To get out of slavery, you start by having your shackles removed by the blacksmith. Elise can remove the slavebrand.Can cocona free you if youre a slave?
Better to not become a slave tbh. Escaping captivity is pretty damn difficult.
To get out of slavery, you start by having your shackles removed by the blacksmith. Elise can remove the slavebrand.Can cocona free you if youre a slave?
One of Elise treatmentsalways wanted to know but how do you heal a loose asshole in the game?
I've played this game since June something, and I have never tried even one of those approaches. But I guess that shows how divergent and open this game is in its mechanics. I usually do the followining no matter wich build I make:Game is stupidly easy to "survive".
Easiest Method: Dance at the bar. Most of the time you get 6 coppers and can escape the rape with practice. Spend 3 coppers to sleep and repeat infinitely. If you do get raped, either visit Elise to heal your wounds, or if you don't want to risk meeting slavers, just sleep it off. You shouldn't get more than 2 wounds per gangrape, so just sleep twice. Done. Live forever.
How to make this easier? Go to the slums and sell your ID paper for 1 gold. Then borrow 4 gold. Then spend all of it on tavern room keys. Even if you sleep 100 times in a row you will still have money left over, and if you dance everynight you should be making a profit so that's still infinite surviving.
Bounty Hunters only come for you on the world map so by never leaving the Tavern you avoid them forever, until you jack up your level from dancing and can deal with them.
Another Easy Method: Get grabbed by the Church. They feed you and only rape you once every few days.
Another Method: Grab the Omnivore perk, and go into the goblin nest in the sewers. There is a lot of filth you can pickup and consume on the ground. Goblins are a joke to deal with, but if you still don't like it then grab cocona, DON'T go back to the tavern so that she stays with you forever, and just have her clear the nests 24/7 while you feast on their remains.
Cocona can't take care of the stronger mobs, like guards or outlaws, but that's fine. She'll distract them while you run to the edge of the map and end the combat.
Another method: Grab the Omnivore perk and just keep vomiting until you get that status condition that makes you vomit more. You actually make a profit in stamina every time you vomit if you reconsume said vomit, so by vomitting a lot due to that status condition, you'll survive forever.
I know it's disgusting, disturbing, etc. XD
I like this game because its a sandbox. I impose restrictions on myself and try to see if I can find a way to survive. Like staying at the church forever with max mods from Elise. Omnivore was the only way you can survive all of the stamina drain the mods force on you.
big ass pic
OMG !!!! The goblin fuck male npc![]()
Why are you weirdos taking photos of your screens? That's a total grandma move.这是哪里
Yeah, but with my tip above you don't need that skill. You borrow the cauldron in the random refugee encounter.Yeah foraging and cooking are probably the best (least disgusting) ways to get cash/food, though you do need to be at least lvl 10 (I think) for the cooking skill.
It puts the lotion in the basket. I mean you put the selected *.jsons from "\LonaRPG.Beta.\ModScripts\PaletteChanger\unused .jsons\" and put it into the "\LonaRPG.Beta.\ModScripts\PaletteChanger\" directory.A bit of a dum again, but I'm trying to get into editing the skin tones for Lona, how do I open and edit an .act file, do I need photoshop for it? I've tried some other graphic editing programs and notepad++ but it's not working.
Everything gets you to level fast in the beginning. Bathe and materbathe, simple quests, or just killing boars. I am level 67 now. I need 87288 EXP to level 1 point. In the beginning 400 will do....
Dancing and getting raped levels you really quickly.
Damn that's pretty smart, even if it does rely on luck a bit too much for my taste.Yeah, but with my tip above you don't need that skill. You borrow the cauldron in the random refugee encounter.
Actually yes there is a way to gain light. If you add points into the stealth tree, you'll notice you gain a small bit of light around your character every few points or so. Doesn't illuminate the entire world in it's grandeur but only 2-3 tiles in each direction around Lona.My Lona is a brood lair being abused, I would love to save her but it's so dark I can't see a thing... Is there a trick to light up a dungeon just for long enough to escape?
Ah, so I dont do anything to the .act files themselves? I was indeed being the big dum then, I was trying to edit the .act instead of the .json!It puts the lotion in the basket. I mean you put the selected *.jsons from "\LonaRPG.Beta.\ModScripts\PaletteChanger\unused .jsons\" and put it into the "\LonaRPG.Beta.\ModScripts\PaletteChanger\" directory.
It's almost impossible to add anything truly new without using RPGMaker from what I can see. Not just "characters" and other interactables but also key intersections in skills are programmed as "Events" in an RPGMaker map rather than external scripts (even though the actual content of said events ends up being 99% custom script anyway).Anyway, exactly how moddable is the game? Can people make their own characters and quests for example?