RPGM - LonaRPG [v0.9.3.0 Beta] [EccmA417]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    5 Stars.



    Good Animation.

    Good Art.

    Good Story line. (Make you feel like an actual Adventure/Survivor. Also make you very resourceful and punish you when needed.)

    Fun combat mechanics.


    Translation. (You can download fan translation!)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    My first introduction to F95, honestly an amazing game.

    Gameplay is deceptively simple and is a great vehicle for the actual content.
    Translation could use some work as well as communication with the player but there's a really great community happy to help clear up some of the more obfuscated features.

    The theme and world itself is great - a little generic but still serviceable.

    The sexual content is not for everyone but definitely won me over as I played, helped in no little part by the AMAZING art. Honestly some of the best stuff I've seen in a game like this.

    I can't wait for more!


    Wow, it's been a bit over a year since I left this review. Crazy. Since I left this review, actual solid content hasn't been fleshed out too much. Mainly miscellaneous stuff here and there. But man. This game is so good, I come back to it all the fucking time. It seriously does the sex-scene gameplay divide so well, it's up there alongside Karryn's Prison. Upon further playing, and with some of the content being fleshed out, I'd even upgrade the setting from generic to actually pretty unique. It has a lot of flavour that is very welcome, which you can really appreciate the more you play. Still a 5/5. I JUST WISH IT WAS UPDATED FASTERRRRRRRR.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    For what the concept of this game is, being a helpless young woman who can't really fight but needs to in order to survive, I really feel like the execution is very well done. This game is hardcore, and while it can be seen as a downside if you just wish to win the game, losing punishes hard the player with exclusive scenes and a lot of time lost. It'll require ingenious and sometimes unorthodox plans in order to progress smoothly, and it really helps to pull the player in its immersive universe thanks to all that time spent. This game isn't good as a fap game as sex scenes require you to lose big, but as a standalone game with sex here and there, it is very good and manages to deliver its promise. The only downside I have with this game is about the Trait and Level Up system which makes progression very stagnant about your power as only new weaponry, companions or sacrificing Abilities for fire power will help you make more damage, while the Barter system encourages hoarding ressources as being in a bad spot punishes you hard, so there's a big dillema on two big gameplay mecanics. Good thing enemies don't really become stronger either though, and that farming coins is pretty easy once you do get that firepower.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent proposition if you like the tags - and I do.

    Storywise, LonaRPG presents a dark and gritty setting, where terrible things happen to otherwise normal people, corruption abounds and twisted things occur. This pairs excellently with the artstyle and sets in contrast the cute character design the artist/dev is known for with the subject matter, making for a compelling experience overall.

    eccma417's art for the game is stellar and expressive, capable of conveying both the highs and lows of the characters depicted. Character and expression diversity in general is pretty damn great, with a wide range of NPCs, from the happy-go-lucky and sweet and innocent to the horrible and twisted.

    Also appreciated is the scat/watersports toggle, very thoughtful and considerate. The English lines are well-contextualized and genuinely don't feel ESL or pull you out of the experience, though I will say some of the latest possible content(regarding Milo in the high-class bar in the uptown district, as well as Cecily and her retainer) remains untranslated even if language is set to English. I'm sure this will change as the game receives further updates, though.

    Combat and gameplay mechanics. Combat itself is directional hack & slash, with several abilities and ways of defending yourself and affecting the outcome of encounters based off abilities slotted into action bars. It's hard but rewarding and requires you to use the environment to compensate for Lona's relative weakness compared to her enemies. Use chokepoints, use stealth, use potions and the like.

    The game follows a series of quests, some of which are very lovingly detailed and thought-out, though it's notable that there is extremely little handholding. A Walkthrough isn't an absolute necessity, but it may help you derive significantly more enjoyment from the experience. I personally found the whole 'grab the quest announcement off the board' theme to be very true to the adventuring guild style storytelling you see in some eastern titles.

    The game has extensive stat-tracking and condition tracking, providing a detailed record and a fair amount of information regarding Lona's current status, though you'll have to intuit what certain stats(such as Sexy or Weak) actually do. Similarly, the economy may seem quite unintuitive at first glance, but after a bit of getting used to it and the carry weight systems began to flow nicely in my experience. It's a little clunky at the start and may seem clumsy, but it gets going rather nicely as you progress.

    Apart from the excellent lewds - consensual or otherwise, including several different types of prostitution, rape, slavery, parasites, monsters, etc. etc. - and the combat and itemization, perhaps the most standout thing for the game is its mood.

    LonaRPG's mood is set through everything from the gloomy but warm lighting, to the choices of color for character designs, to the sketchlike art for encounters and spriting. Bright doesn't necessarily mean friendly, and dark doesn't necessarily make for a foe.

    All in all, an excellent experience, with a good helping of content. Looking forward to more.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    If you are looking for fap material this is most likely not what you are looking for unless you really, really into the tags (Rape, Bestiality, Monsters, Pregnancy, Urination, Scat, Graphic violence, Ryona) of this game. For people with ordinary taste like me, you would find sex in the game basically serve as punishment of your failure. Every time I saw the cg, the urge to vomit, the feeling of nausea, just makes me questioning myself why the hell am i still playing this game. But dont get me wrong, I am not saying this game is not good. What i want to deliver is, seriously, if you are not into hardcore (game-wise or sex-wise), this game is really not a must play. I am quite mentally traumatized but still, not very regretting playing this game.

    + Polished art, through not suitable for everyone
    + Overall atmosphere is real dark
    + Even still in development, already have decent amount of content
    - Realtime combat, might be good for others but old pc really gonna have a tough time to run it smoothly
    - Lack of guidance after first tutorial, you have very little idea what you should do/ can do to survive.
    -Lack of motivation for protag to move forward to main storyline after you understand how to generate income without danger. The ultra goal of this girl is to earn 20 gold coins and leave this shitty place behind. So why would such a malnourished girl continue to join the combat mission if she can just gather herbs and sold for half a gold in one night?
    ? Unique game mechanic & design, in short, I would say most of it are annoyingly interesting.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    DISCLAIMER this game is dark and it isn't for everyone.

    First let me say I love this game, it is a good RPGM game with good RPG elements and good progression.

    The game is brutal, it is very difficult but not impossible if you know what you are doing.

    The game is very fun, but it is not a good fap material, too dark and violent for me, BUT I loved the experience and ambiance. The CGs are really good, they really feel dirty and disgusting as they are intended.

    Finally, I'd say play the game if you want a little RPG, fun to play amazing experience that make you really DON'T want to lose (but you will) but you are warned it is very disgusting and violent but at least scat and watersport are optional.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Wow this game sure is brutal. It's a dark world and people are mean.

    I'm very very conflicted about this game. Some of it is absolutely brilliant and some of it is a complete mess.

    - A perfect depiction of a grim and dark RPG world, where if you don't play your cards right, you'll get captured by slavers (or monsters) and raped to death. The game even does this cat-and-mouse thing where you can try to escape, but it's fucking hard and you'll most likely just end up dying anyway after a prolonged series of abuse.
    - It's completely unique
    - Huge world with lots of things to do
    - Many different playstyles available
    - Very realistic

    - The combat is RPGM realtime combat and for some reason, my machine (which is a mid-line gaming laptop and can handle modern FPS and RTS games) slogs to a stutter when the action starts. The combat is bordering-on-impossible hard, but not for the right reasons. Building real-time combat like this in the RPGM engine is wayyyyy outside of it's comfort zone, and it shows. There are only 4 cardinal directions with no diagonal movement and this makes combat tricky in a way that I feel it really shouldn't be.
    - The learning curve for trying to get into this game is way too steep. There are stats, modifiers, special attacks, hunger and stamina mechanics, sex combat, traps, consumables et c and you are just expected to understand this from the get-go. If you have the 10 + hours to really dive deep then I'm sure the game can be rewarding as fuck, but I reached a point where I really couldn't be bothered any more. To play this game you really need a deep knowledge of the game, something that sadly does not come automatically from actually playing the game. You'll need external help or you're toast.
    - Buying things in this game consists of first selling your money, converting it into some kind of "virtual currency" which can only be used at that specific vendor. This is really dumb as fuck. I guess this mechanic is necessary in order to have the coins weigh something (so you cant walk around with 100000 coppers on your person, as that would be unrealistic). I guess the dev is going for hyper-realism here, but it's really off-putting as a gamer. Yes it's realistic, but yes, it also sucks major ass and adds a billion extra clicks in the vendor interactions. Worth it? Absolutely not!

    All in all this game has a lot going for it, and the aspects of it which are good, are really fucking good. But conversely, the bad stuff is also really fucking bad. Some of it is the worst shit I've ever seen. It's really a rollercoaster of emotions playing this game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    What i was lookin for, enjoy it very much and well made but not is for everyone, original good art and crypto learning a woke game like my dick, hard to swallow, easy to cum

    ahora en español: este juego no es para todo y si tu mente aun no esta enferma no lo juegues
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is just something !. on the engine to create something simple and complex. addictive to madness. variability, stats. I love such games. and NO turn-based battles. only a little annoying constant hunger and quickly ends stamina. and getting money is very problematic. the slave system is broken. once enslaved, you will always be caught and given back. the birth of children from goblins and others is long. Yes, and I did not really understand how to restore hp. but it was fun
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 with a very small issue

    Great dark seamless world.
    Great injury and sex tracker.
    Nice seamless CGs (I expect more to come).
    Good quest story lines and side jobs (I expect more to come).
    Good slavery system.
    Good amount of strats the player can do in battle.
    Interesting and Nice perks (I expect more to come).
    Interesting NPCs
    Overall: It's a very fun game, once you get used to the difficulty it provided.
    The only problem right now is the balancing of the game

    (y) Keep up the good work dev!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    fun game
    i wonder will there be tattoo but the game it self is good though
    the game mechanic still need some fixing up
    leveling up is troublesome and take to long to reach some level
    but the maker is active and this is his/her 2nd project so i can see this one being better
  12. B
    5.00 star(s)


    a rare occasion when I award a game with 5 stars.

    Wierd. Dirty. Disgusting. Wild. Shocking.

    fair warning - for those who thinks that "69" is hardcore... this game isnt for you.
    Finally someone made a proper game. F95 is full of soft porn games where you need to grind XY hours to persuade the MC to take a risky selfie in a shower. This game isnt waiting for anything. You fucked up? ye... Good luck.

    + nasty. keep it up, we need more!
    + great amount of dirty, wierd stuff. Im sure more will come in new versions
    + Art. its not exactly... top notch but it fits really well into the game and its refreshing to see something a bit different.
    + nasty. keep it up, we need more!
    + already a pretty big map
    + sometimes very funny :D when you are about to be raped in the tavern when suddenly the innkeeper jumps over the bar and starts smacking everyone in the tavern :D
    + nasty. keep it up, we need more!
    + challenging combat

    - many things in this world take very long time to happen. an option to skip certain amount of time would be appreciated.
    - the... "cutscenes" during sexual encounters are too long. It gets annoying really fast if you see "NnMghhHN!!!" 10 times, then change the scene and see it 10 times again. Or too "hear" her say "Im cumming omg!! my brain is melting!" 10 times during an orgasm is a bit annoying aswell. Would it be possible to reduce it a little?

    ideas: Would it be possible to add a blood to the visuals on a MC? the dirt and all is great but if you look to your health stats and see tons of bleeding or hurt places but the avatar still looks OK isnt really realistic. (Im kidding, I'd just like to see it xd ). And maybe an internal view aswel? on the avatar i mean, not during the sex scenes.

    thanks for the game man. looking forward to new updates!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This can be a drastically different game with a different approach.
    You don't choose your career, your career choses you.
    Bad endings are truly bad. The grim fate Lona suffers often doesn't leave you much erotic fantasy, but only a strong urge to undo it.


    But seriously wth is this girl made of?? She's so insanely tanky! Unless you're intentionally tryna kill her, she simply refuses to die taking within a hundred or so stabs/clubbing. Her entire nap duration takes 3 seconds even in the game-world time.

    Dragonborne confirmed?
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2019334

    got stun lock by a boar right as i spawn in was giving no chance to move and was camp by the boar 3 deaths and game over this is just a trash game belongs in the trash enemy has way to high hit range a rat can hit me from three blocks a way as me a human can only hit one to two blocks how can a little rat have a bigger hit range then a human that right they is a other simple of why it belongs in the trash so much wrong with this game not enough time
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v Public Beta]

    Great if you're into to the kinks it presents. I'm not.

    Art is grungy and dirty and titless. Not appealing to me personally.

    Plot's neat if very dark and grim. I'm normally enthusiastic for open-ended sandboxy presentations, but it's too dark for me personally.

    Porn is a [subjectively] mixed. The tags don't fuck around; Graphic Violence means it; there's a ton of ryona. Unfortunately there's no toggle for it, and it and gore are present even in the chipset on the maps. The toilet fetish toggles aren't entirely successful at suppressing them even if toggled. I do like the preg and monster content (they're what drew me here in the first place) but they aren't separable from the aforementioned turnoffs.

    Ultimately the gameplay is tuned too masochistic (even without the masochist porn) for me, and if this game's an indication of the default mindset of the Chinese populace we're all in for a grim time when they call our debts.

    TLDR: This is a ryona game where sex is used to torment the protag, rather than a porn game with ryona kinks.
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Sum Fu King Gai

    I don't care for, basically, any of the H-content in this game. Most of it is abusive or prostitution, sexual fluids coloured like puss from a bad infection, and I'm not interested in waste fetishes.

    But the game is really challenging and fun, guiding Lona through this world avoiding the terrible fates that await her, should you make a few errors, is more interesting then most games 'you died, reload'

    This game will let you play out the mistakes, or at least try to before you reload. Sure their are still bugs or balance issues, overall the game polish is not very high, but the ground work is fun and the project looks like it has potential of being a fun game that caters to a niche crowd.
  17. N
    5.00 star(s)


    There is no main story. The content is fairly simple. You have to make money or you will die. The goal is to have enough money to escape the ship in port. The game is intentionally not a Japanese hentai role-playing game in which you can play through easily and see a lot of erotic content. And just because it's so difficult and you can get raped or die very quickly without doing anything about it, the game is really fun and you start to play it very carefully. I am fascinated by the game because it is a completely different kind of erotic role-playing game. That's why the game gets 5 stars from me. I'm looking forward to it when it's finally done.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Game-play is way too slow, and on top of that, the controls are clunky. I thought my keys were sticky when choosing which direction i'm going in. Turns out, it's just poor controls. The designs choices are unique however, they're too sloppy. Often making it rather difficult to determine what's happening to the protagonist. Besides that, there is an option to turn survival mode on or off however, the difficulty of the game makes it feel as though survival mode is on all the time. Sometimes players like me want to breeze through the world without having to worry so much about the body feeling heavy or running out of stamina and being defenseless. Overall experience with this game has been disappointing However! with some tuning up and polishing, this game could be very good. For now, 2 stars out of 5! Good luck,.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    A truly interesting game

    there was a rumor
    people say that it really is up to developer to make a truly unique game and it not about video game engine

    This one answer it for you
    with developer carefully craft their world for us to play
    turning the simple RPGmaker to unique game experience
    world fill with dark fantasy and Lovecraft horror but exist some humor to calm your nerve

    You not guide the strong hero but a weak hero trying to survive the horror of the world

    (only applies to demo at the moment. A subject change to be make in future)

    like many game I have encounter, the story for character may lacking or feel unfulfilled

    The characters like many other RPGmaker games will be very straight forward and may lacking of other path and lack of variety

    example of character development
    player get to know each character and their background then playing with them in varies way

    a simple thing such as engage a deeper relationship with some character may not happen in this game despite the game does contain hardcore porno but lack of simple concert of character relation variety which may lead to porn variety

    At the moment the game is not stable for low-end PC due to poor coding but only thing you need is higher 7 GB of RAM to play smoothly
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few rpgs that deserve to be called grimdark fantasy, Its playstyle actually forces you to think and survive. It makes you thinkout your build,prepare for battles and use every item in your arsenal to pass quests. and when you do it feels rewarding. And the protagonist made me want to protect her at all costs, i even went so far as to avoid any H-scenes. The characters just felt too real, and you can actually lose your allies that you recruit permanently so you cant just cover and hope for the best. Great game looking forward to future updates.