
Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
"If you have a criticism, just shut up and leave" isn't an argument.

Game threads aren't to baselessly suck dev cock, they're to discuss both the good and the bad about a game. And there's a lot more of the latter than there is of the former when discussing Night City Production's work.
I kind of see both points. While I think the game gets its fair share of criticism or people who just "nope" out of it, I don't think it's a great way of supporting the dev by reacting that way every time. But sometimes it's deserved like when someone just keeps coming back just to shit post. Still, if someone sees that after playing the game and not liking it, that person is more likely to think that any criticism is immediately shut down and assumes the game will never improve.

I used to be one of the people who didn't like the game but came around after the more recent QoL updates. And the newer mod is just a godsend. It's why I can understand the frustrations some people have with the game but I also want to persuade them to see the good qualities.

While I acknowledge its current shortcomings, I also acknowledge that the dev does seem open to QoL improvements and has made such improvements in recent update(s). I just want to try to talk people into giving it another chance. This game, for all its flaws, is pretty unique and while there are still some story-centric VNs I really like, I'm just pretty tired of the majority of games being VNs written by some weeb or being some melodramatic soap opera. A lot of people have no business writing anything "deep" but a lot more people could be making actual "game" games like this instead.

Sure, having fans here aren't going to directly translate to Patreon supporters but the more attention and fanfare something gets usually means that it's more likely to get support in the long run. After the dev is pulling in 100 grand each month, THEN you can tell everyone to fuck off. LOL.

I don't know. Just my 2 cents. I'm bored and I only have to time dick around on these threads rather than actually play the games right now. :ROFLMAO:


Active Member
Dec 2, 2016
I'd get that if the dev had even a remotely reputable history, which isn't the case here. His historical reputation, at a very generous best, is bad. It just comes off like people in denial about their abusive relationship when they defend his shoddy work or behavior.

There's an overwhelming list of bullshit he's done over the years and his games have taken a massive nosedive and never veered up from it, so I'm always down to be openly critical about him because of everything he's done and keeps doing.

Dude's been coasting on second chances for years, which makes it a bit disingenuous to say he deserves yet more just because of minor tweaks. The deficit he has to work off to be net neutral over the stuff he's pulled in the last 5 or so years is quite a bit larger than some QoL updates.


Active Member
Oct 11, 2020
I'd get that if the dev had even a remotely reputable history, which isn't the case here.
WTF are you talking about?
He updates on a consistent schedule, and he usually hits the mark. When he knows it's going to be late, he's very open with his supporters about how/why.
And he live streams all his work for his supporters to watch. They know exactly how much time he puts into his projects.
Can you point me to any other devs on this site that actually shows their supporters the workflow?
His historical reputation, at a very generous best, is bad.
There's an overwhelming list of bullshit he's done over the years...
These are generalizations. That's a tactic used by folks who want to badmouth someone, but don't actually have a leg to stand on.
Please cite specific instances of things you think he's done to screw over his supporters.
And, again, his supporters see everything he does. So any examples you try to give are going to have to be things that people see happening and, somehow, don't realize they're getting screwed.

Best guess... you're going to try to list some gameplay mechanics, etc. that you don't like.
Don't bother.
That's just stuff that you, personally, don't like.
But it's what his supporters do like, which is why they support him.

You don't like the product?
That's fine.
But... trying to slam someone's reputation and work ethic just because you don't like the product.
That's bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
Well now I'm just fucking confused :geek:

My bad, guys. Shouldn't have stuck my nose in lol.

Anyways, Jesse's hot and I'm just hoping we one day get to buy a house in the game and move her in. (With Becky and Tilley) Will it happen? I don't know. Would it be amazing if it did? Fuck yes it would.


Nov 15, 2017
Best guess... you're going to try to list some gameplay mechanics, etc. that you don't like.
From taking a few seconds to look around it seems that Zuul is actually referring to Baal deciding to remake Super Powered in Ren'Py and taking 'years' to get it back to the state in was in the Rags version, and has now started a second remake in Unity. I don't know how your first guess could have possibly been a response to not liking a game mechanic considering the statement about second chances. I usually try to just avoid future projects if I lose confidence in a dev, but to each their own I guess.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2016
But... trying to slam someone's reputation and work ethic just because you don't like the product.
That's bullshit.
I don't need to badmouth his reputation. He's been doing that just fine all on his own since before he even had a Patreon and was just a guy making a game on Hypnopics for fun.

And if you're going to blindly defend a dev without even knowing their history or how many people he's pissed off and bridges he's burned over the years, then that says more about you than anything else.

I don't care about his game's mechanics, I care that he puts out shoddy work and milks his supporters beyond belief, on top of generally being an unpleasant individual to interact with.
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New Member
Oct 9, 2023
how do you unlock the server for the hidden cams ?

also i purchased the ephone but i cant work out what it does ?


Aug 5, 2020
how do you unlock the server for the hidden cams ?

also i purchased the ephone but i cant work out what it does ?
You can buy server just as a regular shopping item, among with other electronics. Then you will be able to set up a hidden camera in Becky's bedroom.

ePhone is needed for making pictures of Charlie and modelling scenes with Becky.
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New Member
Oct 9, 2023
You can buy server just as a regular shopping item, among with other electronics. Then you will be able to set up a hidden camera in Becky's bedroom.

ePhone is needed for making pictures of Charlie and modelling scenes with Becky.
server doesnt show alongside the other electronics, assume i have to level up something first


New Member
Dec 6, 2017
Hey, so I am probably being dumb, but there is a basic mechanic I cannot seem to figure out. How do I raise the Interest stat? Not interest as in topics, but the one up at the top next to Relationship and Lust. I got Charlene's charisma and sexual interests up to 100%, but apparently need at least 20 Interest to get her to the next AT. I see there is a flirt option... but it requires at least 10 Interest to use. And apparently there are scenes involving her watching MC mow and rubbing on suntan lotion, but, again, they require a minimum Interest. This is one topic that, as far as I can tell, is never mentioned in the "walkthrough", and the unfortunate choice to give it the exact same name as the much more prevalent interests makes it next to impossible to look up. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2017
Hey, so I am probably being dumb, but there is a basic mechanic I cannot seem to figure out. How do I raise the Interest stat? Not interest as in topics, but the one up at the top next to Relationship and Lust. I got Charlene's charisma and sexual interests up to 100%, but apparently need at least 20 Interest to get her to the next AT. I see there is a flirt option... but it requires at least 10 Interest to use. And apparently there are scenes involving her watching MC mow and rubbing on suntan lotion, but, again, they require a minimum Interest. This is one topic that, as far as I can tell, is never mentioned in the "walkthrough", and the unfortunate choice to give it the exact same name as the much more prevalent interests makes it next to impossible to look up. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
I can't totally answer your question about interest itself, but for Charlie - if memory serves me correct - it was a topic that raised her interest. I'm thinking Charm, but it might be another one. I'm not 100% certain, I'd need verification.


New Member
Dec 6, 2017
Assuming Charm is the same as Charisma, I already raised that to 100%, but her Interest is still at 0, so I am guessing it is not that. Thanks anyway, though!


Aug 9, 2019
Assuming Charm is the same as Charisma, I already raised that to 100%, but her Interest is still at 0, so I am guessing it is not that. Thanks anyway, though!
try romantic and seductive topics. applying suntan to her at weekends also should help, if memory serves me right


New Member
Dec 6, 2017
That was it: Romantic. The suntan event required a minimum amount of Interest to trigger, and AFAIK the only seductive I had access to at that point was expensive gifts. Thank you!
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Mar 15, 2019
Ok,how can you progress? I keep "saying" the same things and really nothing,I mean NOTHING happens.Where this archetype button is supposed to pop out?


Mar 15, 2019
You gotta give it a chance. This game is a top notch for me even though you gotta grind alot to get to the good content and i hate grinding
Think is...HOW can you get it?
So, now I have Charisma 2.Aggression 2,Civility 3,Communication 3,Concentration 3,Demonstration 3,Entertainment 3,Fitness 3,Health 2,Humor 3,Incivility 1,Laziness 2,Money 3,Order 3,Photography1,Politics 2,Romance 1,Selfishness 1,Shopping 2,Social Media 3,Stealth 1,Tidyness 3,Trivia 3,Unhealthy 1,Videogames 2 and guess what...I can't progress with ANY of the characters.
I mean NOTHING AT ALL,not in the slightest.


Nov 15, 2017
Think is...HOW can you get it?
So, now I have Charisma 2.Aggression 2,Civility 3,Communication 3,Concentration 3,Demonstration 3,Entertainment 3,Fitness 3,Health 2,Humor 3,Incivility 1,Laziness 2,Money 3,Order 3,Photography1,Politics 2,Romance 1,Selfishness 1,Shopping 2,Social Media 3,Stealth 1,Tidyness 3,Trivia 3,Unhealthy 1,Videogames 2 and guess what...I can't progress with ANY of the characters.
I mean NOTHING AT ALL,not in the slightest.
For the most part your skills aren't directly related to progressing with characters(incest needs to be unlocked if you want to get scenes with a family member though). Progress with individuals is primarily locked behind ATs. If you don't know what I am talking about play the tutorial. I'm not going to get too detailed, but basically you will need to talk to people using specific topics many many many times before you get to most of the scenes.


Mar 15, 2019
For the most part your skills aren't directly related to progressing with characters(incest needs to be unlocked if you want to get scenes with a family member though). Progress with individuals is primarily locked behind ATs. If you don't know what I am talking about play the tutorial. I'm not going to get too detailed, but basically you will need to talk to people using specific topics many many many times before you get to most of the scenes.
Thanks for your reply.I do know what you're talkin'about.I've unlocked incest and some other skills.I managed to change the secondary interests but the change of AT is still a mystery to me.
This is hands down the most difficult game I've ever played and I've played literally hundreds of them.Thanks again for your time.
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