So I'm going to be picky here and say that most incest games aren't good. They all follow the 'Big sister is a meanie' and 'little dumb sister who looks up to me' and 'aunt is a slut who wants my dick.' Most of the games are the same, the only one that I found that it worked was Big Brother and to some degree Milf city. That's why I'm looking for incest games (2D or 3D) that is not ugly and has actual characters that give me a reason to fuck them. As well as if the main character wasn't one big goody two shoes that everyone can hope on his dick like in summertime saga that made me feel nothing because there weren't any consequences. Yeah, I know, I'm not supposed to question it and just beat my meat to it, but damn it I have standards as well, and I want good shit to beat my meat to.