Ren'Py - Completed - Long Live the Princess [v1.0.1] [Belle]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This game was surprisingly good.

    A+ for writing/story. Funny, contextual, hot. Pixie dick-hump was the best. Plus an actual mystery to unravel...
    A+ for renders. Real girls. Realistic proportions. Totally immersive. Fun animations, multiple perspectives.
    A+ for gameplay/code. WOW! Fun puzzles that make SENSE and are hot at the same time.
    A for project management. Nice re-use of backgrounds, scenes. Goes to A+ if dev delivers on a tight monthly schedule.

    This game starts off strong with good code and good gameplay but fades in later updates with woefully low content and NTR. A fantastic start, but fading delivery.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall, in an over-saturated market where even more perverse features like mind control and incest are becoming cliches, this game stands out for its solid narrative-driven mechanics beneath these features, semi-unique world-building, and its firmly above average 3D art.

    Room for improvement: Incredibly generic name. It may be too late to change it, but I would have easily overlooked this game if you hadn't linked it to a Discord I'm part of. The princess isn't even going to show up until near the end of the game, the focus of this story seems to be on mc's magical development, and it may help if the title reflects this.

    A stats page is desperately needed, and may already be planned. I definitely need a way to track the mc's various stats and relationship levels. Being able to see what day of the week, and period of the day, at all times rather than during transition screens would also be a must. The lack of these features even in this somewhat early build was the primary source of frustration during this playthrough.

    I see nothing wrong about very blatantly adapting mechanics from other games if you're going to alter them to this extent. If you're going to do so, you may want to borrow another: when there is a limiting stat on an action or dialogue option, I would recommend including the stat requirement. If I'm going to seek to raise my stats for the sake of new options in a new game plus, or grind for the opportunity to select a new option, I'm going to need to know exactly what goal i'm going for.

    This leads me to another point: if you're designing this game for replay-ability, directly encouraging at least a second playthrough through stat requirements and dialogue options that has impact on the storyline, I believe you're going to need more incentive. If you're really going for a great game, I believe you're going to need to create very delineated paths in the game with different incentives and bonuses for each. Being led to replay the game, with only the reward of slightly different dialogue, early relationships, and a few advanced scenes on top of a multitude of things you've already done just seems like a major letdown.

    Lastly, and this is the most minor suggestion, I've never quite seen the point of locking in choices during rollback. The same audience that will be inclined to rollback in order to alter their choice are the ones who will save at every single choice and re-load at will. They only become needlessly inconvenienced with a few extra clicks, and possibly missing the opportunity by not saving. Unless you're going to disable the ability to save at any point, which I'd strongly discourage, disabling choices during rollback seems like a pointless nuisance. However, if doing so somehow increases the stability of the game and avoids possible errors, then I totally get it.

    I still give this game a five for its solid mechanics and great potential, and look forward to future developments.