Seeking Looking for incest games


La rabia del pueblo
Dec 19, 2016
I havent, thank you for the suggestions
EDIT:Which engine runs schoolgirl? Bcause it's quite a generic name to look for and I cant find the game.
Last edited:


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
I havent, thank you for the suggestions
EDIT:Which engine runs schoolgirl? Bcause it's quite a generic name to look for and I cant find the game.
QSP. Here's how I separate the forums. Scroll all the way down to the bottom or use the "End" button. Click on the "Thread Display Options". Select the Prefix: box and scroll to what prefix you want like QSP and select it. Click "Set Options" and you're good to go!
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La rabia del pueblo
Dec 19, 2016
Thank you for the pro tips! Easier to search that way than browsing the whole list. But I still cant find the game named Schoolgirl, maybe Im blind

Oh ok Ive found a similar thread titled StudentGirl with incest, that must be the one. I will eventually check out every qsp games you share on f95, those games are dope

Any other games featuring incest running on other games engines are welcome, Im so greedy but I like these fetishes so much


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
Thank you for the pro tips! Easier to search that way than browsing the whole list. But I still cant find the game named Schoolgirl, maybe Im blind

Oh ok Ive found a similar thread titled StudentGirl with incest, that must be the one. I will eventually check out every qsp games you share on f95, those games are dope

Any other games featuring incest running on other games engines are welcome, Im so greedy but I like these fetishes so much
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Aug 5, 2016
@muttdoggy I think that list does not include some games, I don't know which but the game "My New Life", which features incest, is not included in the tags list. I don't know about any others that are excluded.


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
If you find any, let us know. I can edit some to include incest tags. Thanks for the heads up on "My New Life".
Edited to add.. post #9 link is strictly any post that has been tagged with "incest". That can include conversations, etc.

zfzef zfzf

New Member
Apr 19, 2017
Hello guys,

Thanks by advance to everyone who will take time to answer me :)

Recently i've played few games, mostly incest.
But i'm now without any game to play, and i'm unable to find some as i like

Question is : do you have some advices? Games you think will fit me?

Played and loved : Big Brother, The Twist, Milf's Villa..

I like when there is lot of content (don't we all?) and grinding is ok for me ! Not really into sister things, mostly mother/aunt.

Really thanks to everyone again :)


Mar 26, 2017
Thanks for making this thread, I'm in the same boat as your are too, and yes i'm also looking foward more to motherxson, auntxnephew. Not so much of a broxsis or dadxdaughter. But, i can give you the games that i can think of so far.

- Fate of Irnia <-- Visual Novel ( Best game i've ever played. In terms of Writing Department, no grind/reputation

- Roundscape Adorevia <-- RPG ( Grindy and repetitive at times, just a very small scene of mother/son incest if you pick the Farmer class. Don't know if you like this one. Takes forever to get the 6 scene of mother son incest action.)

I guess that's pretty much of the games i can think off as of right now since i don't really enjoy 3D generic model. I like more of an original artwork.


Mar 11, 2017
I really love "Diabolical Dr.Diggler" even though there is no sex content yet. I suggest taking a look at it.

Papa Ernie

Dec 4, 2016
Son of a Bitch, FTW!
You'll need to follow the walkthrough most of the time, but if you can tolerate the machine translation, it's the game for you.


May 2, 2017
Is it rude if I make a related advice request here? It just feels wrong making another incest suggestion thread when there is already one (not that making a request on another person request feels right, but still, it's still incest so he may like them too, idk).
To the point: Most incest game I have playen or had a look at consist mostly on a male protagonist building some sort of a harem. So, I'd like to play incest games where the male main character is not involved in every incest scenes (I had a look at The artifact and it looked like it has some of it), or even the main character is not male at all (Sweet Games, for exaple, but it has not enough content yet), and even there might be full family (true) orgies (and not a bunch of girl having sex with the male protagonist at once). I'd like it had both M/F incest and F/F incest, it doesn't matters if it is same age (B/S and S/S) different age (M/S, F/D, M/D) or both or all at once. The point is a family having fun among themselves instead of a guy dominating his family.


Quote my posts if you want an answer
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
Is it rude if I make a related advice request here? It just feels wrong making another incest suggestion thread when there is already one (not that making a request on another person request feels right, but still, it's still incest so he may like them too, idk).
To the point: Most incest game I have playen or had a look at consist mostly on a male protagonist building some sort of a harem. So, I'd like to play incest games where the male main character is not involved in every incest scenes (I had a look at The artifact and it looked like it has some of it), or even the main character is not male at all (Sweet Games, for exaple, but it has not enough content yet), and even there might be full family (true) orgies (and not a bunch of girl having sex with the male protagonist at once). I'd like it had both M/F incest and F/F incest, it doesn't matters if it is same age (B/S and S/S) different age (M/S, F/D, M/D) or both or all at once. The point is a family having fun among themselves instead of a guy dominating his family.
Girl life
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New Member
May 2, 2017
(Author here, new acc) thanks to everybody !! :D
Tried Dating my daughter and others you adviced me, really good stuff tbh

Omw to try The Artifact :)


Big Brother (the best until now), Dating My Daughter, Play With Us and Dual Family.
I am looking for others...