1.70 star(s) 6 Votes


Jan 16, 2022
I found all of them and interacted, but nothing has happened yet...
press middle mouse to enable UI and press H to check the list. you have to complete Every one of them for the ending. if everything is checked in box and nothing happens then I guess it is a game bug.


May 9, 2019
i regret even downloading this.. Just... NO
mc is naked guy on random cottage, outside mc gets hit by invicible wall and the end..
seriously even if there is somehing more in those woods that are not blocked by invicible walls i doubt its worth anyones time
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May 27, 2020
controles kinda wonky, visuals are okay, gameplay not really existent besides collecting things.
erotic content is 4/10, visuals of them are "okayish" but feels like it had been made 10 years ago, instead of having all positions availible for all girls for some reason you only got 2 per girl and not PoV on all of them.
Stripclub poses reduced to 1 (not gonna count the dances which arent erotic in any way) per girl.

All in all its okay if you really got nothing else to do, otherwise rather repeat another title of your choosing.


Oct 1, 2019
Damn game is infuriating. find all the parts cant pick up the last one. and cant talk to 1 of the girls at all. will not interact.


New Member
Jan 23, 2022
NEEDS the AI tag.

Poorly done AI art. (Yes there is good AI art being used in some games but this is not it. If your going to use AI, please edit the pictures and remove the garbage and artifacts.).

7th pic has a rundown abandoned 1940's kitchen with a run down 21st century 32" HDMI monitor in it.

13th pic One of the strippers is missing an ARM and the other has an inhumanly wide left shoulder jutting out from the body!!! Also night club has a weird AI mirroring effect creating a second floor and basement section.

3rd pic there is a person sitting in the chair whose lower legs are detached and 12" to the left of the body. The legs appear to be growing out of the chair. There's also grass growing out of the carpet and snowflakes inside.

And there's plenty more AI issues where those came from.
I haven't played the game but looking at the pictures, the 3rd picture isn't a person sitting on a chair, it's his suit. The detached legs are his boots. And the grass and snow being inside can be a common thing in 3d games.

In the 13th picture, the girl isn't missing an arm, her arm is behind her back. She's dancing. And the mirroring effect I think is just a really reflective floor.


Jan 21, 2023
Should change Status to Abandoned.

Btw first girl doesn't have any subtitle dialogues and idk where the car is.
Didn't go past the second girl in the circular village (first house on the left).


Jul 9, 2018
For those that haven't found it yet, once you get to the culdesac/circle with the houses, garages and ambulance, THE PURPLE TRUCK is the mentioned "car" you need to place things around. To do so, anytime you picked up the tires or gas tank, go to the truck and left click. The same goes with the girl you find passed out by the truck that went off road. The food and water are in the houses, the tires and gas tank are in/around the garages. The tools are outside on the right (facing the culdesac from the entry/exit) on the back of a truck in a wooden old style toolbox, the wires should be the easiest thing you find, they look like large cables on the hood of a grey car in a garage, the keys are in one of the houses in the kitchen. I believe that is everything I can think of. Once you placed/found everything, it automatically ends the game and you find yourself in what looks like a small warehouse with the four girls and you can choose one you want to get jiggy with, though, the positions are limited and only a few can give you POV.
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New Member
Dec 8, 2018
ahh i love it. no tutorial no nothing, you enter this game not knowing anything and like a blind man with his cock out looking for a coin on the floor. you have to crawl around and find what you can interact with.

here's a mini walkthrough/tutorial

-you enter the game in night, you have to sleep (sleeping will get rid of spooky chemical air that is in your way), and you need
to rest at the camp fire at the second house you find (so you dont die from spooky chemical air)
-there is a map as soon as you leave on your left.
-if you go left at the train track after spawn you can find water and food.
-also for some reason every time you eat food your thirst meter goes down.
-so far the first girl-0 is just there for looks.
-then you have to run (before you die of hunger/thirst) to the area with the houses and there you will find everything and start the quest, you need to find wires, tool box, two wheels and the car key, the car is the purple pickup truck.
-girl 1 will go to the car if you talk to her
-girl 2 will need the gas mask to regain breathing rights and go to the car
-girl 3 next to the tree in the middle will go on her own but will tell you about the girl that crashed in the pond (opposite side of the houses relative to the road)
-girl 4 (the passed out one next to the pond) carry her in your arms and take her to the car.
-girl 0 just dies i guess (hehe xd)

this is game isn't without its flaws (has many actually xd), but i like small projects like these because they make me appreciate the good games more.

hope this helps anyone


Jul 7, 2021
What's going on with this interaction? It's so disgusting. I can't even lift the tire for half a day, and I can't even lift the gas mask next to a girl,,,


Jul 7, 2021
Is this game really the final version? Why is there a small line below the game that says' This is not the final version '?
1.70 star(s) 6 Votes