The only thing I dont understand ( i see this quit often) if you are a dev and you know your limitations ?? Why adding more and more people and path instead of focus on main story of ann or whatever.....
I see this often which devs who have limitations but thna have like 10 love interest inatead 1 or 2 ....
Or they start add more and more cheracters.... which they cant develop...
I think this is the developers' trick: lots of girls with different characters - more people will be interested in the game.
I, for example do not like naive fools like funko pop Ann, personally I'm waiting for hot sister Emily and sexy bombshell Alex.
It doesn't make sense for devs to limit themselves to one character the more there are the more people will be interested in your game. But of course each girl needs time to reveal herself, to tell a story, a plot, and we have nothing clear yet even for Ann...