Oh my... Sorry if i offended you, but hey, thats my personal opinion about game

Still think, that maybe it need some polishing in early game balance, but nothing else.
Not offended. I don't own your brain. Just my opinions too!
In mid-late game this isnt a problem, cause enemy when you kill it(literally one-shot) restore you stamina.
Can mitigate, yes. Still bad gameplay balance.
Well, i'm agree, that this game like a real world. Try pregnancy in medival world yourself today! Wonderfull antisanitary, skilled plague doctors, total poverty and other entertainments awaits you!
Okay, let's talk real medieval numbers!!!
Medical journal of a laying-in hospital, 16th century. 14.000 births! Statistically significant!
Fatality rate comparable to modern OBGYN practices!
Good sources indicates midwife births had LOWER fatalities than modern medicine both pre-medieval AND contemporarily.
Fun fact: primary cause of morbidity in earliest medically assisted births was poor hygiene by doctors - handling corpses and delivering babies without washing hands!
Biggest cause for complications in healthy mothers now is medical intervention! Midwife births 1/3 chance of fetal distress. Combine synthetic oxytocin with epidural is disaster! Oxytocin triggers INVOLUNTARY contractions at MAXIMUM POWER! Epidural prevents nerves from sending signals to brain of how hard baby is being squeezed. Combined means HARDEST CONTRACTIONS AND NO FEEDBACK. Fetal distress = instant csec + statistics as "failed natural birth" -> doctors win! Charge more for oxytocin, charge more for epidural, AND charge more for csec!
Or we can discuss real 3rd world pregnancy today! Poor shopkeeper with giant belly. My mother comes back to store 3 hours later, shopkeeper with baby on back still minding shop. Not uncommon story! Many examples. Biggest causes of pregnancy debilitation is obesity and low physical activity. Women where I grow up work hard! No doctors, no medicine! No problem!
Childbirth is lower risk than you think. Only time was high risk was before doctors learned to wash hands. Doctors only did that for 200s of years before learning what midwives knew already.
Pregnancy is hard, but not hard like you think. Risks of childbirth many times overblown by feminists who hate women being women. Worst thing to do to feminist: wear dress and be happy with children. If risk were so high, 15 kids would be death sentence. How many women I know with 15 kids? Probably a lot more than you!
Try EvE online XD
Play safe, be coward, steal, sneak, backstab. And DO NOT get caught. Get punised for exploration, get raped for missclick, get killed for carelessness. That's i call a game!
Hahahahah you're funny!