Unity - Completed - Love of Magic [B1 v1.6.11f] [Droid Productions]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Persona in Britain

    Game is heavily focused on story. The story is light years ahead of most other lewd games. It involves magic and mythology in modern era Britain. The characters are fun, the poker-minigame is fun, and overall, really great direction with development.

    I took off a star, because as a story-based game, the story has an issue with buildup. Good mystery follows a simple model of tease - buildup - payoff. The tease of the game is phenomenal, the payoff is good, but the buildup quality feels erratic.

    In games where lewdness is the main selling point, buildup is optional because you want to get to the payoff quickly. But in a game like this where the story is the main selling point, good buildup is mandatory.

    Solid game, great content, but story is still one step below masterclass level.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game....

    The models are cute.. and the story is really good.

    The only thing.. could have been more animated sex scenes.
    almost all were just still pictures with text description.

    But.. besides that. I really enjoyed it.. played it til I finnished it.

    and the end of Act 4. made me tear up.. =)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Starts off a bit slow and grindy, but it starts to make sense quickly. The writing is excellent. The premise isn't all that interesting at first glance, but then it develops into a pretty awesome power fantasy. Well-written erotic scenes, good humor, and there's a lot of it.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Not my cup of tea at all, using cards for combat is just silly and so far the "sex" has been mediocre at best. Some nice models for the girls sadly the male MC uses an all to often face model and one that i just don´t like. Can´t really recommend this game.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A good VN but not one u choose if u want a quickie. Also, the plot sorta forces u to focus on one girl as main love interest but the restriction is easily overcome

    the graphics are standard and the battle system is creative, but I don't really feel any curiosity towards the worldbuilding and plot. We're here for that right?
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Nathan Romanoff

    I'm going to go ahead and give this game 5/5... just for the dev.

    This would have been a solid 4/5. Some of the pictures aren't my taste. I love the card mechanics. HATE beyond words the time limit.

    But this dev... this dev gives a shit. The enthusiasm and care for their project just shows. And, less than 5 hours after I posted a concern, the dev concisely and clearly stated their position.

    Also the attention to detail is remarkable. Great dialogue. Great fantasy setting. Great job in general.

    On a personal note my 20 year old monitor finally died, so I got a new one. I'm sure the card games will be easier now that I'm not "Is that a 3?... or an 8?".
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best erotic games I've played. Although the erotic part isn't really why I like this game so much.

    No, the main reason why I like this game so much is because it has an epic, amazingly well-written story-line with some equally well-written characters (Katie is my favorite) and dialogue. I also like the combat element a lot.

    This is one of those rare games worth replaying.

    I'm already supporting several adult game creators on Patreon and wasn't really planning on supporting another one, but this is so freakin' good that I've become a $5,- supporter.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    An adult game with an actually decent story line and use of mythology. One of the few I've played more for the plot than the sexy times though those moments are also done very well here. Attractive female character models and a interesting combat system. Did I mention the good plot?
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, interesting combat loop, good dialogue and characters with distinct personalities. If you're here exclusively for porn maybe not your cup of tea (although don't worry there is some), but otherwise give it a try.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Pandaman Games

    Overall fantastic game. The story is particularly good - it could be an actual book, and I wouldn't be surprised if the dev published the full story as a novel in the future. The renders and sex scenes are also well done, and the quality of animations has gone from good to excellent within a few months. I'm very excited to see where Droid takes the game in the future.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Got to say one of the best games on here to my mind.
    Great content and how its presented is well above the average.
    The characters are interesting and engaging . Models are pretty and rendered out very well.
    The story is excellent and rewarding for the effort expended in playing.
    The developer provides both regular content updates and communication. unlike a great many of the dev's creating such content.

    Overall a excellent effort
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is excellent and well worth the download. The characters are well written and well rendered. The story draws you in and there's lots of content but it so good it makes you want more. The grind doesn't get in the way and is actually fun.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    N Walker

    The combat mini game is probably one of the most inventive gameplay elements I've seen in a lewd game. There's a surprising amount of depth in tactics and strategy, for those willing to put in the effort.

    The world building is top notch, the characters are interesting, and the story has a good pace. The game even managed to make me feel emotional towards the end of act IV, a rare feat for a porn game.

    The graphical presentation is sometimes a bit rough around the edges, but generally OK. The GUI could definitely use a touch up though.

    Overall the game is excellent, and I look forward to playing the next chapter.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a porn game! But what a game it is. After a while, the porn parts where just in the way :) And you definitely don't play to get more of them, or expand the harem or other similar stuff. You play for the story, and I even liked the combat system a lot.
    Think of Sengoku Rance, but with a little more decent main character :)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Story doesn't just promise, but also delivers. Top notch writing and great characters with a fine amount of lewd added to spice things up.

    Fantasy setting is refreshing and original. Some well established concepts mixed with plenty of weird and awe-inspiring stuff. 5/5 for worldbuilding.

    I don't really like the combat system, but don't really care.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The storytelling and the world-building are off the chart here.
    Combine with great graphisms and interesting combat gameplay, and this goes right to the top of my list.
    Very impressive work, I'm looking forward to the next update.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The story and character development is, without a doubt, top notch among adult themed games. I've played through hundreds of adult games at this point, and few have made me legitimately curious in the game's world and the inhabitants of it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A masterclass in erotic storytelling.

    I had the privilege of being the game's alpha tester for the couple months before the first chapter released to the public last year. I haven't been attached to the game or even in contact with the developer in any way in several months, and my assessment is based purely on my observations of the public version of the game like anyone else.

    Love of Magic is a story-first approach to a modern fiction romance visual novel that doesn't throw its hands up when it comes to the "game" part of the project like so many western nukige do.

    I'll say that while the sex scenes would leave me a touch disappointed, because there's so much emotional investment in the characters and story, and there's an actual combat core loop with stats and systems management to augment it, anything I would have taken off the rating is made back by this being a Game Ass Game and not just the bare minimum narrative stringing together sex scenes. You aren't left wanting and you aren't left frustrated by shitty minigames you'd rather skip; Love of Magic's combat isn't a throwaway and feels like something you'd get from a standard, non-porn RPG.

    None of the women are to my taste, but because the renders are done with care and are fairly varied, there isn't anything I could complain about. Further, each character's dialogue and motivations are given a lot of consideration, so you never feel like you're clicking through talking pinups - these are interesting characters all, each with histories you want to know more of and futures you want to invest in. The best games mesh art with narrative and Love of Magic doesn't have a single cardboard cutout.

    The story is paced well, being sure not to overwhelm the player with too much story, sex or combat and it knows just how much exposition and fluff should fill the spaces between. This is huge praise in this community because even when games have awesome sex scenes and interesting characters, they often can't get the balance of when to use them right. I suspect the immaculate pacing is owed in part due to the standard formula being broken into smaller pieces by the inclusion of combat and RPG systems that are non-trivial.

    The game isn't flawless, and features numerous and persistent technical problems, mostly related to its use of Unity, but I've chosen not to dock a star for it owing to the developer's intense, iterative attention to his game's errors, his open, genuine solicitation for criticism and his rapid development pace - you won't be waiting on a pattern of mediocre content drops after 3-6 months like so many paywall panhandlers have fallen into.

    It is a fantastic game, and it will satisfy just about anyone who comes into this with the appropriate expectation. It is the full package of what I would consider a proper video game that just happens to have some sex scenes. If he pursues it in the long term, it will fit into a reverent position as kind of a western Persona entry. If all you want is another DAZ sex scene novel, this isn't the game for you, and while I sympathize because your expectation isn't unreasonable given the sheer number of them in this community, Love of Magic tries to be something more and I think it succeeds. If you want a faster, shorter, more sex-focused game from this developer using HS assets and animations instead of DAZ and the odd spine morph, try his earlier game Making Movies. Either way, you won't be disappointed.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    one evening not so long ago, in a dimension not far from here (third on the left from the jelly and custard dimension) a puzzle RPG and a VN sat down to cuddle in front of a movie. the movie was somewhat boring as ben stiller was involved yet again, so they decided to fuck instead.

    the resulting manifested lust was so strong that it drifted like a cloud among the dimensional rift until finally, it found a droid mind, where it proceeded to mate with every synapses it could get its hands on.

    love of magic was soon born...…….sure, it may have happened a different way, but we can all dream :) if there IS any downside to this developing project I don't know what it is. a good mixture of both parent elements mixed with a smattering of humour makes this very entertaining and enjoyable to play. top marks for me :)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't think I got to a lot of the sex content but holy shit that story writing was insane. I cannot wait for a completed game. They renders are of a fine quality as well. I think there could be a little improvement on some of the faces though when they aren't in the dialogue scenes as they look a little odd and jarring. Some of the angles of the sex scenes would a little odd as well and made it seem like you were missing out on a lot of the show. It still is a fantastic game and will definitely be seeing my face again now that I know of things in the game I for sure missed. While at times the game may seem a little slow, I think the grind is definitely worth it. There is a slight grind but it definitely doesn't take anything away from the game, in some ways it can even deepen one's immersion in this beautifully crafted story. If I had the money to spare I would definitely support this game as much as I could.