Most games on this site are porn games that aspire to have a story, and you know what? That's great. That's what I came here for.
This, however, is a story that happens to include porn (and delivered by a very clever mechanic!). If you haven't been persuaded by the other reviews already, stop reading and download this game. I'm on my way to pledge on the Patreon now.
The story is engaging and well-crafted, the writing is excellent, the characters have depth, and the gameplay mechanics are compelling. I have enjoyed a lot of games on this site, but this is the first I've actually taken time to review. I just felt it was necessary to highlight that something very innovative and interesting seems to be happening here. The mystery mechanic with the spells forces the player to engage with the (excellent) plot, and for once, my finger never wandered towards the control key. You know you do it. On just about every game. Admit it. This game, however? You'll get sucked in harder than Thaddeus did (just go play it already and you'll get that). Read the dialogue. It's good, and it's actually important.
Phenomenal game with great potential. Eagerly awaiting the next versions, and believe it or not, it's so I can get more of the story.