Unity - Completed - Love of Magic [B1 v1.6.11f] [Droid Productions]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Love of Magic has amazing storytelling. There's an evident depth to the worldbuilding in both setting and character. The story is a fun combination of action-packed historical fantasy and comically self-aware eroge, but you better believe it knows when and how to have a serious moment. Although the story features the harem/supporting cast that you might expect from any seinen anime, each character feels unique and endearing. As of version 0.3.16 there is enough story present that I would recommend Love of Magic to anyone.

    The one "con" of this game, if you could even call it a con, is that its railroaded in some story choices that might make some people feel uncomfortable. Your significant other will be chosen for you, you will be forced to cheat on them (they'll make you feel better about it), and you will occasionally just make generally irrational choices sometimes that result in frustrating consequences for the main character. But all of these things are crucial parts for the conflict of a truly beautiful story.

    Also a warning: porn-wise, it's a slow burn. You won't get into any of the steamy scenes for a long while. However, if you just zip it up a while and play the game, I promise you won't regret it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok review time. I totally missed this game. No idea why. Started play yesterday.

    Models 10/10. It is Unity, so take that to heart, but I really like the different types. All have something. Which is important in these type of games.

    Story 10/10, so far. I mean, you play a good guy with powers. In a fantasy world. And, to be spoiler free, you are not weak. I like that, too many games give you a weak ass pussy in his teens as MC.

    Music 10/10. Most games I have youtube with music on. This game, do not do that. I really like the music setting. Fantasy with bad ass parts.

    I never liked Unity games, for some reason. But this game is different. Maybe the creator knows what he is doing with the program? I dont know. But I like it. It is up to par to high quality renpy games.

    To the creator, keep up this great work, loving it.
    To the viewers, play this game. If you hate the grind, I suggest save editing xp to like 20k, you pass all the checks. If you like the grind, it is great as well. Play it, review it!
    To me, I am going back to the game. Wondering how long I have to the part with "this is the end of this version".

    Keep healthy and coronavirus free!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll just say: I'm not that far in. I've certainly not completed the content. I haven't actually even reached a single lewd scene. But it's a good game. There is *definite* story here. The creator has very obviously thought their plot through, and it shows. Sure, the protag is a Gary Stu with a Mysteriously Powerful Absent Father, but it's a porn game, whaddaya want? Gotta have an excuse to get those lewd scenes in. But as I go, I'm seeing clear hints that the story is deep, there's been real thought given to how the world's lore is set up to echo but not copy standard Arthurian legend, and even the deus ex machinas seem like there's a reason for them beyond just "The writer needed to get out of a hole".

    The renders are good, the location transitions are smoothly done (it reminds me of flipping cards, a detail I suspect is not accidental), and I've encountered hardly any bugs so far (Only one, a card combo that didn't seem to correctly register). From a design perspective, it's pretty tight.

    I have laughed, I have seen hints dropped, I've liked the buildup. It's a good game. It's worth playing.

    (And the fact that this is the first review I've bothered to write speaks well in the game's favor also.)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is perhaps the best game on this site. As the reviewer below me noted, it’s not even about the porn, the story is fantastic. That’s not to say the game isn’t sexy – it is, and I’d argue the game would not be nearly as good without its adult content. Think more along the lines of Game of Thrones – the sex is present and very much a part of the world, but the narrative is what we’re here for (and I don’t mean to insult Droid with that comparison, he is a much better writer than D&D could hope to be).

    The story: At the start you’re expecting sort of a porn version of Harry Potter, but it becomes so much more than that. There is a worldending conspiracy brewing in the background, and the main character is caught right in the middle of it. And though the MC was clearly chosen, he’s been kept in the dark about what’s going on, what his role his, and who started him down this trajectory. You pick up several friends (of course all beautiful women except for Dylan) along the way who help you navigate this world and entwine themselves with your destiny. The game is currently at the end of act III of part 1, and the story seems to be ramping up from this point. The story overall is inspired by several myths and legends and having some knowledge of such will lead you to pick up on some hints for future developments and some fun easter eggs in general.

    The Characters: All incredibly well written with very distinct personalities. It is very difficult to not fall in love with the “main girl” almost to the point where you don’t want to fool around with anyone else. But she is very understanding that whoever/whatever is pulling on your strings has decided that you are destined to form a harem, and she is doing her best to curb her jealousy. All the other characters also feel very real – it would not be a big surprise to meet real people with these personalities (but alas not all of us have the fortune of having a destiny of being surrounded by beautiful women who want to sleep with you).

    Gameplay: The game follows a pretty tight schedule. Each act ends on a specific day no matter what you do. On several days there are scripted events that you have no choice but to participate in. On the off days/times, you have a bit of free roam. You can complete some sidequests and train up your character’s stats and/or make some money. The time limited nature helps reduce the grindy nature. And from what I understand, main story events won’t be influenced by your lack of leveling up, it’s mostly minor side quests that you’d miss out on.

    As you might expect in a lore heavy game with RPG elements, there is also a battle system. The MC sees magical battles as a spin on a poker. You and your opponent share a 3x3 grid of cards, and you each get a hand of 5 cards. You have to put down a viable hand in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction to attack your enemy. As you and your enemy play your cards, the empty spaces fill up. And whichever of you complete a 5 card hand out of the empty spaces will get a bonus attack. So you not only have to play good hands, but you have to think a couple steps ahead to try to prevent your opponent from getting those bonus attacks.

    System / UI: Probably the weakest part of this game, but still much better than many games you see here. I also expect it will improve significantly with future releases. Minor things that would help would be to make things like the calendar toggle buttons instead of having to find the “resume” button at the bottom right corner. It would also be good to have the ability to roll back conversations by line rather than jumping all the way to the beginning. Sometimes I’m curious about what different dialogue options would do, and there isn’t a great way to roll back and see everything, especially since the game doesn’t allow you to save in the middle of a conversation.

    All in all, I really enjoy this game and think it’s criminally underrated. If the porn were turned down some, I could easily see it being much more mainstream (though as I said above, it is inherently a sexual story and probably would lose something if it were made less sexual).

  5. 5.00 star(s)


    There is an old joke, "I read Playboy for the articles." The joke is built around the absurdity of a man claiming that, of all the magazines out there, the one with his preferred editorial voice just happens to be the one that also has pictures of naked women. I just explained - and deliberately killed - that joke to try blunt any comparisons when I say this:

    I play "Love of Magic" for the story.

    Oh, I'm certainly there for the sexy times too, don't get me wrong. But there's not that many games I've played through completely (End of Act III as I write this) twice. If I'm there for the art an image extractor or screenshot library or a few savegames works perfectly well second time around. Branching paths? I'll usually run multiple savegame lines in tandem so I can zip over the repeated parts while still fresh in my mind. Nope, here I went back to give a more solid read to things, to pick up hints I might not have noticed or had skimmed over. I found myself grabbing screenshots of talky scenes so I could refer back to them quickly later. I liked being in the world, and I didn't want to leave it. I found promise of richness and depth, urban-fantasy-turning-to-epic-fantasy built around Arthurian and Celtic (neo)pagan themes but with elements from the myths and folklore of other global cultures, and I want to dive deeper in. From the typical adult game start of "guy goes to college in a new town, meets a bunch of hot girls" I found something very, very different from the average fare.

    The writing is good, not just in planning but in mechanics. There's some typos, sure, and a few clunky bits but as a percentage of the total probably far less than this review has. Each character has their own mannerisms and personality (and musical theme, incidentally), enough that their lines would sound wrong coming from another character and that a mocking impersonation of one character by another is both possible and sounds "right". Planning has gone into how and when events unfold enough that the day of the week is relevant. (I can't believe I missed the importance of Evoker class being on Thursdays, though I will smug it up a bit for picking up on the day chosen for the climax of Act III.) It also rewards being observant, from a hint in a character's passing comment on how their head feels to the amusement of having Emily brick-joke my own sarcastic line back at me three and a half weeks later.

    There's also the realism in that it's not all about sex. Our hero is not a man who has a mission to deflower every virgin he meets (and for in-world reasons he meets a lot of them) and will even turn an offer down if it feels wrong. And he is building a circle of friends and allies rather than a pure harem - which leads to the occasional girl making questioning comments about the man in the group. (Hey, Dylan's my bro, that's credentials enough for this party. He can't have my girls but I'd wingman for him so much that I'd need a bomber jacket.)

    Tied in with that idea of realism, the renders help bring things to life. Everyone looks great, and I am grateful for the absence of dead-eyed stares; the art design is on point, and the light animation applied to the characters and character portraits really helps. (Scenes are generally a series of static shots, but it looks like animation is starting to be introduced, we'll see where that leads.) I’d describe it more, but tastes vary and screenshots would probably be a better source of information.

    But there's another thing to Love of Magic I enjoy - though it's probably going to look like fairly minor praise compared to the effusion above - the combat minigame. It's a simple thing with potential complexity, you and the opponent each have their own hand of five playing cards and share a 3x3 grid of cards. Place two cards directly opposite each other along the edge of the 3x3 grid to form a standard five-card poker hand, jokers wild. (A chart of hands is included.) A better hand does more damage, or whatever effect you've chosen using the game's gemstone mechanic. It's a fun little minigame that gets really interesting when you start getting more allies and a respectable set of gems, as I find it's very easy to lose hard fights if you don't properly balance your loadout against your allies. (You should gear yourself up for a defense-heavy ally set different from an offense one different from a deck/board manipulation one different from a mixed set.) It's a good idea to get familiar with a few play styles even if you have a favorite, since unlike regular combat plot-important combat events don't give you a choice in who's going into the fight with you. While the game doesn’t enforce it, it definitely assumes you’re playing the minigame at almost every opportunity, and that you're not using the same crew every single time.)

    I do wonder if the tougher monsters are going to start gaining abilities rather than just their own gems and tankiness and punchiness to change things up, perhaps as a dark mirror to the protagonist's use of allies. Like perhaps a monster for whom deuces are wild (even as they act as twos for your plays) or one who only needs to count color, not suit, for its flushes. I mean, who better to cheat at a metaphorical game of poker than the bad guy?

    Of course, there's stuff the game doesn't have. Total flexibility, for instance. You're not going to often be choosing responses to roleplay a snarky type or a smooth-tongued devil, your character's personality is mostly set in stone. While he does have his serious moments, he's the type who'd likely crack a joke at a firing squad, so do be aware of that going in. The game is also on a strict timeline, with events regularly firing off on specific days (the calendar is your best friend and it being riiiight next to that "do nothing but advance time" button is a bit annoying). Also, some girls and some scenes are totally mandatory so if you develop a dislike for a character don't assume you can ignore her. One lass I would say even fits in to the role of deuteragonist alongside the protagonist (but she's the best girl so it's cool - 100% objective assessment there, folks ;)). That Act III ends with character development for her, I'd argue even more than for the protagonist, is telling. There is a definite story being told here and while you have control over the fine brush strokes that directly influence the minigame and some of the non-plot content, the main lines are drawn in for you already. But then, it's hard to have an epic fantasy tale with a web of interrelated characters if one leaves open the option for the protagonist to literally sleep their way to the end game. This is NOT a game where the world will be static on "day 616" without any sign of change to season or people as everyone waits for the hero to stop grinding his way to a charisma stat so high that he makes panties spontaneously combust from six blocks away.

    Given the tight time pressure of the game, I do suggest that - if you're not a purist - you occasionally use the cheat menu's "Force Start Day" to time-loop a day or two where nothing noteworthy happens and poke around and do things you wouldn't otherwise do. (If you are a purist, just save and reload. No cheaty extra bonuses out of it but I’m not here to tell you how to play.) It is easy to get into the min-maxing mindset as the game moves on, given how tight a resource time is.

    As for the engine stuff: It works, albeit with minor bugs. It could use some refinement, as - for instance - it occasionally draws cards on top of cards. My real pet peeve is that the button to open the calendar is accessible during a dialog scene but the button to dismiss the calendar is UNDER the dialog window and unreachable. (Well, unreachable until you realize that manually hiding the dialog UI won't also hide the calendar UI so it works to get to the thing you need. That wasn't immediately obvious to me.) Perhaps making the calendar button a toggle would be good, in addition to the "proper" dismissal button. The developer is updating the UI alongside adding new content so I hesitate to name too many specific complaints for fear they'll be gone before long (or even now, I seem to be a minor version behind already).

    In summary, I find myself admitting to the weirdest thing I thought I could say on a porn game site: This game isn't porn. Some of the imagery is undeniably explicitly sexual but by and large when I think of "porn" the plot is nonexistent, generic, or a parody/ripoff. "World building" isn't a phrase you use when talking about adult entertainment. It is here. And it cuts both ways: The carnal elements add a very worldly contrast to the lofty talk of archmages and gods and fears of an impending Götterdämmerung. The combination is unique, at least in the fiction I've read/played, and leads to things like sex acts that are integral to the plot or contain symbolism and character growth (not that kind of growth, get your mind out of the gutter, this is a respectable pr0n w4r3z review). It takes an interesting budding fantasy world and gives it a very novel spin as the genres complement and contrast with one another. It's quite the mix and one I hope continues. The developer reports having ideas for (I believe) 15 acts ultimately, split across three 5-act games. While I do try not to let my expectations get that high - the number of abandoned tags in my watched threads list and my former Patreon donations has taught me to not expect anything beyond a sunrise tomorrow - I will say I'm here for as long as this ride goes, and if it gets to the end, so very much the better.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    AS some have said before, i was unsure of this game at first glance with the poker like card game battle system. However i soon found out that it works really well and even if you do struggle with it you can simply lower the game difficulty or put card hints on in setting. The rest of the game is all pro quality. Gorgeous Models, renders and idles, Excellent writing and story, an engaging lore and wonderful characters with depth and charm. The added bonus for me is that it is set in Edinburgh a city i have always loved to go to. So to some it up with a strong Scottish " Brogue" in my Voice, "This hits ya reet in tha Daddy Baaggs"
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    At first i was reluctant as i've seen that for the combat a pokerish system is used. But man, i love it. The battle system is unique and fun and i would play this game almost for the combat only.
    What i also like is, that the MC is the good guy, but not good in a naive way like in most games.
    The story is ok and for my taste it's a little bit to much talking for a game like this, therefore i give it only a 4 out of 5 stars.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is SO GOOD:

    The writing: The story is well written, the humour in my opinion spot on, the characters are different to each other and develop in a understandable pace and loveable. The scenario is unique, but i dont want to spoil to much. The combination of a real world with mages, witches, minotaurs and stuff gave me some World of Darkness vibes, but im sure there are more inspirations playing into that.

    The Progress: I really like the grind. If you play this game you should take "the time is limited" seriously. You have to plan a bit what to do, but i never felt like i wasnt able to see something i should have seen. You have 3 stats (strenght, intelligence and charisma) which help you to win certain skillchecks in the beginning and later boost your fighting abilities. At the end of the current update i was able to defeat every monster who killed me at the beginning. When everyone in the story was talking about how strong i become from day to day i felt like "Yupp, I am becoming stronger." That feels nice, helps the immersion.

    The Fighting: Because you are a magical fighter you play a minigame in your head what looks like a round of poker. The idea is brilliant. If you are afraid of that minigame, dont be. My experience in poker is limited to some drunk nights with friends; I know the rules but meh, a whole game constructed about this mechanic? - I played it more like a ressource manager: Skilling my character, placing the right items into slots, activating the abilities of my companions (great system btw) but leaving the card throwing part to the "Auto button" and i think i was successful with that. In other words: I think you can play this game if you just build your character correctly without having to ever click a card yourself. And that's good, because its fun either way.

    The adult content: Is nice. ;)

    A few bugs and weird things happened in my playthrough, but that is nothing what is destroying the game or stopping you from reaching the end. I will make a forum post about some of those things and im sure they will be fixed in the long run.

    Im here to buy me a ticket for the hype train and so should you. Its one of those game i wished to forget to play them again. Thanks Dev!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game with quite alot of content considering it only came out in Nov last year. will summarize feedback in point form, (just my point of view though)

    - Liked the combat system, but maybe consider implementing a full auto system if possible?
    - The plot was pretty good, liked the graphics and setting of it, but was kind of linear in a sense that Emily is the main girl (might be doing this wrong, since its only my first playthrough)
    - Would suggest giving the players the choice of if they want to proceed with the main storyline or not, so that they can explore other options or grind the money needed to explore the other options first. (once again its just my first playthrough, so might be missing out on some stuff)

    But anyways, great game, combat system was great, different from the standard hack, slash and cast magic turn based system.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, time to write a review for this game!

    The first time I found this game few month ago the content was limited (if I remember right, the story stopped in the early part of the 2nd chapter), but I was still captured from the beginning.

    The reasons for that I want to share with you all and hope to help this way more people with enjoy this gem (pun intended :p ).

    It is a really unique tale playing in our present age, but it adds magic and mythologie which results in a very special and engaging story, about the MC (=you) who discoveres his unknown talent of being a magic wielder. Leaving his home to study in Scotland his journey begins with learning about his new powers, making new friends and foes and a whole lot more I don't want to spoiler for you. At the moment there are 3 chapters of the first book available. Each book consists of 5 chapters and if I'm not totaly wrong the story is planned over 3 books, which means 15 chapters in total. The dev has definitely to tell us a story and it isn't a short one.

    You will find alot different characters, not only by their looks but by their personalities too. This results in funny and interesting dialogs and storytelling in general. The women you will meet are really beautiful, but they are not only eye candy. They do play important roles and each of them are important for the story.

    The setting in Scotland is unique to most of the games you will find here and the dev did alot of work to generate varied locations, by his graphical work and by embedding them into the story. The already mentioned character models are beautiful to look at, but offer depth beyond that each of their own. Another aspect of the game I want to mention here is the music. Most of the games here I play muted with spotify running in the background, but not when I'm playing Love of Magic. I enjoy the selection of tracks, especially if they are used to enhance the story on special occasions.

    This is not just a VN, not besides the great story there is actually a game to play. You need to earn money, increase your stats by doing different tasks, which both leads to more content available. even it may sound like grind, I never felt it like in other games. It will fit in with the other gameplay, but gives you decisions to make how you want to play the MC and how you want to develop him. Besides that there is the most unique part of this game, the magic gameplay, which is an interesting twist on poker. It took me a moment to get used to it, but now I really enjoy it. It is used to fight against monsters and thanks to different gems you can loot and get from quests, you can create your very own loadout which results in different styles of gameplay for the battles. That's some really unusual depth of gameplay for a game in this kind of genre.

    That's something I usually don't write much about in my reviews, but since many have their problems with Unity (as I had myself in the past with other games using this engine) I wanted to say the dev is doing a really great job to optimize is. It isn't using an insane amount of system ressources like many other games unsing Unity and most important this game wouldn't be possible like this in renpy.

    The dev is really active on his discord and his community is a bunch of helpful people who like to hunt bugs or use the time to discuss different gems or which strategy to use against the different enemies. Besides that the dev puts out several updates a week available there, if you are looking for more between the official releases.

    This got way longer than expected, but this project is something I really enjoy and that is in all of its aspects. No doubt this deserves 5 stars!

    Don't miss out and give this gem a try!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I am in love with this game I had so much fun battling and the models were amazing the princess was a goddess and I fell in love with her. I just wish there was an option to keep playing after you finish the game going into the portal and battling the monsters leveling up gaining stats. I did not get to beat Katie 3 times in a row because I did not have enough of all 3 stats I was very close but the game forced me to move on in the story and I did not have time to finish getting my stats up. I could be missing a place to get your int up but it would still be fun to get a free mode.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    version 0.3.9b as of review
    Great game, highly recommend. Quite a lot of content already.

    Story line and writing are surprisingly well done, if you pay attention to the plot you'll likely enjoy it. It's frequently humorous as well.

    Models are good and varied, although the action currently focuses on a few of them I am sure more will be opened up in later installments.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Brother Lui

    The game contents both Poker & Sex it could go also as a paraphrased sex drugs and rock n roll :LOL: (still music is accessible) also it has a bonus been in one of my favorite people and land Scotland the amazing. As it has the sex element personally I don't bother usually for the combat aspect but in this case its cards :love:. Another bonus of the game is that the developer is passing so much time answering and trying to solve any kind of problems created by us the players :). The story remind us everything that we have heard as kids about Camelot and Arthur, round table Merlin etc nice memories and history about the lost chivalry.( with bonus of nice renders and nice sex)
    p.s. I keep the right to increase the rating as the game moves toward completion :ROFLMAO:

    The time has come to add this review.
    Since March so many things have been added in the game with the passion of the perfectionist developer Droid. Music it is really very nice even to hear it doing other things I love it but ok music as many other things have to do about taste. Still have been added so many side events and the story has progress excellent. The sex scenes have been improved even more and been added many more. So many bugs have been fixed and so much spellchecking have been done.

    In the end the 1st Book has finished and it is a great Story , a great Game a great Visual Novel. I feel jealous for someone who will start it right now and will discover such a great game or I would like to reset my memories about this game and re- discover it :)

    The game if now was the last part should already be rated 10 from 5 but as 2 more books remain I will rate it 4.8/5 (0.1 for every next book) hoping to help Droid motivated :ROFLMAO:

    Keep on Droid your excellent story game novel. :)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Not just a porn VN, a real sexy game

    Wow. This is really a great GAME, and I emphasis that word because it has a real enjoyable gameplay, and you will not often find that here.
    And not only the gameplay, the story is very good too. Inspired from Arthur legend and maybe from the book of Bernard Cornwell, you will step into an epic adventure full of mysteries, creatures, sexy partners and cute princess.

    === Chara Design : (y) (y) (y) (y) (y)
    Girls are pretty and their personality are well made. Now in term of looks and sexyness, it is on the average plus side. The MC is convincing.

    === Story : :love::love::love::love::love::love:
    Very interesting, very well written. Nothing more to say.

    === Sex/Animations : :unsure::unsure::unsure:
    If there is a weak point in this game, this is it. It is still decent, the renders are quite good, the scenes can be sexy and erotic at times, some other time pretty void. But...no animations...

    === Gameplay : :love::love::love::love::love::love:
    Top Notch. The combat system is fun. The Charisma/Intel/Strengh is a simple and efficient way to give some different approach to the situations. And there is many others features and quests. It is almost an RPG game ! of course not a very complicated one, but still refreshing

    The only thing left for this game to become a masterpiece is to get decent animations during sex scenes. But even without that, you have to try it, or you will miss out one of the few games that are kinda unique
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The story and writing in this game are great, it's engaging with an interesting world and cast of characters, for example, I had a good laugh at the camwhore/stripper mages which is just a fun idea. And while the visuals are pleasant with good written intimate scenes, the character models posing are off, looking really weird most of the time as well as some minor bugs but the dev is actively fixing them and adding more to the game bringing it to a better shape. Besides some minor personal complaints, the game is shaping up to be a very pleasant experience and the scope and ambition of the game more than makeup for its faults.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A brilliant game with interesting characters that you rapidly grow to love for their individual personalities and gorgeous looks. Not to mention a very responsive and helpful Developer who deserves much praise for his hard work.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    How to classify LoM?
    • A porngame with interesting story, including plot, characters and lore?
    • A story with elements of high fantasy, lore building, card playing, nudity, romance and sex?
    • An RPG with all of the above, including NPCs that you grow to know, love, care about and sometimes hate?
    Ah, to Hel with it!

    LoM is a damn fine example of what an adult RPG can be. Come for the sexy models, get caught up in the story and lore, enjoy the combat and see how the mystery unfolds. You won't be disappointed.
  18. 5.00 star(s)



    Love of Magic is an exceptionally well put together game, and the developer deserves far more support than they currently have for making it.

    - The main girls are pretty, unique, and well written.
    - The supporting cast are equally interesting.
    - The world building and storytelling is excellent. King Arthur? Magic? Dragons? Magic? Angry Scottish Noises? Sexy Magic?
    - The game has a sense of humor, especially about being an adult game.
    - The production value is high. Using animations on character idle poses, smooth transitions between zones and even some background music where appropriate.
    - The sexual content is well written and played out. No robotic ramming Daz models together in a manner unnervingly reminiscent of someone forcing two action figures to kiss.
    - There is gameplay with a poker / card game theme that runs into the narrative. It's a bit rough but by no means bad, and much more interesting than rapid clicking.
    - RPG mechanics that keeps choosing how to spend your allotted time interesting.

    It's rare to see an adult game tick all of the above boxes, but very nice to see. Definitely worth downloading and playing now, and looking forward to the next release!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of [v0.2.14]

    Holy fucking shit this is a good one! It was a long time since I sincerely felt sadness when reaching the end of the current version of a game. This one really got me there. Absolutely 5/5 and you should definitely play it!

    Super stunning girls and a great story riddled with mystery and intrigue. The story borrows a lot from high fantasy and old English folklore and puts it all in a modern setting. The "magic" is unique in its' own right - I find it really clever to use a poker minigame as the way to cast spells and it somehow even fits into the story in a decent way.

    The visuals are really 5/5 top tier. I feel using 3d models on photographic backgrounds is a really nice touch. The backgrounds are very detailed and adds a lot of immersion. I also love the idle animations of the characters, it really adds a lot of life to the game.

    There is music all throughout the game. This is a facet of game making that I feel is overlooked way too often.

    The writing and world building is really excellent and the author is truly a scholar. There are references to great classical books all over the place. It's intelligent but never pretentious.

    The characters are unique, with their own quirks and language.

    I never found myself skipping dialogue. This is a super rare feat, because the writing really has to be excellent for this to happen when I'm playing a porn game.

    If I were to list any negatives then I guess my main complaint is the lack of animations during sex scenes, and that maybe these scenes could be longer, with more renders. Also I feel the story may be milking the "who's my father?"-thing a tiny bit. Every other character seems to know who he is, so why aren't they telling the MC? This will need a very good and believable explanation going forward or the final reveal will feel like a let down.

    Either way, the negatives are definitely minor and will not make me deduct a point from my 5/5.

    I've never been so stoked for more content before. Really looking forward to what's next! Droid is absolutely, definitely, a rising star and this game when it's finished will be a staple of the adult gaming community. Mark my words!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Really high quality, the idle animations on all the characters is a really nice touch. The UI is really nice to look at, and reasonably easy to navigate. My biggest complaint is the lack of a replay gallery, but it looks like a gallery is in development so I won't knock it for that. Looking forward to where the development takes this.