so hard and rewarding when you succeed.
  8. B
    4.00 star(s)


    Excellent in so many ways. The content matter was a bit much for me (filth and blood and gore and such). It's a pretty depressing portrayal of human suffering! I guess if you're into the dark stuff, this is for you, but the misery of it all was kind of a boner killer for me.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A game that i was looking for please don't give up on this game i loved it so much even though its hard in the beginning i been grinding on guides on youtube to improve. I love the way of the graphics on this one it really represents a true rpg mostly the battle situation and sleeping mechanics. the only downfall of this game is the time interval you could but a time lapse here like the one in "Skyrim" so we will able to go on the morning or night please keep up the good work and never give up
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, so, do you remember VH? Kind of open world with a story over there? This is that, but mixed with Dark Souls...
    This means that this game has absolutely no chill: it will fuck you over if you are not careful and you'll end up in situations where there is no escape and you are literally stuck as a goblin's breeding sow, a sex or a miner slave with little to no chance to escape...
    The art is good
    The concept is good
    The execution is good
    The gameplay is good
    The world is good
    The combat...you'll have to learn that...

    I like it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It really nice rpg with some horror elements. Companions and locations seems interesting like combat mechanic. Art style of game may scare some users and make game uncommon. So i like it. I'll wait more updates of this product.

    Now i hate rats.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is extremely impressive in terms of how it approaches different mechanics. It's as if someone wanted to recreate violated heroine with a much darker, grim, but thematically logical atmosphere.

    Clothing system is complex, makes sense, and has a consequence for wearing less.

    Has every other "NEED" (except thirst) you could imagine, and requires you to focus on them.

    Gameplay is rather hardcore and after reading the patreon posts it seems the creator is from and has learned English through the chan boards (check his posts you'll see what I mean lmao). The game isn't your typical RPGM grindfest, and plays like what you'd expect a normal game to play like, paired with some very impressive visuals for a 2D game as well.

    You'll fail several times while exploring content. Just have fun with it while it lasts. Maybe some poster/anon will come out with a proper guide.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Damn this looks promising.

    I'm sure there are issues, food and stamina seem to deplete very quickly at least. And I'm only in the very beginning, so I'm sure I'll find more stuff I'll dislike...

    But damn the good stuff is actually good. The amount of status effects available and the art that accompanies them is already amazing. Seems there's also a menstrual cycle, not sure if it works yet but looks great.

    For anyone familiar with the likes of Dungeons & Prisoners and MaidenSnow Eve this is pretty much just like them. Let's hope this one gets a better polish. Main difference between those games and this is that this one is not turn based, so quicker reaction is required. In that regard it's a bit like Wings of Roldea.