Apr 9, 2020
How could I mod the game to remove the weapon restriction for the nympho personality? Do I need to unpack the game files, or is there something I could drop into the mods folder?
In zedted's guild he put a tchet code to remove and add traits just have all 3 traits at once and use whatever the hell wepon you whant


Oct 10, 2020
Hiya, currently playing on Doom difficulty to challenge me to go even further beyond. I have survived a few days and currently practicing how to escape a bandit ambush on a narrow city map as it really is quite the game-ender. Escaping is easy and all, but getting the shackles off doesn't come cheap in the beginning.

I usually level up my Survival so I can cook for myself and just do the crystal mine mission every time as I seem to be able to handle it quite easily.

I have experimented and you can [X] out of the game if you know you are cornered with no way out as long as your stamina isn't in the red. Also, just to confirm... once I load in and then exit the game my load seems to vanish... so every time you load in one must save right?

I really want to finish or get as far as I can in Doom and I already know the basics like cooking smoked meats and meals. I also confirmed that cheese will also stay in our inventory for a while so I am always buying the breast A mod from Elise. But it seems on this difficulty or latest version of 6.1.0 Lona's breast will automatically leak out when in the red. My other Lona in the previous version can keep milk in the -500 or red 500 without leaking though. This is harder as milking requires both stamina and food so I mainly do it in the Inn to pass out milking.

May I ask for any advanced tips or tricks to surviving in Doom mode? I know I can take the easy route by just camping and hermiting in the woods, but I also want to progress the story while in Doom mode.

My playstyle is the trapper/halberd with normal personality and I mostly prostitute in the beginning to level up as well. My main concern really is how to avoid those freaking bandits when the map is not to your advantage. I guess practicing the art of pebble throw is my course of action for now as you need to be quick in distracting them and hope you are hidden good enough while on that narrow street.


Feb 9, 2018
How could I mod the game to remove the weapon restriction for the nympho personality? Do I need to unpack the game files, or is there something I could drop into the mods folder?
You can also press F10 and give yourself the weapons expert perk. It might not show, but it'll be there. The command is something like $game_player.actor.add_state(135)
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Mar 15, 2021
My other Lona in the previous version can keep milk in the -500 or red 500 without leaking though. This is harder as milking requires both stamina and food so I mainly do it in the Inn to pass out milking.
Technically food isn't required, it is always deducted and the lowest value food can be at is 0 but milking or spilling does not require any amount of food. Obviously you get a bargain when you choose to milk at 0 food, but on hell the choice is not quite yours to make and you absolutely must turn the milk into cheese immediately before the crack of dawn/dusk or the milk will be disintegrate.

It's been like that at least since, and there's nothing really you can do about it. Never heard of breasts leaking like that, and although I have heard of cathethers they don't appear to exist in the world of LonaRPG. Also raw unprocessed milk really doesn't spoil that easily, if it did it having tits would be deadly.

By the way now that it takes 3 milk to make 1 cheese, if you don't milk at 0 food you lose 2 stamina each time you do it if you also count the 3 stamina it takes to do the cooking. On hell breast mod A was already nothing but a nuisance, but still not quite useless enough it seems. Unless you're asking for modding advice I don't think there's anything anyone can give you.

And before anyone tells me, I know of monster babies feeding after sleeping, but selling them to Elise won't be nearly enough to cover donations needed to turn back the worlddifficulty. Although there appears to be a way to turn it back for free, rebirthing is at least a dozen times more profitable than selling monster babies. (Loan status reset, new ID, easy cecile quest and goblin research quest available again...)

Lastly, I've been telling people that lightning magic is extremely effective against abomination. So I've recorded some senseless slaughter with the worlddifficulty at 100 if anyone's interested.
View attachment abom lair genocide route compressed.mp4


Sep 9, 2021
Does anybody know how to get the Death Apocalypse achivement which says 'Watch the mysterious stranger shepherding lost souls.'?


Sep 7, 2017
anyone got the pregnant commands? i know that you can cheat to give birth but the command to get pregnant and choose the kinds that we want i saw someone posted it and i used it but i forgot which page that commands are i try used the search funtion and i can't find it T_T


Feb 9, 2018
Does anybody know how to get the Death Apocalypse achivement which says 'Watch the mysterious stranger shepherding lost souls.'?
been wanting to do that one, too. I've talked with Justice quite a few times, found the sea witch, made the two meet, saw the special interactions on the eartern merchant, but still didn't see anything that would indicate how to do that one achievement.


Sep 9, 2021
been wanting to do that one, too. I've talked with Justice quite a few times, found the sea witch, made the two meet, saw the special interactions on the eartern merchant, but still didn't see anything that would indicate how to do that one achievement.
Wait which eastern merchant are you talking about? I have also done it till where sea witch and he meets and then gives the saint relic weapon. After that when I went to fortune teller's house, the three of them were talking something about a script.


Feb 9, 2018
Wait which eastern merchant are you talking about? I have also done it till where sea witch and he meets and then gives the saint relic weapon. After that when I went to fortune teller's house, the three of them were talking something about a script.
I mean the one with the fortune teller. The shop is called eastern something. The interactions i am referring to are that one, where justice, the witch and the teller talk about the script.

There's also another interaction on that same area, but with just the teller and justice


Mar 15, 2021
anyone got the pregnant commands? i know that you can cheat to give birth but the command to get pregnant and choose the kinds that we want i saw someone posted it and i used it but i forgot which page that commands are i try used the search funtion and i can't find it T_T
To make Lona pregnant
To see what baby you will get
p "#{$game_player.actor.baby_race}"
Last stage of pregnancy
If you want to do it without cheats 's a useful thread that will help eliminate all the guesswork.
Witch Juice is currently bugged but if you want one you get it from random loot and bartering with aristocrats (also random btw) at the golden bar for 10k each.


Dec 6, 2020
How could I mod the game to remove the weapon restriction for the nympho personality? Do I need to unpack the game files, or is there something I could drop into the mods folder?
I ended up modifying one of the script files and commenting out the lines responsible for locking out the weapon skills if the nympho trait is active. I'm attaching the modified file, thought it's really just commenting out a total of 8 lines or so. If you want to use it just drop it in \Data\Scripts\Editables (make sure to back up first just in case).


Dec 15, 2018
Which dogs/wolves can fuck you now? I tried looking around but I didn't find a single one what was juicable.


New Member
Jan 26, 2021
From the title screen go into the Options menu. In there you can set Fullscreen to on or off and change the window scaling.
In Windowed mode, it can do 360, 720 and 1040.
Fullscreen will, obviously, make it match your screen's resolution.
For me, running it fullscreen is fine because it does so at 1080p.
Unfortunately I can only swap between 360 and 440 in windowed mode, Windows locks my screen in 480p until I Quit the game... :/


Mar 15, 2021
What do people think of the doom fort dancing job? Is it good? Wouldn't it be better if you could earn MORE money with LESS work? Here's a simple little tip for ya, masturbate the very moment just before starting while facing the table. When you do it right you will know immediately, so be ready with your finger to immediately start the job once control returns to you.

There is still time to change equipment and/or consome potions and stuff if you want to, but you gotta be quick. If you're in combat you cannot start the job anymore so you gotta start it before that happens.

Yes, that's all. And yes, they will start attacking you but they were gonna do that anyway at the end of the job. Once you started you must still say yes to standing on the table and yes to dancing, but you don't have to let them touch anymore and doing so at this point will only waste stamina and clutter up the record.

Any basic need option will do, but masturbation causes sage mode which increases sexy by 50 and the reward is based purely on sexy. The best option is probably the one that costs the least amount of stamina, but in my case masturbation doesn't cost a fucking thing. Lona only masturbates until her arousal exceeds her willpower, and since arousal is already greater she will immediately stop and there won't be any orgasm either since I got the g-spot removal mod from Elise. Also I modded the game to make Lona automatically put her pants back on when done so that I don't have to do it myself. As a result, Lona will only briefly flash her bottom and nothing else when choosing this option.

elise mod.png

View attachment doomfort dancing tip.mp4

Very important note:
Begging, whether successful or not, has a chance of granting a hidden (de)buff that greatly increases Lona's weak and sexy.
There are more ways to get this (de)buff, such as getting seen performing any basic needs action and letting these guys grope Lona during the dancing job. Performing basic needs in public (people watching Lona fap) gives 10 of these (de)buffs, which is already the highest it can stack. This is why normally you get more money by letting them touch, but not when preceeded by an act of exhibitionism.

Edit: By the way, these (de)buffs also lower SCU by a whopping 5 each, so don't bother sneaking because you'll be just as easy to see as if you were sprinting. Probably not a good idea to start a burgling spree either, but a weak of 150 or more will enable begging from houses.
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Mar 16, 2018
Which dogs/wolves can fuck you now? I tried looking around but I didn't find a single one what was juicable.
the big ones with erections. They only spawn during wolf events to my knowledge. Easiest way to get one is to pass out in a pine forest during the day, which i find easily achieved by using the KYAH command from the map. Chance for a wolf event is lowish though, as you mostly run into undead or goblins with the roll from my luck.

Juicing them is a huge pain as you need to stun them or use the move from stealth as otherwise you'll be interrupted. Also their orgasm is currently busted.
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