1. stan has a good taste (when della isn't around but sluggo was brave when he oggled doc's ass while marah was just there).
Dimitri57 maybe this is fixed too.
View attachment 3572674
View attachment 3572675
I'm confused are you saying it needs fixing.
Why what about it needs fixing? just because he used "Dee and I" instead of "Dee and me" or "me and Dee?.
I see no reasoon to change it if thats the way OBD thinks Stan would say it.
So I disagree if thats the only reason there's nothing to fix.
If a story is writen in a region dialect or localism or just the way an Imagined charater would speak.
Example: JD would make no fekin sense if he spoke perfect queens english.
And the story wouldn't be what it is if they all spoke perfect English.
It would only need to be rewritten if it made no sense at all.
No it may look odd I grant you but it doesn't make it a Typo and it still makes sense.
Just sayin.
Ok Cxx your right Where as opposed to were yes thats a Typo and now I'm nolonger confused.
Couple of sujestions.
"Son I tell you, the years she lived with Dee and I were the best years of my life!"
personally and because its the way my mind read it in the first place.
And why I didn't notice the "Where" Typo my personal choice.
"Son I tell you, the years she lived with Dee and I, best years of my life!"