Sure thing, I wanted to make sure you still care or people went full ass on you already and took all your attention.
For me the variety of different sex positions, artworks and overall "hunger to be bold" is a bit too shy from your end. While I understand that you have your favorites and dislikes I can see a path for most girls that goes somewhat like this:
Lovey dovey couple, big romance, sex, no consequences.
While I don't expect that a single guy can write branching paths for every girl I at least expect to be a bit more aggressive when it comes to new things. You did a great job on the new look for the menu, the map sections and overall clean up to make the game look more unique than most games of the same genre.
So yeah... you have lots of girls now but they feel very similar for me. Imo you rushed that part and now you can't turn back or the world beyond what exists already will feel empty.