Sad to hear Ttrick and Kamo broke up their working relationship as that means more work on the one remaining dev, so slower updates. Will be interesting to see what the split between NTR/Sharing and non-NTR/Sharing will be now. As I felt with the unity updates there was a decent split, maybe not 50/50 but close enough for me to invest in the game.
(Ann is adorable, but only want that cutie for me.) So we'll see what happens over the next couple months.
Also RIP third party mods.
Hope i'm wrong, but don't see many willing to adapt to a new system just to mod 1 game.
BTW, is there an updated Change Log somewhere? I think I saw a bit back that only the sharing route was updated this time? Did Ttrick share any sort of roadmap for which paths would be updated when?