Yeah for me when I think of how id rank the girls as GF material.
1. Jenny ( only cause her path feels the best so far but I need more content to really judge her I feel)
2. Alex ( She is hot AF and honestly I like her character and personality alot so far but I felt like we just started to learn about her)
3. Emily ( I like her alot so far, she feels like she might be a deep character down the road problem is I feel like her path hasn't really started yet in comparison)
4. Ann ( She is just better than Vanessa but I feel her path and romance moves way to fast to feel anything for her character , to learn about her or her character to develop, doesn't really feel that romantic other than the first date to me personally from what I can recall. much better as a NTR path)
5. Vanessa ( There just for fun and toss to the side once you find a real GF)