Identify looking for a management game I played a while ago with a farm girl


Jan 24, 2019
I just remembered a game I found in there I want to go back to and couldn't find anything with the search tool, therefore I'm turning to you guys
here's all I remember if someone knows anything about it :

-the protagonist is a farm girl, with big breast, short black hair (I think), and her clothes are with a cow pattern
-you can manage the farm, buy new areas, new parts for new animals etc to expand
-you can meet (and fuck) with people in a town, I remember (at least) a neet, a married man, someone you tutor
-there is a big pregnancy side to it, with kids of the town people or kids with the farm animals, all in a building next to the farm
-you have to pay back a debt
-at the end of it there is a contest with vegetables (or milk maybe? ) that you make to gain a lot of money at one

I found it pretty weird at first but I liked the art from the studio, they made another game before with an elf breeding to save her endengered specie