Apr 9, 2020
I didn't know that Orkind Slayer would rape goblins once they run out of stamina and are downed..it was fun to watch, nonetheless ^^
goblines would do the same for him or other goblins this also happens with abominations and deep ones it seems that once they detect a cruling NPC they would atomaticly rape the NPC if you whant to mess around with this a sugest you go to fish isle buy the wipe wich deals alot of stamina dameg so it's ezyer to make the crall and see them doing the deed also i did that with the sea witch and it was really fun a just hit her once and lead her to a deepones ambuch she starts fighting them i stun her and the they just start to bang her(also she kills them during sex by useing the same jucing skill that lona has it does'nt allways happen togho)


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
TIL you can set up to 4 lantern on the ground as light source...
Here I come, pesky goblins, you can't hide in your dark cave forever.
Mar 31, 2018
When I travel to the farther areas in the game such as the outpost near Doom Fort and the bandit boss, the text is still untranslated. Is there an unofficial translation patch to download?


Sep 29, 2018
I've gone thru the "read me tutorial" but still cant understand how to play the game in English. Downloaded it from MEGA and once I start it, it's in Chinese...am I missing something super simple? Maybe I'm just dumb lol idk
Apr 9, 2020
does anyone know how to escape the fishtopia island?
go to the word map towords the temple and then go up you'll see at the edge some wood wich is a raft go to it enter the map colect some wood and go up you'll find a broken raft press "z" on it and select the 2nd option multipule times then you'll fix the raft and escape frim the iseland


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
go to the word map towords the temple and then go up you'll see at the edge some wood wich is a raft go to it enter the map colect some wood and go up you'll find a broken raft press "z" on it and select the 2nd option multipule times then you'll fix the raft and escape frim the iseland
Will you put all your fanarts together into an album, I don't mind checking your posts one by one though


Jul 7, 2020
does anyone know how to escape the fishtopia island?
If you are a slave in the village, you can collect wood from "hitting" the trees. In the lower right part of the main square, there is a pile of scrap wood. Interacting with it allows you to use the collected wood to build a raft, spending I think 3 energy per piece of wood. After a certain amount of pieces (10?) the raft is ready to be used. Before leaving, collect as much food and potions as you can, both to survive on your journey and to sell (I suggest picking up enough potions to earn at least 10k, explain why later). Interacting with the raft again will give you the option to leave. You will then be on the world map, and you'll want to head north-east. You'll see what looks like another pile of scrap wood where the river opens into the sea: enter that section of the map. In the northmost part of this area, there'll be another pile of scrap wood, whick works exactly like the one in the village. Collect wood from the trees nearby to build another raft, which you can use to return to the main island. Note however, that if you don't have enough strength (not sure about the number, my Lona's not built for combat) you will end up off course, and land near the refugee camp in the swamp east of Pirate's Bane.

If you got there by paying the ferry, and not as a slave, the stall to pay the return trip back to Noer is in the lower right area of the marketplace, about opposite of the tavern.

Edit1: Right I forgot to explain why you'd want 10k in potions. Since you are an escaped slave, your Morality will be back to something like 10 or 15, and the guards will try to capture you. So when you get back in Noer (likely using the Orkind cave connected to the sewers) you'll want to go to the suburbs arearight below the northern town gate. Talking to the man at the table in the left part of the area will give you the option to buy a fake ID paper, which resets your Morality back to 50. Otherwise you'll have to sneak into the inn to pick the graveyard, mine, or sewer quest and donating food to refugees to get Morality points, which is much longer and difficult.
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