Unity - Completed - Love of Magic [B1 v1.6.11f] [Droid Productions]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Aye. I mean yes. This game is fookin' amazing.

    Ok actual review:

    sex-scenes are pretty mediocre (I know I know but keep reading)

    will, without a doubt, swallow up your time. be prepared to completely fall into this game and it's world.

    UI and mechanics are not 100% perfect.

    That's it. Yep, seriously.

    Everything that is not listed in con. Yep, seriously.

    The writing is top tier, beyond any adult game I can remember playing. I legitimately laughed out loud more than a few times and even got excited more than once waiting for a big reveal, or scene that I knew the writer was building towards (and those that I didn't).

    The characters are each unique and obviously well thought out. Their interactions with the MC, each other, and the world this dev has created all makes sense and flows smoothly.

    The pace seems to be another well thought out aspect, nothing seemed rushed or too drawn out.

    I could keep going but I'll stop by simply saying this game blew me away. Dev has earned a new fan eager for more content. Honestly, well done.

    5/5 (if the scenes were better it be 5+/5, can't bring myself to give it a 4)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Not as good as Tolkien, Pratchet or Lloyd Alexandar but fucking close.
    Take a bow Droid.
    The cons:
    not super fappable.
    Gigantic kinetc novel that sucks you in.
    Bella's freckles
    some grind
    Too little Molly
    It's not done
    The Pros:
    Gigantic kinetc novel that sucks you in.
    well written
    everything you can possibly think of that isn't listed as a con.
    MC progresses in a story based way.
    Best adult game I've played in forever.
    Serious, I spent a couple days playing with the current content.

    Card battle advice:
    take dylan when you're a punk. Take Emily & Molly when you're a god & use lightening.
    early days poison & Bella worked fine too
    Katie is shite in battle

    I usually game drunk, so Akane's buff is just too mathematical for me. That's not a ding on the dev, nor me. She's super useful if you sober enough. don't get suckered into just 1 squad. Dev built in certain challenges.
    It's all good shit to me & I played the shit out of the Eushully games
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Real Kreten

    BOOK 1

    Dear Knights,

    I want to tell you a story about this guy who got drunk so much that he end as a student at the University of Edinburgh.
    That it happened to you, too! And was it Thaumatology University, the Evocation Study? No, then listen up.

    There was once a king, he was the Winter King, and he had a beautiful queen be his side. Thick as steel on the outside, but loving inside was his queen. The king had a troupe of beautiful chosens that eyes were dazzled. Every different other than the last one, and each one special in her own way.
    That's what you want as well? Then, stir the cards and go on an epic journey. You will face powerful opponents such as litch, miniatures, demons, dragon and god. You don't always come out of a fight like winners, but you always come out stronger than before. However, you must prepare for the fights by studying diligently with your friends at university, but also in home. You can then drink to your victory in the Edinburgh taverns.

    Epic stories and small events, friends and enemies, hardships and pleasures, beautiful ladies and disgusting defilers. All this awaits you on the journey behind the mantle of the Winter King.
    Original story, atmosphere supported by musical accompaniment.

    BOOK 2
    In the first book, you became a man, won the heart of an "elven" princess, and with her became the ruler of the kingdom. The fairy tale ends with a kiss under the stars and so, hard work begins now.

    As is often the case with sequels, at least the better ones, some of the old content is complemented by new types of challenges and activities. Book 2 introduces new governance mechanics where you must manage your kingdom and through diplomacy ensure cooperation with the other forces of the World love of Magic to save it.

    You can count on help from your Soul Mate wife, your trio of Chosen and other friends from the previous book. Your task will not be easy, to defeat apocalyptic enemies coming from outside of reality. The overall atmosphere of the book is thus a bit darker than its prequel. However, there are still many opportunities to spend time with your wife and your friends, old and new. After all, building relationships is important for creating a victorious army of life.

    As in the previous book, we can divide the content into several parts. The main story line is about telling a specific story, and the player here only influences some aspects of the main hero behavior. There is no need to search for anything or any grinding, the player only determines the difficulty through which he wants to reach the goal.

    There are also a number of side quests in the game that you may or may not do. They need to be actively searched for. Some are a small variegation. Others look as important as main story is and you couldn’t imagine what the story would look like without them. The game also includes content for mini-maxing such as new books to read, new activities and new enemies on the paths of Elsewhere.

    I highly recommend going immediately on a quest to save the world of the second book of this urban-fantasy.

    BOOK 3

    The third book of Love of Magic comes with a new theme around which it revolves. After winning the heart of the "elven" princess, and winning the war, comes the what if.

    At the end of the second book, the Winter King was transported to an alternate reality. Here Emily R2 awaits him with the same war as in the previous book. We meet a number of old acquaintances, but now in a different light. We will also meet new faces that we have heard about in previous books, but we never met them.

    Will the Winter King finally win the war once and for all, or is he destined to fight forever? Will he return to his Emily, or will he wander between realities fighting the enemies of humanity? And if he wins and achieves what the sorcerers want him to do, what will happen to the tool that has already served what it was created for?

    These questions and many more are answered in the third and final return of the Winter King from Droid Production. The same quality of writing and world building as the previous books, with new layers of story, enemies and allies.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It takes a little time to develop, and there is a lot of reading especially to start. This kept me from diving in for like a year... but damn, it's WORTH diving into.

    This is easily one of my favorites. Very well polished, excellent writing, good story, sexy characters, good situations. Highly recommend.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    An entertaining, fantastic, epic, soft-hearted story.
    Stable game, with a dev continuos feedback.
    Enjoyable mechanics, poker interesting game.
    Well scripted, good characters, sexy scenes, with good deep content and script.
    Thank you dev.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story telling with character building and relationships.
    Enjoyable poker based mini-game with lots of variety.
    Good quality renders with a nice variety of females.
    Love the fantasy setting overlapping with modern world.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the very few I would consider to be a cut above all other adult games. After a while, I found myself playing the game for the story rather than the adult content, and that's really the best compliment I think I could give on this website.

    It's got a decent, interesting story. Some clichés, of course, but it's got enough creativity to keep it fresh. The adult content is great. There's fleshed out, believable characters. The dialogue feels real. The universe is interesting. Heck even the gameplay is engaging, even if rather basic.

    Again, just a cut above almost anything else we're seeing these days. Looking forward to any future projects by the studio.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Yoah M

    Nicely done! the whole game is catchy, amazing renders, awesome models, good story, ingenious fighting system, leaves you always wanting more of it! and now tha we know there is going to be a part II, we all your fans wait to enjoy!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Top tier game here, IMO. Very enjoyable and binge-worthy.

    All the characters are very distinct personalities, and fun in their own ways. I don't really find myself being annoyed by the presence of any of them, and most of them seem to have some good individual development arcs, too.

    There's a lot of story and plot in this one, which I appreciate. And the writing seems quite good in general, especially compared to many of its peers. Very few spelling or grammatical errors. You can also tell by playing that a good amount of time and effort has gone into the story and worldbuilding. I constantly find myself noticing references to real world legends and mythologies from history and culture, which I appreciate. The writing, story and plot is not just strictly about getting into the pants of every girl in the game in the most silly ways possible. There's actually an epic grand narrative taking place that everything else revolves around, and that hero's journey is quite fun to see unfold.

    Character progression follows seamlessly with story progression, and they complement each other well. Nothing too fancy here in terms of the RPG elements, which are fairly linear and simple. But sometimes simple is preferable to overly complicated.

    I really appreciate the way a card game has been used mechanically and narratively to be representative of the MC's magic and combat. And there is even a bit more depth to be found here in the gem customization and companion choices. I would, admittedly, like to see some additions/changes to this aspect of the game, just to flesh it out a bit more, but as it stands it still works quite well, and offers a nice playstyle departure from the visual novel experience which dominates much of the rest of the game.

    All the girls are pretty good looking. The rendering and character design are well done over all. I appreciate the subtle idle animations that help breathe a bit of additional life into the game, and some of the funny expressions that help communicate conversations.

    Overall, I rate this game excellent so far. This is one of those rare gems here that is quite a bit more than just a lewd simulator (not that those don't have their place, too). It helps that I also really enjoy the urban magical setting--the modern world meeting a medieval high fantasy world.

    Keep up the great work! I'm eagerly anticipating the next updates.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing in this game belongs in a fantasy epic with a billion dollar budget, but here we are, with some dude on a porn game site putting out a game that has a story just as well written and immersive as any of my favorite books. In short, I highly recommend this game but I hope you'll go into it with some patience. It is not (up to the point I'm at anyway) an absolute sex fest, but it is ridiculously good, well written, well thought out and a story that you can really immerse yourself in and enjoy in these crazy times we live in.
  11. T
    5.00 star(s)


    Well I certainly didn't expect to be ranking a 'porn' game up with the best RPGs I've ever played but here we are. If the dev went full AAA it would be a Spark that burns brighter than the MC's does. Looking forward to more.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    John David

    Was a little uncertain but thought I'd give it a go because the girls looked good and I was definetly glad I did. The girls are indeed hot. There are plenty of good scenes. The story is really well done. Even the poker battle element is simple enough that it doesn't bog down the game like I've seen with other similar systems. Great job Droid!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The current public release runs for 95 days , but you can continue playing after that. Having played this game all the way through from start until beyond the end three times , it should be no surprise that I give it 5 stars .

    The game appeals for a variety of different reasons . The fantasy story and world , the characters , the poker mini game . Also the Edinburgh location also helps to give a real world feel .

    You will find far more eloquent descriptions of the game than I can manage in the reviews below .

    There seems to be so many games around these days and most are not worth the effort trying . Love of Magic is certainly not one of those , and will keep you entertained for a long time .

    I think the simplest thing I can say is that if you are looking for something new to try , then give this one a go , you are unlikely to be disappointed .
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    i like to rate a game in 4 part :
    - storie : 19/20
    god damn that can be a fucking good fantasy movie !

    -render: 14/20
    can be better but at least good enought

    -animation: 5/20
    this the the god damn badest thinks about this game, animation is just so bad
    only thos one without sex are good ( dragon fly, magic ect are still good )...

    -interface ( unclude navigation game, text, disign ect ...) : 12/20
    the first game i have always the need to hide ( H ) for see the what happen ( text UI take 40 % orf the screen ), at the end i don't do it just cause anyway the sex part animation is just useless and boring.

    conclusion :
    it's a great game, i just love the story, i love to don't play a 14 years old kiddo, personality of all charatere is very well done, just the "adult" part is just really fucking bad, but anyway i recommand it, cause it's still a great game anyway !

    my english is not as good as i whant, but i hope it's still undertanding !
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I've had more fun with this game then I have any right to do so. Love the story and the characters. Animations are hit or miss but everything else I really like. It's like playing an anime power fantasy and who doesn't like one of those? lol
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Mr. Grant

    I can consider my presence within this forum as one seeking Story Driven, Adult Visual Novels, not porn.
    Porn is a dime a dozen and often tasteless to boot.
    This creation... is pure gold. Well constructed, lore that drives your imagination, comedic timing that flavors the adventure throughout. A power fantasy that too few game development companies explore these days.

    Love of Magic is one of the best Visual Novels I have ever encountered.

    Within the proverbial pages of this work is both romance and a kinky sensuality; star crossed lovers and soul bonded mates exploring intimacy amidst the trials of an impending destiny that will drive them together for better or for worse.

    If you have not given this marvelous work a chance, what are you waiting for?

    My only negative is this: When you have partaken of a Master Chef's delicacies, fast food simply cannot sate your newly awakened palette. There will be titles that will vanish from my followed list, simply because they cannot begin to echo the creative beauty I have witnessed here.

    Bravo Droid Productions! Bravo!!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game feels, in many regards, as a AAA game when comparing to other games of the genre.

    Where to begin with? Geez... There are just so many mechanics and well written characters, not to mention the whole lore that was clearly very well put.

    The combat mechanics are simple and fun, and you don't feel yourself overwhelmed by informations or grinding for skill points, like many games that attempt this kind of approach.

    So, almost everything here is very well done, thus why it looks like some big ass studio developed it.

    Congratulations to everyone involved in this project. It is truly remarkable.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I just wanna say that this game is probably the best game I've played in this genre. The story is amazing and very engaging. I really enjoy it compared to most other games. The thing i feel might be something to work with is perhaps doing some more dialogue during the sex scenes, stretching them out abit. But that being said i would play the game even if it didn't have any sex scenes because i enjoy it alot.
    I also like how you implement many of the characters into the story. The character development is pretty well done too.

    I only wish to someday make a game such as yours with one of my stories.
    If i didn't have a rough time with cash IRL because of the whole corona issue i would without a doubt donate to this game but i will make sure to do it in the future :D

    All in all amazing game, i would give it a 7/5 in score because it's so darn good. Dev if you do read this please know you have made a stranger on the internet very content and happy with your work. I wish you all the best and i hope your journey with the game continues to be as amazing as it has been.
    Have a good one mate!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't be like me! I avoided this game for so long because I didn't like or play poker! What a fool I was, it has auto play when you need help. I damn near missed out on what may be my favorite game so far. Every character is endearing in some way, their motivations make sense. The art is superb and the girls are flawless.

    ...I humbly request more Sarah.... yes, yes, I know, but still. :sneaky:
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Category: VideoGame (Sandbox/free roaming)
    Version: 4.11b (5.14b actual one, so a bit old)
    Visual novel/Script: 5+
    Gaming experience: 4
    Graphic quality: 4
    Character development: 5
    Xcitement: 3

    Considerations: Very good story, nice characters, quite limited lewd content so far. Maybe would be better including more lewd content, more random events to help cope with repetitive actions (wandering through the map, for example, looking for something to do...) Not sure if decisions taken ingame affect the main plot / relations somehow so far. Nice work.