RPGM - LonaRPG [v0.9.3.0 Beta] [EccmA417]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I didn't think I'd like this game, because of the gore and grossness of it, but I actually started to like it. I really like Lona's design and character and some of the other character's like Elise. Sadly that didn't last as the more I played it, the more annoying things got.

    The game is hard, but that's usually not a problem for me. what I find frustrating is the design of the game constantly working against me. The game works off of a grid system, like many RPG maker games, but it asks for you to be good at combat while constantly fighting enemies that are fast, get in your way when it looked like you had time to go past them, or move in and out of your hit zone while your trying to fight them, causing you to miss even though it looked like your attack connected.

    I bought a mine, thought I'd try placing it and luring an enemy to it, so I placed it, pressed the button to throw a rock, tried moving the throw reticle to where I wanted to throw the rock, but this caused me to walk into the mine I placed because I tried walking too soon I guess, even though I pressed the throw button before. This is the kind of stuff that ruins games for me.

    Imo, game's should be balanced around their design. If the creator couldn't make a game that wasn't locked to a grid system, then the enemies shouldn't be this annoying.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very difficult and torturous especially if you don't know what you're doing at first. I recommend looking up tutorials and builds on the wiki to get you started (Although some of them aren't up to date and are erroneous, but its good enough to get you started at least).

    I kept starving and dying off because I was wasting my stamina and gold on buying food and working as dancer at the Noer Inn.

    For those starting out, I recommend that you build up your survival skill first as this is essential for crafting food and potions later on in the game. The food will replenish stamina when sleeping and when you max out your stamina, the excess will go to your health.

    Hire the dog at the inn using meat soup that you can buy from Boss Mama, go to the forest, enter it, tell the dog to kill animals, have the dog aggro the boar, attack the boar from behind to stun it, just keep attacking and running away as needed, when they die, they give you a lot of animal meat that you can then cook by either making meat soup or good soup, also collect the herbs and fruits. You need plenty of food to regain stamina and health, you lose 10 food for every sleep you do.

    On the other hand, I love the artstyle, though I wish the game had more transformation options, I wanted to be able to modify the breast size at least (big booba Lona when?). Also the game could use some quality of life changes, more outfits and traits! Considering by this time the game is still in beta and already has this much content, I'm hopeful for the future success of this game.

    The writing of the game kind of reminds me of Project Zomboid wherein it tells you that is the story of "How you died" and it comes off as unhelpful and downright trolling and condescending, like when you die, you get the message "press Z to admit your failure" and it feels like a personal attack on the player.

    There's also a lot of references to other franchises (eg. Goblin Slayer, Life With A Slave -Teaching Feeling-, KonoSuba, Emergence / Metamorphosis) as well as some contemporary politics.

    Anyways, other than all that, Good luck and have fun to the rest of you all who plan to play this game!

    Truly the "Dark Souls" of the Eroge Genre, not to mention kind of reminds me of Black Souls.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    While the game is interesting, unique, and rather immersive, far more than most AAA games out there, let alone a porn game, it really comes off as trying WAY too hard. I might be an American, but I don't need to eat 3 cheeseburgers and take a 2 hour power nap just because I wanted to walk down 3 blocks in a town, this is crazy overkill. When you die, the game makes you "press Z to admit defeat". Does this sound like a developer who respects your time, or does it sound like a dickhead trying to make something as tedious and frustrating as possible while reveling in it? This isn't helped by a terrible translation and an even worse tutorial for an extremely convoluted game.

    On the other hand, the game is actually rather expansive, and allows for different kinds of playthroughs if you're autistic enough to learn how to play it. The drawn and sprite art are also great.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm giving it three stars because this game is not a porn game and shouldn't even be on this site. It's an unbalanced survival game with extremely disgusting and inhumane "pornographic" scenes that generate nothing but repulsion in the player. Everything in this game consumes stamina, the MC is constantly dirty and you can barely walk on the map, as you are constantly surrounded and defeated by bandits or globins. The game has no option to choose a lower difficulty, the combat is useless because you will always lose, and the tutorial doesn't help at all. On the other hand, the game's art is unique and well done, extremely different from other RPG Maker games.
    This game is recommended for those who like survival games and are willing to spend hours learning all the tricks of this game, however, I don't recommend it for those who just want to play a porn game
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is fun in its own twisted way. Really punishing if you make a mistake or don't know what you are doing. Lona herself is the type of character that is completely out of her element and you want her to succeed. Though the world is cruel and very dangerous. I look forward to seeing what else comes out of this.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is like 3.5 stars. I couldn't figure out how to give half a star, so gave it 4.

    The beginning part of this game is easily 5 stars and you should absolutely install the game just to experience the feelings it evokes. The world is gritty and grimdark, full of mystery. You want to learn more, and as you play, you'll get in the shoes of the main character, desperately struggling to overcome the challenges.

    If you are playing this for the sex, I'm afraid that its bad. There's like 0 romance at the moment. Only disgusting rape by monsters and bandits. If you are one sick cookie, then maybe you'll like it, but it's not that good as fap material. The story and gameplay is great though.

    The problem is later on once the mysteries unveil. Spoilers ahead, but essentially the world is aparatently just some script created by these 3 bored gods. Mc finds this out and doesn't even react. And I guess you have to play it to feel the disapointment I feel, but basically all this struggle all this setup and its just 3 bored motherf*ckers.

    Many quests are unfinished. Some are not even translated to english and you have to go crazy finding a way to apply the machine translator only for it to give you some pretty shitty translations.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    There is one character (as far as I played) that is a transphobic caricature, and some anti-semitic caricatures (literally copies of that nazi propaganda that became a meme, who are shown as swindlers and cheaters. One of them tricked the transphobic caricature, and the other tries to trick Lona into becoming a slave.)
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Its a really weird game to rate. On one hand, its a REALLY well made game with insane strategy and planning required, but on the other is an extremely unforgiving game that offers no wiggle room for the player to freely explore and do what they want.

    -MASSIVE map, and that's in the best way possible. Quests tell you where to go, but you can explore regions at your own pace if you want. It allows the player to feel this sense of freedom and control.
    -FMC is adorable. You can't help but love her, feel horrible for anything bad that happens to her, and are constantly rooting for her.
    -The world FEELS dark and dystopian. Almost everyone is your enemy, and the few allies you have will either betray you for the miniscule reason, or can be killed permanently from quests. You are constantly struggling to survive, and have are occasionally forced to make sacrifices for your own survival. Everything adds together to create an atmosphere that's genuinely impressive.
    -MULTIPLE ways to approach a playthrough. You can prostitute yourself for coin and defeat foes by collecting their semen, you can be depressed and try to stay small to avoid trouble, or you can have a strong personality and try to physically deal with anyone that gets in your way. Granted, some routes are MUCH easier than others, but it's still nice that you can craft Lona's personality to whatever you desire
    -Every single clothing item can be equipped/unequipped. It's nuts.
    -There's no "timeline", so play at your own pace.
    -This is one of the rare games where you can interact with every NPC, be it prostituting from them, stealing from them, or straight up fighting them. It's great.

    -The game is HARD. I'm not talking "you need to grind 20 minutes of mobs before fighting a boss", I'm talking "You can die in the TUTORIAL" levels of hard. Nearly every quest requires a guide to follow because "unoptimally" doing each quest results in either your death, a massive debuff, or a character permanently dying.
    -As mentioned earlier, there is 0 room to relax in. While some players enjoy that, it also makes it not as enjoyable for the majority of players. Didn't eat food? You die. Don't have coin to buy food? Prostitute yourself or work a job. The job you worked takes up more energy than you would receive by buying the food with the money you obtained from the job? Shouldn't have done that job, stupid. So you either have to stumble through this game by trial-and-error, or you can look up a guide to squeeze on by day to day.
    -When you die, you lose everything. EVERYTHING tries to kill you, and EVERYTHING is extremely efficient in killing you.
    -While you are able to move to whereever you wish, moving around requires stamina...and as you'll come to realize is stamina is an extremely valuable resource. So valuable to the point that it isn't worth exploring, kinda rendering the "sandbox" aspect useless.
    -For all this effort, the porn... is pretty much non-existent. Yes, there is nudity. Yes, there is rape. Yes, there is prostitution. However, after a while even these scenes turn to nothing more than worries. "I hope this doesn't take up too much stamina", "Oh crap, did I mess up? Is she gonna die now?" "I can't afford to do a stripshow, I don't have enough stamina", "I shouldn't masturbate: I don't have enough food on me", and so on. It makes the game feel more like a fleshed-out RPG as opposed to a porn game, for better or worse. Whether or not you consider this a plus is up to you, but when you see a busty tomboy freckled redhead's shirt ripped open causing her boobs spill out and your first thought is "Oh crap is she gonna die? Do I need to reload a save?" instead of "YO THATS HOT", that's a problem.

    In short, this is a game with a tremendous amount of work and effort put behind it. However, it's also extremely frustratingly difficult to the point that those who do choose to enjoy the game won't follow the game for it's porn content, and those who came to this game for it's porn content will leave immediately due to it's difficulty. If I were rating this as a flat out normal game, it would be 5/5 hands down due to the worldbuilding, writing, atmosphere, strategy, difficulty, and so on. However, as a PORN game? It should be a 2, but gets bumped up to a 3.5 due to it's quality alone.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    LornaRPG é um jogo decepcionante que falha em vários aspectos. Os gráficos desatualizados e a interface confusa tornam a experiência visual desagradável. Além disso, a história genérica e as missões monótonas não conseguem prender a atenção do jogador. Os bugs frequentes e a falta de suporte da equipe de desenvolvimento tornam o jogo frustrante e pouco confiável. Em resumo, LornaRPG é uma escolha desapontadora para os entusiastas de RPG, oferecendo pouco em termos de inovação e qualidade de execução.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, LonaRPG

    First, I want to warn everyone that this is genuinely a game, and yes, it's truly an RPG, and... It's the best game being created on RPGMaker. I genuinely can't find a worthy competitor to this project. Why? I'll explain.

    The entry threshold for this game is quite high, and that's good because it filters out an audience that's simply incapable of thinking or pressing keys, or those who participate in masturbation competitions, can't read, or just don't understand what the word "game" truly means.

    The first thing you should know is that the project starts with a tutorial, which I strongly recommend everyone to complete, so you won't have stupid questions like, "Why can't I do anything? The game sucks, T_T ." After that, there's a small location that also includes some training, so you won't ask dumb questions like, "Why can't I kill anyone? The game sucks T_T "

    And now, the most interesting part. After a brief introduction through training, you're thrown into a very dangerous world. I highly recommend playing on the "HELL" difficulty because that's where the project reveals all its enormous potential. This potential isn't the one people talk about after seeing two breasts; it's not the potential you might think. I'm talking about the potential that makes this project the best of its kind.

    Now, let's talk about important aspects present in the project.

    Damage and Negative Effects System:
    The character features a well-developed damage system that is visually represented, including wounds, dirt, and an overall portrayal of the character's well-being. If your character gets sick, they will look as if they are, and this affects their overall performance. The character can display dirt, wounds, scars, tattoos, piercings, expressions like joy, sadness, sarcasm, and all these elements are supported throughout the game events. They have their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, a slave's piercing attached to the main character reduces movement speed and overall endurance, and the more of them, the harder it will be for you until you visit a blacksmith to get rid of them.

    Body Wear and Tear after Sexual Acts or Rape:
    The wear and tear of the body after sexual acts or assaults are also reflected on your character, carrying exclusively negative effects, including bleeding, constant pain, difficulty in movement, and a bad mood for an extended period. This can significantly change the situation you are in since treating wounds and wear and tear is a lengthy and costly process. There are various effects, but one of the most interesting ones is the larvae that can breed in your stomach until you get rid of them at the doctor's for a modest sum of money.

    When we talk about the body damage system, we mean that your limbs can be damaged, like a broken arm or leg. For example, severe abdominal damage can lead to vomiting, or a broken leg will prevent you from escaping from an enemy. Arms that hold weapons won't be able to control them as effectively as before the injury. This system is finely crafted and perfectly balanced, ideal for players who love adventure and the spirit of adventurism.

    Survival System - It's so interesting that I could advise you to go to the forest or the ruins of some settlement to experience all the hardships of life in a harsh world and the absence of the ability to be a hero who can move mountains at will. Pay attention: you need to eat, sleep, rest, and maintain your cheerful mood. Being far from the city, you can gather various resources and food. Let's start with cooking. As you might guess, if you prefer to eat worms, raw fish, rotten meat, dung, or someone's vomit (yes, you can eat dung and vomit, as well as semen), human flesh, and so on, items can also be eaten. I'm not kidding - you will get poisoned, have vomiting, and various diseases. And most importantly, your good mood will be spoiled, and your stomach will be in a very poor condition. To prevent this, you can think like a person who doesn't hold his genitals in his hands. Searching for and preparing food in harsh conditions is no joke; you can encounter a pack of wild wolves or boars at any moment, which can easily make a meal out of you if you don't have a trap or a long spear with you. The raw meat you obtain can be prepared in various ways: grilled, meat soup, vegetable soup, soup with human meat, dry pie, meat pudding, and the fish you find can be prepared just like meat, creating various delicacies that will fill you with a joyful mood and positive effects, provided you are not discovered by bandits, goblins, hellspawn, fish people, and other creatures that inhabit various places in the vast open world.

    Herb gathering also plays a crucial role because you can make healing items that are undoubtedly essential in the early stages of the game when you have no money in your pocket, and your favorite weapon is your wit.

    Combat System and Character Classes - Let's start from afar. You can become an assassin, succubus, paladin, rogue, mage, adventurer, warrior - you're not restricted in anything at all.

    Want to be an assassin? Sure, the stealth system works great. You can stun your opponent from behind or distract them by throwing a stone nearby, sneak unnoticed, or make them stumble into a trap. You can pickpocket ordinary people and snatch the last piece of raw fish right from their pockets.

    Want to just strangle a snake with your legs while keeping your hands on the keyboard? Sure, there's a separate succubus class with unique combat mechanics. You can "engage" with everyone until they die, and with the right character development and equipment, you can tear them into pieces after the act, leaving a pile of flesh that once resembled a person or a goblin. You can even eat semen or COOK SEMEN, turning it into a protein substitute, and it works because you won't get negative effects, only positive ones, but you'll have to keep an eye on wear and tear.

    Paladin - Just a paladin, nothing interesting. A boring woman who perpetually defeats everyone with a stony face in the name of light.

    Want to live as a bad guy and rob caravans? You can become a rogue, put on old rags, grab a spear, and you can easily... well, there will be problems. ROBBING CARAVANS or other adventurers in the open world. You can terrorize ordinary people and kill anyone in your path, doing horrible things with a smile on your face.

    Mage - I haven't played a mage; I don't like mages.

    Adventurer! Just take everything with you and go to the nearest tavern, pick up any quest, or go wherever your eyes lead you. The world has plenty of activities and side quests, very diverse, and to make it more interesting, you can take companions with you. Believe me, the companions here are so unique that the impressions will be exclusively positive, just from their appearance, and most importantly, they are not useless. Their death will make you cry...

    Warrior - Everything is straightforward, sword and shield. The blocking and counter-attack system will allow you to feel the charm of this character class. For immersion, you can wear heavy chainmail and drink beer in the tavern.

    Okay... You can rob caravans, indeed you can, just as you can rob regular wagons. Alternatively, you can escort caravans or wagons; it works both ways. You may encounter sectarians or those who believe in a gigantic penis—yes, that's a separate cult of the enormous member, which... wants to kill a huge animal with a giant penis and cut them off . If we look at the melee combat system, it's practically perfect. I haven't seen anything better, as it is quite tactical (depending on your class and enhancements). The stamina indicator plays a more critical role than your health indicator because if you run out of strength, you die, or you end up in slavery, or you captured forever in a cave where you are repeatedly violated until you die or escape. Each weapon has special attacks that truly play a significant role. You can set the enemy on fire with an oil lamp or attack a group of enemies with a halberd by spinning around. The option to fight at a distance using a bow or crossbow is also present and complements one of the character classes you've chosen. However, it's not all as colorful as it may seem, as in an unsuccessful battle, you may lose part of your equipment or simply lose everything, even your money, which is used as a barter system—a very clever solution.

    Barter - Everything in the game has its weight and value, but you don't have the money you love to see. Here you'll have to either trade items by asking for something in return or pay with copper coins of which there are several types. So yes, you will sometimes have to buy something unnecessary to avoid losing coins or exchange for a smaller sum, as if you buy something for 200 barter points and a small copper coin has a value of 250 barter points, you have only two options: spend them now or never. Try to find change from the large copper coin at the merchant, such as a few small ones, or buy another banana or soup. What's brilliant is that you cannot carry a million coins with you because they have weight, and you simply cannot walk with them since weight increases stamina consumption and fatigue. But you can deposit them in the bank if you're decently dressed and not in danger.

    Relationship system and interaction with characters - Depending on what you're wearing, people will treat you differently. If you don't have documents, you'll be put in prison or not allowed into the city anymore, so losing documents, which can happen at any moment, can play a very bad trick on you, especially considering that replacement documents are very expensive.

    The reputation system is also present in the game, and you can be either a hero or a prostitute, with corresponding reactions. Frankly, I'm tired of writing about this project because it's enormous, and there's enough content for a whole book of stories about why this project is better than all games on this platform. I'll only mention what might interest you briefly and what I haven't highlighted in other games.

    You can end up in slavery, and it's a separate mechanic. You can become a prostitute, and it's a separate mechanic. You can give birth and sell children, give birth and eat children, or send them to an orphanage. I still haven't joked; you can end up at an auction or work in the palace as a girl who breastfeeds visitors. There's a rebirth mechanic where your child continues your adventure in case of your death. They can be a monstrosity that eats people but is perpetually ill, a human, a goblin, a fish-person of two kinds, and so on, each with racial bonuses. If you're interested in sexual content, well, there's a lot of it, and it's very diverse. At the very least, you might be forced to drink urine or lick someone's shoes by some bandits who will then sell you as a sex slave. There are more possibilities than may seem at first glance, and as I've already mentioned, it's the best project made on RPG Maker in our time.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Potentialy very good game, but its maded as one of worst. Maybe it`s trolling or some unknown psysh purpose.

    First, apart some techinical difficulties, some mechanics in game like vanishing items on the ground clearly maded for frustraing. It`s not make game hard. It`s make game annoying.
    2nd or 1.5, long unskipable losing scenes. Faster restart the game than watching it.
    3rd is 50 shades of brown. In some places game looks like shit, literaly. And sometimes it`s hard to understand what is pushed into heroine body. Too much brown.
    But,despite all of this the game would be good. If it`s maded as standart old roguelike "the world moves then you move". But it`s fast pacing realtime. Standart stereotypical asian game design. People with APM less than 120 don`t exist.

    Overall: very inhuman.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Resolution is stuck at 480p, terrible. Forget about tabbing or it could crash the game. Combat is junky. This usually wouldn't be a problem in a sex game, but since this is suppose be a long term rpg with lot's of character progression, it is. I think a turn based combat would be much better. Whelp at least the art is good.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Good fucked up hardcore aesthetic and (tonally inconsistent) world, sadly they have the job of carrying the rather lame game mechanics. You need to go for very specific builds and know them early or else you will most likely spend eternities grinding or just die and have to restart/quit.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, distinctive brilliant on the background of junk games. But hardcore as shit; very, very, VERY hardcore. You'll have to eat dirt for survive, most battles should be avoided at the beginning.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Good art, but terrible mechanics: lots of inventory management with RPGM controls, mandatory two hand gameplay, poor combat mechanics, and basically requiring a game over to see the good bits.

    As they say: good idea, poor execution.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I hate this game. So, why rate it so highly? Lemme explain,

    The biggest downfall is the stamina system. In the beginning, you will run out of stamina and be eaten alive by sewer rats. If you beat the rats, you'll be raped by orcs, dragged to their lair, and undoubtedly die there. Isn't that fun? It's been three minutes and it's game over. Now, the die hard fans have pointed out that with a pen, paper, calculator, and ouija board to contact Einstein, stamina is perfectly manageable. Fuck that.

    There's also the matter of gear. You won't be able to keep it. It'll get ripped away from you and vanish, because as we all know, if you leave a stick on the ground for a whole minute, it vanishes. Anyway...

    So, find the cheat and make stamina a non-problem . Then, this game becomes fun. There's a ton of stuff to explore and do. Be mindful that this world has an epic pandemic of rape going on. Your character is gonna get plowed like the a cornfield in spring time. Then, you'll get smacked around and have a 'falcon punch abortion'. It's pretty gnarly, man.

    I think you'll like it if you bypass the stamina system.

    Oh, uh, don't tell the gyno you need an abortion unless you actually need one. He gets stabby.
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6462811

    The game is good, it's big, it has quality content and it's unique, but, but, but... the game is ridiculously difficult to the point of being unplayable. Everything spends energy in this game, and most of the time, you're crawling around just waiting for someone to attack and rape you for the rest of the gameplay until game over. For the game to be excellent, this energy and food collection system needs to improve, until then, I keep my 2 star rating
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Goblin Slayer II

    One of the best games I've ever played!
    First, this is not your standard RPG Maker lewd game.
    Actually, if you're looking for a game to fap, this game is not for you.
    But if you're looking for a rich experience from the POV of the most vunerable person possible trying to survive in a Berserk like world, this game is for you.
    First, you start of as a very weak person, you have a hard time beating some rats, and you can't even dream of killing the 3 goblins from the tutorial without using tricks, after some time you'll get stronger, but you'll always need to rely on tricks to win fights without taking risks.
    This game is more realistic, more dark and more gruesome than Dark Souls and Berserk.
    The game is very hard and punitive, but after learning how to play, it can be a very fun and engaging experience by itself.
    But this game also have a fantastic and very interesting story, you'll find a lot of notes around the world, and every single one tells a interesting story of someone.
    This game also have amazing characters that you wish to protect, because if one of them die, you'll lose them forever alongside with their questline, and unlike other open world games, they can die pretty easily, honestly, this game is better than Skyrim.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Stamina system is what ruins this game.
    Its a Hardcore Game for Masoisten. A Puinshing Simulator.
    But the Style is ok.
    Too bad, otherwise it would be a good game.
    You can't do anything without Stamia, absolutely nothing. The developer should revise the whole thing again. Would be a waste of all the time for the game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    In the grimdark future there are reviewers that rate based on their own fetishes and how easily they can play the game with one hand.

    LonaRPG has a more interesting and brighter grimdark setting than that.

    In this game you play as the titular Lona. In the game by itself you do not get to customize Lona's appearance though you technically get to customize her body. The game is easy to mod though, and if you're already here then please look for the 'booba' mod if you want certain enhancements visually. In the base game you can assign her 1 of 3 personality types and maybe keep her neutral for a total of 4.

    The combat gameplay is kind of like you expect from a realtime action RPG maker type of game. You have 4 directions you can move, and you swing or throw or shoot magic in any of those directions. Some spells have an aoe targeting system that you place too.

    Continuing on appearances and themes, the grimdark setting is portrayed very well. The world is washed out. It is gory, but not like a fetish. It feels desperate with hungry displaced refugees and citizens everywhere trying to survive like you. The guards and authority can be vicious and manipulative. Outside the walls, and sometimes inside, are slavers, bandits, orcs and goblins, lovecraftian fish people, and cronenberg horror abominations. There are also unique landmarks to find where you can find quests or be captured. Like a caravan under attack, or a remote hillbilly farm whose owners give you to their braindamaged son as a pet. But beware, it's not easy to survive exploring outside until you level up.

    The depth comes from a variety of rules. There's locational injury and status effects. There is hunger which you must maintain. There's also stamina which only regenerates if you use your hunger to short rest or sleep. You have beauty, hygiene, and intimidation attributes which make you susceptible or not to rape. But they can also be beneficial so you can prostitute yourself, but you can still get pregnant which will make movement, stamina, hunger, and combat very awkward. Lastly there is money. Combined with food these are the hardest to maintain at first. It makes it a very interesting game to try and tackle it through all different kinds of methods.

    You can specialize your build towards sexual prowess and use it for combat. You can also build to fight, you can also sneak, steal, cast spells or specialize in exploration and survival. You can also find different ways to survive, not just grind money and buy food. You can hunt and forage. You can even catch mice and bugs. Uncooked food differs from cooked food, and you can learn how to cook. You can also beg or steal. You can knock on random houses. Prostituting yourself will net you food as payment, in more ways than you'd think. There are actually so many options for a game, let alone a simple RPGM game.

    Finally, be warned that this game is hard. You even feel pressured to plan out your moves on the world map before you make them, especially in the beginning. You will most likely die and cheat, but I would recommend you try to play it legitimately unless you want to change your race, because surviving is the fun of the game. If you die, you can start over as any children you had even as different races which is how you do that legitimately. Don't worry though, there's no perma death and you can save/reload unless you play on the highest difficulty which is the only difference. If you like this game then please consider supporting the developer, because this is easily a top 10 female protagonist game on this website.