some indepth instructions on how to use these cheat codes!?! Please!!!
In the cheatcode section type in these commands:
help -> Displays all cheatcodes (including debug ones).
help [cheatcode_id] -> Displays help information on a given cheatcode. Example: 'help give_item'.
time -> Displays the current in-game time in ticks.
list_items -> List all item names and their item_ids.
give_item [item_id] [amount] -> Give you an amount of the item with id item_id. item_ids can be found with the cheatcode list_items. Example: 'give_item stick 5'.
give_all_items -> Gives you 1 of each item (excluding some key items).
list_stats -> List all stat names and their stat_ids.
get_stat [stat_id] -> Get the value of the stat for the player character. stat_ids can be found with the list_stats cheatcode.
give_stat [stat_id] [amount] -> Give you an amount of the stat with id stat_id. stat_ids can be found with the list_stats cheatcode. Example: 'give_stat guilders 100'.
current_location -> Displays the current player tile position.
place_item [item_id] [amount] -> Creates a item_container, and places it at the player's feet. item_ids can be found with the list_items cheatcode. Example: 'place_item stick 4'.
place_stat [stat_id] [amount] -> Creates a stat_container, and places it at the player's feet. stat_ids can be found with the list_items cheatcode. Example: 'placed_stat guilders 4'.
list_enchantments -> List all enchantments names and their enchantment_ids.
make_enchanted_item [item_id] [enchantment_id] -> Creates a unique item and gives it to the player. item_ids can be found with the list_items cheatcode. enchantment_id can be found with the list enchantments cheatcode. Example: 'make_enchanted_item stick strength2'.
set_has_penis [true/false] -> Sets the player's penis state.Example: 'set_has_penis true'
set_has_vagina [true/false] -> Sets the player's vagina state. Example: 'set_has_vagina true'.
list_skills -> List all Skill names and their skill_ids.
give_skill [skill_id] -> Gives the player the skill with the given skill_id. skill_ids can be found with the list_skills cheatcode. Example: 'give_skill inspect'.
give_all_skills -> Gives the player all skills (where possible).
reset_skill_uses -> Resets all player Skills with a 'x-per-rest' use limit, as if rested.
reset_skill_cooldowns -> Resets all player Skill cooldowns.
level_up -> Advances the player to the next level.
give_exp [amount] -> Gives the an amount of exp, triggering a levelup if relevant.
unlock_all_galleries -> Unlocks all SexScenes and SceneAnimations in the gallery.
list_afflictions -> List all Affliction names and their affliction_ids.
give_affliction [affliction_id] [amount] -> Gives you an amount of the affliction with affliction_id. affliction_ids can be found with the list_afflictions cheatcode. Example: 'give_affliction hypno_pet 1'.