Ren'Py - Completed - Long Live the Princess [v1.0.1] [Belle]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games I've played here, and easily the best in its genre. A genre which I call (for a lack of a better name) "free roam character building RPG". I guess RPG could be sufficient but the former definitions do matter, and it is here where this game really stands out. These types of game usually suffer in a few areas that "Long Live the Princess" turn into strengths. Never mind the great story, mystery, great animations, great female characters, lore, and music that fits the story. They are all great, but what turns this into a gem are the areas where other similar games suffer:

    1. The grind:
    In a game like this when you have to increase the skills of your character it usually gets old really quickly and it becomes a boring grind. This is not the case here. The skills that you have are all vital to the story and improving them are also heavily tied to the story. Sometimes you need to complete other quests in order to improve skills, or gather something. This is a good change of pace. It also means something when you gain a new skillpoint, you can access new things etc.
    Getting girls to like you is also done very well. Instead of having love points and friend points like in other games you improve the relationships using the gameplay mechanics, the story and solving clues. It feels much more natural than minmaxing points.

    2. Repeating actions:
    You can't get away from repeating actions in these genre. When you have morning tasks, afternoon tasks and night tasks you are bound to redo some of them. In many games this gets boring after awhile and skip time will be used frequently in midgame. In LLtP though there is a great solution to this. There is simply so much to do in this game that you barely experience repeating events at all. I literally never used the skip time button until close to endgame, and that doesn't really count because I wanted to finish everything. Furthermore when the game is released there will be a time limit, maximum amount of days so I suspect that it won't be an issue. Rather that you don't have time to complete everything unless you play it perfectly.
    Another thing. When you actually do a repeating event the characters acknowledge that they are doing it again, and the dialogue is altered a bit. This is a great attention to detail and increases immersion. Not once did I catch the game in a contradiction where a character claims to not have done something we know they did (very common in this genre due to the unlinearity)

    3. Money
    Money is not a big part of the game and I am glad of that. Getting money can be a very boring grind. Instead it feels natural to do the events that get you money, and doing work can also give interesting events.

    So this game is great. The story was engaging from start to finish. Gameplay is surprisingly strong. Gathering and solving clues is a strong part of the game, and it is held up by a strong plot and characters. The female characters are well developed and beautiful, the animations are also great. The only thing I regret is playing it now before it is completely finished.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I doubt that I will offer any more input than the previous reviewers, but here goes.

    One thing that I have learned the hard way is that execution beats complexity. There are games with far deeper lore, sharper twists and longer stories. This game makes up for it by using its story elements with admirably efficiency.

    It's neither plot with porn nor porn with gameplay. It is somewhere in between. And you know what? That's not bad at all.

    Personally, I am not a fan of 3d models and actual incest.
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    However, that is a matter of taste and so I will not detract any points because of that.

    Edit: I added an extra point, because the author engages with the community here as often and as soon as possible. She is quite helpful even though she doesn't have to. Definitely a plus in my book.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the reason I got into erotic VNs.
    It checks all the boxes for me. It has engaging story, great female characters, main character is something more that log with dick.
    I was honestly surprised how much I enjoyed this game.
    There are no perfect games, the middle part can get bit repetitive, but apart from that it's best VN I played.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm only at day 35, so I'm reviewing for what seen till here. A very funny story, with the right dose of humour and mistery, and very different personalities to interact with (my favourite characters are Callie, Somorra and the Fairy Queen). The system of learning new abilities to progress the storyline is well done (and it's not always like that, actually, in other games), and the lewd scenes are well presented. It's not a perfect game, but it's funny to play. I can't wait to watch how it goes on. Kudos to the dev.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    Good game. Very good and funny writing, very good background / world building, good story (maybe the big resolution at the end is not terribly convincing, but still entertaining and immersive enough), nice models, no disgusting anatomical monstrosities. As usual in porn games a bit mysteriously barren with male characters (other than the MC and some, mostly older, token archetypes and antagonists), which I find a bit strange
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    All the girls (except for maybe the fairy) is 10/10. The plot, while not winning any writing awards, are better than most out there. A lot of great content paced out evenly. The scenes are wonderful and I don't really have any complaints.
    Likes: Belle
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This was really impressive. It has good writing and well developed content especially for a sandbox game. There was very little grind and I always had some obvious way forward. The detective system was a lot more engaging than I expected. Brilliant cast of characters.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best games here, to devote time to.

    In quick summery?
    The story is in depth, and very well told. The world feels real and lived in, with a past, and a future at stake. A lot of people play just for porn. A lot of us DO NOT play just for the porn.
    If plot or story matter to you, you want to play this game.

    The girls are all beautiful and look nothing like other games. A lot of obvious work went into the character models. Primrose especially I found absolutely captivating. And Evelyn is GORGEOUS.

    And the gameplay is.... Sandbox!
    Everyone's least favorite format! Why? Because it almost never works! It either feels grindy, or you wander around unable to find events and the story doesn't progress because of it, or myriad other reasons.

    Well, forget ALL of that. This game is sandbox done RIGHT, and I can't imagine it playing out otherwise. Sandbox gameplay has so much potential, but is so easy to screw up, than any game that nails is DESERVES extra points.

    The epilogues. It is a wonderful touch being able to see an epilogue for all the characters, to see how things resolved. I can not understate how much something like that expands on how fulfilling an ending can be.

    Lastly, New Game Plus.
    This game will feature a NG+ mode after beating it, that will involve rollover states (as near as I can tell), so you can choose other routes without much grind, as well as a promise of new scenes.
    This gives this game a replayability that, generally, most of these games totally lack.

    I CAN NOT recommend this game highly enough. It really is masterfully done.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this one quite a while ago. I actually used some of this is a source of inspiration for a D&D questline and my players ate it up haha! A great game with some great characters. Thanks for uploading. :)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun and varied game, with lots of different ways to achieve the different objectives and many decisions and ramifications. There is not right way to get to the end, and that makes the game excellent for exploring and experimenting.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow. First off I just want to say that this is a great H game. The number 1 quality of a great H game, in my opinion, if fapability. If you can't fap to it, it's trash. The rest of this review is going to sound like I am making this out to be some work of art, which usually involves a disconnect on the fapping side, but in this case it does not. Great models, great animations, interesting dialog in and out of sex, taboos including incest, pregnancy, and more, plenty of replayable content... it's a good H game. But it's so much more than that too.

    I was very skeptical of this game at first. I'm usually one to shrug off H games that others praise for the story or writing, as I have rarely found any game with captivating storytelling. This game is a major exception. It's also a major exception in gameplay as well. It definitely plays like a novel, but... man I can't say much without spoiling it, but the gameplay and the way you learn about the world are so interesting.

    It's also thought provoking as well. Yes, I know exactly how that sounds but it's true and I stand by it. At the end of the game, as I was making the final choice, I sat and reflected about all the things I did in the game, and contemplated for a while before deciding how to proceed. All said and done, it is just a game and the actions I pushed MC into do not directly represent my own, but it really made me think about some of the qualities that define me as a human IRL. "Fuck off", you say? No, you fuck off, I'm serious! lol.

    Anyways, this was such a unique experience. As I got into the game I was planning on giving it a 4 star review, it was cool and fun but I was missing some kinkiness and porno-qualities (like big chungus titties and such), but as I beat the game, AND THEN WENT BACK TO REPLAY IT (whaaaaat, who the fuck does that?? This game, it was literally written with replaying in mind, but 100% in a way that ADDs to the experience), I started to appreciate it more. This game is not simply walking a fine line between an adult game and an actual thought-provoking game experience, it is treading deep in both sides, and succeeding. There is only so far you can tread into each while still being successful, I think, and this game goes right up to that border. So yeah, I missed some stuff, but gained quite a bit more.

    Overall, highly recommended. It may not be the quick and dirty fap you're looking for (if you are), but it will definitely get you one in an acceptable amount of time (imo), and then some. Lots of some. My advice to new players is to explore 100% of the content before ending the game. This game has a big red button that you press to start the end sequence. Don't press it until you "discover the identity of the lady at the river".
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I came here for the fantasy setting and the porn, but ended up staying for the story. The characters are interesting and the visuals are above average for this type of game. There is plenty of content for those who strive for it, and while I started playing with the expectation of a harem ending, I was not disappointed by not seeing the one I expected.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Hell of a game!

    I don't know why i have waited so much to do a review but here i am!

    Beforehand, that's a great game! Just try it out :D

    The whole open world side of things is solid, well done and fulfilling . No time constraint , sometimes quite basic but that's not a bad thing when you seek perfection.

    The story is AMAZING! Creative, interesting, fun and sometimes surprising.

    The best part is the power management and the deduction game. That's amazing! I'm deeply amazed to have been lucky to test this one out. It's challenging sometimes, it's intuitive and well written! Congrats!

    The sound is great, some musics are really spot on! It's one of the few, i play only with the game's music and that's all i need to say about that.

    Oh and... that's a sex game btw so let's talk about that.

    Hum... tough to criticize because the models and scenes are quite diverse in quality. Not the best sometimes, but some models are gorgeous (5 are fabulous, the others vary to good at okish.) There's some decent animations and the writing is quite good (not too much to read but still evoke something).

    At last a special Rating at 6/5stars for the sidekick belle which is by extension the author directly in the story! That's so funny and amazing how this character is written! I'm sure that's not a character but the author commenting his own adventure :D There's no breaking the fourth wall at least generally and that's sooo good!

    So there it is my review i hope you will enjoy it. Apparently with the new game + mode, the author will improve the quality of some scenes and i'm all for it! Because that's the only flaw of this game, there's sometimes some okish sex scenes .

    Bravo! like we say in french!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    strong game, good humour and heartstring-tugging both, taylor swift sister-girlfriend, clever and neat gameplay mechanic with the clues. feels much more like somebody's coherent vision than many of these things. 5/5 come back lea.
    Likes: Belle
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best I've ever played. Great artwork. Consistent story line. A couple of small plot holes but they may get closed in the finale. The only thing I'd like to see more of is as certain relationships progress that there is new conversations and content.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    As my first interaction on the site I have to say this is probably the best H game I've ever played, having played over a hundred games since joining.
    This game has some very interesting and fun mechanics, and a very satisfying end, I am really looking forwards to new game+, hopefully it has a sweet harem end! :)
    5/5 will play again
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I've completed the game as of v0.34 and I'm stunned by the immersive story, kept me going and going. Without spoiling the end the options was unexpected and interesting for me, with various choices trough the game affecting the final outcome.

    Definitely would recommend the game to people that like engaging stories and witty dialogs.

    Story 5/5
    Music 5/5
    Visuals 4.5/5

    Overall 5/5
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best villain motives in gaming. A hero's journey that actually makes sense. A fantasy universe you can get immersed in. Models with lots of time and thought put into them. What's there not to love?
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Story ; 5 stars
    Visuals & models : 4 stars
    Puzzles & Mystery : 3 star
    Banish path : 3 star
    Absorb path : Null

    Very disappointed with "absorb" path.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Just finished v0.34, figured I'll write a review about it.

    The story itself is pretty good. While I don't always understand or like the direction it heads, it's at least well-contained without visible unresolved plot points. The importance of the MC's Truthsaying powers was also executed well enough. To get the best outcome, I played twice, once blindly and once following a walkthrough. It's obvious that if you want to get the most of what you want out of a game you need a guide, but playing blindly and seeing the MC's actions backfire also works for me. There will be a Ne Game + feature in the future, so I'm looking forward to reliving the tale with an ending in mind.

    Characters - mainly the love interests girls you get to fuck - are likeable. It's quite clear this game is in some way a power fantasy, so don't expect every girl to be created equal. They are at least relevant to the main plot, so it's not much of an issue anyway. They also have their respective endings like a dating sim, so save scumming is definitely necessary for enjoying them all.

    In short, I like this game enough to wait for future updates just to see what happens.