RPGM - LonaRPG [v0.9.3.0 Beta] [EccmA417]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Reviewed on version
    A poorly designed game that needs some serious tweak/balance patch.
    Stamina system is what ruins this game. Game uses stamina for everything.
    You walked? You lose stamina.
    You attacked an enemy? You lose stamina.
    You get attacked? You lose stamina.
    You dared to breathe? You lose stamina.
    Guess what happens once you lose all your stamina?
    You get raped.
    You get enslaved.
    You lose everything on you, including clothes money etc.
    And how do you gain stamina? You eat something. You fill your hunger meter then you nap(Or just sleep if you have a key item).
    But how do you get food? You either buy it from npc's(no stamina cost) or gather meat and fruits to make your own food(costs a fuckton of stamina).
    Since you are poor as fuck you choose to gather ingredients and make your own food.
    You go outside of the starting city and move 3 squares and suddenly you get attacked randomly by bandits.
    You eventually get past them(no, not by combat) but it also costed you precious stamina points to do it.
    Now you finally reached your destination and decided to gather some fruits.
    After spending a lot of stamina to gather fruits, it is finally time for some combat(hunt for some meat).
    You see a boar. You hit it once. You did 1 damage because you are so weak.
    In retaliation, it hits you once. You instantly get stunned.
    It hits you again and again, rapidly, without any pause. You get stunlocked until you lose what was left of your stamina.
    Now that you are out of stamina you are at the mercy of the boar. It may or may not kill you.
    If it kills you, game over. If it doesn't, let the torture begin.
    You CRAWL VERY VERY SLOWLY(because you are out of stamina) to the edge of the map so you can exit the area and hopefully return to city in one piece.
    After crawling for what feels like an hour you finally exit the area.
    You move 3 squares towards the city and you get attacked by bandits again.
    Only this time you are out of stamina and have zero chances of escaping.
    So you get raped, gangbanged and enslaved.
    You lose everything in your possession.
    Now you are in a condition much much worse compared to when you started the game.
    At this point I'd just restart the game or load an earlier save if I can.
    But this is RANDOM, if you are lucky, game may not spawn bandits out of no where.
    So lets just assume you were lucky. What happens next?
    You reach the city, and cook your food.
    Now your have your food but you need to sleep.
    To do that you need to buy a key for a room to sleep in.
    But since you are poor you can only afford a few keys, meaning a few sleeps.
    But since you need to sleep, you decided to buy as much keys as you can afford.
    Now that you have the keys, you sleep. You wake up and realize what happened was you basically traded all your money for stamina and food.
    Now that you have no money left, you need to do something to earn it.
    You choose to work as a dancer in the bar because you cannot do any quests involving killing. You are far too weak for that. Remember your experience with the boar?
    You work as a dancer. You work as long as you can because you need all the money you can get.
    You lost all your stamina during your shift.
    At the end of your shift all the drunk patrons in the bar decides to rape you.
    And the owner of the bar says something like "lol, you had it coming xD".
    You cannot escape because you have no stamina.
    You can only watch them as they rape you and steal all your items.
    Oh great, you are now once again in a condition much worse compared to when you started the game.
    Another restart! I am sure this time it will be different! (It won't be any different)

    At this point you might be wondering if I suck at this game, maybe there are other ways that I don't know of, maybe I'm a noob?
    Your answer is no. Even if you don't go whore route, even if you do normal quests, you are so weak, it takes a loooooooooong time to kill something.
    You are so weak not even with weapons and spending all your trait points on attack power makes a noticeable difference.
    When you hit an enemy you do 1 damage. Since game uses stamina for EVERYTHING, you also lose some stamina when you attack. Meaning, even your own attacks works against you in this game. But atleast you did some damage, no matter how little, right? No, you need to attack atleast 99 times more to kill the enemy(if you have that much stamina). But when they hit you, they hit very very hard. And let me tell you, similar to the boar I've mentioned before, ALL enemies in this game are relentless. They do not wait for you, ever. They just spam their attacks constantly, and in most cases they will stunlock you to your death or rape. So, not only stamina system is bad, combat is bad too.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is sexy as hell but if you aint feeling horny and are a masochist its a fun time too the only thing i dont like is how stamina works though its not like its bad its just a little hard.its world building is cool its combat is fun and it has some funny texts and im still discovering new things to do especially for it being a beta (as of june 2023) i would pay for this game and the more that i think about it im going to go donate to the dev
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Nyaa Tell

    Quite unique in a positive way. Difficulty oddly adds to my enjoyment, despite masochism lite not being my forte.

    Superb tactical sex mechanisms, decent CG, welcome dose of humor, what's not to like.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is horrible. Despite all terifying things and actions that it's showing it has something cachy that I rarely found. I have deleted this game countless times but some time passes and I ending up downloading it again. This game is a drug, well compleated, perfectly animated addiction that cannot be cured. If you love pixel games, rape and humilation and also want to have restless nights this game for you. Don't forget to stay hydrated.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Might be the best game in the genre, period.

    It has a very well fleshed out world with a good story with the perverted fun never coming to an end. Usually it's one or the other, but this one does not give up either. There are so many ways to play this and so much fun to have.

    Of course it does have some shortcomings with mechanics, especially with the stamina and dirt systems. Those are minor fixes though. This thing is awesome otherwise
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    worst game i'ever played you can't even move you get stunnlocked for ten years and die from starvation i hate this shit game very bad design and very not optimised at all needs more fixes not recommended 1/10 from me
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Story/Characters: 5/5
    I'm honestly surprised at how deep the game's dedication for the theme and making the character really feel small. It makes me get into the immersion really quickly, plus I love the character design and choices so huge plus there as well.

    Gameplay: 5/5
    It's brutal and unforgiving. If you're used to just clicking and wining then this is a no for you, this game wants you to play smart and clever. Foreplaning and preparation is key. The freedom and builds you can create for your character is astounding as well, this let me play smart and clever against enemies and taking advantage of their behavior is euphoria when it worked, and when it didn't well... it just adds to the immersion. Win/Win

    Art/H scenes: 6/5
    I think I understand the logic with the grotesque designs of the game. It makes me feel like the world and it's inhabitant is too far gone and radiated to the point what you see is what you see, and I really really love the bravery the dev is willing to go through just for the impact and immersion he wants you to experience.

    I love it. It's one of my top 3 ongoing games. It's so unforgiving, dark, grotesque kind of H game where literally nothing come close. I will sure as well support the devs when I can, this kind of content is literally the only thing you can see in the era nowadays. Bygone do the time where such games are plausible, in the present however, LonaRPG is one of a kind due to the nature and theme of the game that most would shy away from and most medium like steam rejects the idea.

    Which is why this game, is truly, none like other.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Edgy gobbledygook from an author who's in such disconnect with aesthetics, sensuality and eroticism it makes you wonder whether he's ever felt anything in his life that wasn't nu-metal-fueled angsty rage.

    The game's grimdark edginess could've been used to underscore the rare moments of beauty and tenderness, which, alas, LonaRPG doesn't have.

    Its mechanical richness, if properly balanced, could've helped conveying the feeling of struggle thus enhancing how rewarding overcoming them would've been, but instead serves as a source of endless meaningless frustration.

    The scenes of brutal gang rape are barely distinguishable from those of street-corner prostitution thanks to the game's poor vocabulary and its extremely overdone puke-inducing effects of blood/piss/cum/dirt (in whichever combination the game's creator's sick mind chooses).

    All the characters you meet are either one-note throwaways or cringeworthy animu stereotypes, which further drains the game of humanity.

    Simply unbearable, repulsive garbage.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    + Good art
    + Edgy humor
    + Great atmosphere

    - Tedious, resources aren't hard to acquire it's just that foraging runs become boring very quickly
    - Enemies take years to kill
    - Stamina is decreased by things like incoming damage, sprinting while enemies are around, sneaking, the game wants you to be assaulted and it's not good for combat
    - Pathfinding is godawful, NPCs get stuck on EVERYTHING and they're either slow or very slow
    - Stats like dirt and mood that decrease/increase at astronomical speeds dropping damage to 1
    - Cheats are required (notice that turning off dirt is the first option in the cheats menu), cheat engine speedhack is required as well, I pity anyone who plays this game without speedhack
    - Friendly fire should be disabled because the combat is such a mess it's rarely possible to not hit your allies
    - Companions die like flies especially to map encounters and their mood damage carries on so even if they survive they suffer horrible debuffs
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion LonaRPG is best game that was ever made for RPG Maker.

    Scenes may not be animated but gameplay is really good and brutal, Lona can be brutaly fucked by goblins, humans, fishkinds and pigs.

    This game is truly hardcore difficulty, simply switch pee&poo ON turn DOOM mode ON and have fun ^_^ this game is not like You just lost and thats the end.

    Lona is weak tiny girl with no boobs ( i like flat ) You have to survive in brutal world as best as You can, there is some kind of "Story line" but You can completly ignore it and just have fun, so far i played:
    -> As whore ( using Lona body to make money and survive )
    -> As smart girl ( its cool that giving points to Knowledge unlocks new dialogues and options, also smart girl can become rich :D )
    -> As Assasin ( if You are smart You can defeat ARMIES of monsters, great planning with rocks, traps and mines makes Lona TRUE KILLING MACHINE
    -> As Hero ( Just finish all quests in game :D )
    -> As Gladiator ( defeating "Bosses" is kinda hard but possible, and if You were taken to Human Slavery they can sell You on arena :D its difficult but can get pretty easy if u put some points into Attack and You obey guards :D

    Amount of options You can do in this game is really huge.

    Game is not looking best, Lona art style is simple and dark but its fine, many sex scenes are repeating over and over again but game is not getting boring because most of the time You gonna be in new situation.

    Thing that really suprised me was that Lona pee hole got fucked too :D
    thats pretty rare to see in games :p

    Ahh and remember to sell Your goblin childs to Elise!... ( good cash )
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Only problem is the program that starts the game.

    Everything else is fine, but it's still in the testing phase.

    Since there are so many updates, sometimes it's better to have all the patches in case of a file error, but it doesn't always solve it.

    It's a great rpg, but people who don't have certain fetishes may find it strange if they leave the urination and defecation fetishes on. In my context it makes the game more realistic, but not everyone will find that.

    This is one of the few games that comes from the reality of the ancient world.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    this is what i wanted from a survival rpgm game
    i love that the game intentionally made you weak to really hammer the survival element home basically the highest likelyhood is you will die allot
    but thats the point its up to us the player to survive long enough
    however this game will try to make your characters life hell
    it gives meaning too the h scenes and really does feel like your homeless and have to survive

    art 9/10 art is great might be not too everyone's taste but its really good most of the game uses custom assets something that is the hall mark of a good rpgm game

    gameplay 10/10 you really do feel weak and trying to survive actually takes effort honestly this could be a great game even without the h elements the hentai is just a bonus

    overal a must play even in its currently unfinished state
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The course and beginning of the story are very effective. With the impact of visual designs and narration arrangements, you have a high chance to immerse yourself in the world of the game. The game has satisfactory length and details as a good RPG. Still, the mechanics and storytelling are so occupied with the combat mechanics that after a while there is almost no need for sexual interaction. Sexuality is, even so, purposeless that it is more beneficial to progress by battling in some places, and for this motivation, calling this game "erotica" does not seem satisfying and possible to me. It would be more appropriate to call it an adult RPG with a focus on the gore content. I recommend that pals who read mostly erotic and passionate novels should not anticipate having similar experiences with this game. The graphics and gameplay of the game are unmistakably a very consistent and quality production, so it definitely deserves high admiration, but unfortunately, I cannot say that it is a good erotic game, it can be considered a bit of a disappointment in this regard.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I cant feb to this but its damm good game!
    bdsm not my thing but rpg part is great it takes a little getting use to but when you get controls it all comes together. Don't get me wrong game is hard and it meant to be like that. pregnancy system is good and many more futures awaiting to be explored.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I honestly don't know how the fuck you are supposed to beat this game without cheating. Actually, I don't know what the fuck came to the dev's minds when they asked themselves "Hey, you know, that thing people like in porn games, yeah, the porn ? What if we make it has painful and obtuse to reach as possible ?"

    This game isn't a RPG, it's a punching ball simulator. You stamina stat goes down like it's nothing at the slightest action you perform, and once it's out, you better hope you're not surrounded by enemies or it is a slow, insulting death without anything you can do to prevent it. The only way to win fights in this game is charging blindly, die, memorize where you went wrong and then try to route out a path where you spend as little stamina as possible, and then leave as soon as the quest is done.

    Of course, since it is a hard game, resources are scarce and you have nothing on you at first. You can try to prostiture yourself to earn some money, but every action with the NPCs in the hub world uses a stupid dice roll system to determine if you're allowed to do that. Want to prostiture yourself because you're desperate ? 10 vs 75, too bad. Want to escape the goblins ? -27 vs 1. Seriously, what the fuck are those numbers ? There's absolutely no way for the player to increase their stats enough to get a good roll, and I got these on the "easy first quest" you get at the guild.

    The game has a tutorial, but once you're out of it and step into the hub world there is no direction on what ou should do. No tip to guide you, no indication on which zone to reach, on which character to talk to, and since the simple fact of moving from one tile to the other drains your stamina like crazy, you'll be spending your time just reloading your last save file just to explore a different tile. Like, what the fuck ?

    And don't forget the fact that if you lose a dice roll against a pursuing enemy (which will happen almost all the time), the game takes its sweet time to get you to the gave over after a couple of minutes trying to skip all of it to get to reload the game. Don't get me wrong, the artsyle is nice, but the only way to get it is by losing fights and dice rolls, and with unforgiving the game is, I didn't bother looking for them.

    There is a skill tree with different options in this game, so I thought I could take a slutty path to get money faster and make it easier on me, but it seems the only way to win is to go full stealth or combat-focused to win the encounters, so I'm not gonna bother with these either.

    Honestly, I don't understand how people think making porn games hard as fuck is going to make them more enjoyable. You're locking a lot of people out of a game they could have easily enjoyed and spread the word around if your game wasn't just unfair. At least please ease the player into a difficulty curve instead of throwing the player into a tutorial they might not even win. That's how hard the game is.

    If you want to have fun in this game, just download the cheat mod, or do like me and brower the game's folders for the sex scenes. I don't recommend this game at all.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Props to the dev team, their porn game looks good. I have tried an hour or so and the idea seems interesting, and it could definitely look good when finished. However, it feels awful as porn and as a game.
    The game itself is horrifically dark (tone and actual screen view), partially explained, and punishing to the point that you could in theory scrap a save if you take 2 damage and not 1 damage from an event. On top of that, rather than juggling rpg elements, resource management, and a world, the gameplay is also crippled by having to bother with porn, and as a result, actually finding porn in a porn game is more of a punishment in the game's own mechanics. ex. I got injured/am out of resource so Lona is sexable.

    As for the porn? Not only does the game have one of the cardinal sins of a porn game, that is, punishing the player for going for it, any sexual activity negatively affects you; or worse, putting both hands on keyboard to play a porn game that actively resents you for playing it for porn. The gameplay loop could be replaced with playing a survival game like an idiot and anytime you die, you pull up a hentai screenshot or two. It is also limited to Lona, who in all honesty, as a malnourished war orphan (whose age might be low on the magic 1X scale), is not the greatest pull for content.

    Overall? While this review is kinda just a thought dump, I can summarize it as such: the game feels like both sides could be good with the effort put in, but both are unpolished, drag down the other's quality, and punish you for aiming for the other. It just does not personally feel worth it to invest more time or effort for a product that is subpar.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games that you actually want to play not only for the XXX stuff. It't dark, it's interesting, the story really gets you going.

    It really brings that "I actually wanna tryhard and beat the game" feeling which I find present in "Roundscape Adorevia" and "A Struggle with Sin".

    On the visual side, the art style really lends itself to the atmosphere.

    It is a definite 5 star in my eyes, potential coupled with whats already there can make this game one of the top RPGMs out there.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Nice Kitty

    The best game in its genre. Craft, pumping, missions, dialogues.
    The map in the game is large, but almost every location has additional missions. The game will not be boring. There is a bug in the game when you come to the church on the mountain in the mission crashes. I think this will be fixed. I played in different ways, as the author of the game intended and just with cheats. I destroyed the very fortuneteller at her house, destroyed Ellis (from the records you can understand he is not our friend) The puzzles in the game are difficult for a beginner. For about 3 hours I could not figure out how to rotate the drawings so that the door to the fish dungeon opens. You can play the game in different ways. I found a way to get into the fish dungeon without Ellis. Then the script is triggered and the ladder extends to the heroine. (spoiler: D) The game itself is perfect. Yes, the animation here is not very good, the pictures are static. But this can be forgiven and understood, because the game is real top. Top 1 on this site on the engine RPGM
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Man this is awesome stuff, love it! Somewhat grim, though.

    * Graphics and arts are superb, the heroine is hot and appealing
    * Thoroughly worked large open world, lore and plot
    * Tons of various content, both the gameplay and the sex scenes
    * Graphic violence, gangrape and weird shit

    * The game is generally hardcore and unforgiving
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    now THAT'S a very different game. i love the gameplay and the nastiness but i'd love it if the dev's would go easy on the players. without the save editor it's pretty much impossible to get through in the game.