Thanks brother... Even my moldy old Swiss cheese brain could figure out those simple instructions. Going to replay from that trip forward to test it momentarily... just to make sure I didn't mess it up. Will likely play from the beginning of the beach scene or better still, go back and help Rin instead of making her my spy. I can always do the spy thing in a future play to see how it plays out. Many thanks.

Rant... Why the fuck do folks feel the need to always be changing shit that already works? Regular, old ass Notepad that comes standard in Win10 still works just fine for all of us ancient, old school fucks. It is all I have ever used and this old hound is far to elderly and decrepit to go changing to learn new tricks. Use what makes you comfortable, kids. If you don't edit code but once in a blue moon it really makes no difference. This will likely be the one line of code that I edit this year.
Most of you who, like me, are NOT code jockeys will see a pop up window appear when you attempt to open the file ep7.rpy asking what program to use to open the file. When that comes up, select Notepad from the list of programs or Notepad+ or Notepad++, whatever your preference and click OK. You may as well click the box that tells Win10 to "always use this program for this file type" as well because you need some form of scripting editor to edit script. Just follow Dimitri's instructions.
EfontMan, is correct that Notepad++ is the latest and greatest. Per Dimitri the Atom editor is what Ren'py recommends. If you do a lot of script writing or editing, sure, learn the new versions. But, for all of us old fucks and any newbies (yes it is newbie or newb, not fucking noob you dumbasses and there HAS to be a what, where, when, why, who or how if front of "the fuck" or "the hell" you can't use either without it.)...
Notepad still functions, especially for one single like of scripting. SMH... Phat don't Tweet, Instagram or any of that other shit either. I don't want to join your fucking discord server or play any fucking MMO or MMORPG games either! Fuck off with all of that nonsense and leave this old hermit be! Okay, rant over.
Apologies in advance to EfontMan who had no clue that he was treading through ground laden with Claymore mine trip wires. Honestly didn't mean to blow your head off, my friend.

Peace, Phat

Adventure ever on my friends, Phat

PS: For anyone who has anything negative or contradictory to say regarding this post.....
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