Unity - Completed - Love of Magic [B1 v1.6.11f] [Droid Productions]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game with a captivating plot that makes you laught and cry. Nice looking characters and nice battle system. One o the best games i've played, and one of the few i really keep tracking once i finish a update. It's reaaaaly a amazing game and everybody should play it!
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Niv-Mizzet the Firemind

    Book 1 v 1.07b, Book 2 v 0.119d

    The story in Book 1 is very good. It sucked me in completely about 10 minutes after I started playing. It has a lot of impactful moments.
    The characters are awesome as well, with Katie, Bella and Booker a click above the rest imho. I won't comment on Book 2 because it's incomplete, but so far so good.

    The renders and animations are good and serve the story really well. Tbh though with that story I wouldn't care if they were actively terrible.

    Gameplay is good. The combat mechanic is interesting enough to not hate it after a while (which is usually the case with adult games). Even if you hate it, it has a completely reasonable auto resolution button. The game also features a debug menu if you hate raising stats.

    My only gripe with the game is that it doesn't have a proper gallery to replay scenes. That's a really minor gripe though.

    Overall, this game is excellent and higly recommended.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It took me a while to give this a shot because, like a lot of people, the poker part threw me off. Glad I tried it. It feels like a VN first and an adult game second, for sure. Lewd material can have long gaps between them.

    The poker aspect is actually a pretty fun 'combat' minigame where you assemble poker hands to activate spells. It's customizable, and overall honestly pretty great. I suck at it but I enjoy how easy it is to understand while having a pretty high skill ceiling.

    I also gave pause because my VN experience with Unity has been poor. The way its put together is unobtrusive, works well, and even has some really nice quality of life features like jumping back to the beginning of a conversation if you want.

    The day-to-day play is fine. It's slice of life where you decide to socialize with people, improve stats, work for money, and so on. It only falls short in that you don't have that many things to do, realistically. When you exhaust dialogue with someone you just show up and go "hey, okay bye" and then you're left with stat boosters or exploring the elsewhere while waiting for the next event. It's just time between story. Despite grinding my stats I also still felt weak at the end, but that could be because of me not being good at combat.

    Now, that's the basics for the systems. The writing is honestly pretty good. The writer is either familiar with the mundane portion of the setting from experience or did a lot of research. I couldn't say beyond that because I'm the "done a lot of research" side of that. It's refreshing to have it set in Scotland which sets it apart from a lot of other VNs, and seems to have been done with care and respect rather than just to be different.

    The characters have recognizable voices and personalities that set them apart. They don't really blur together, and they're all fairly fleshed out and three dimensional. Some of the LIs do begin to feel like they lose a bit of their depth as they join the harem, with their goals being pretty much centered on the MC... But it's fine. They're not stripped of their personality, and given the context it makes sense. Still fairly well handled.

    There is a main LI and there's no going against that. She's not my favourite, admittedly, but I actually like the romance. A bit hammy, as I've said, but cute. It's refreshing to see the MC and LI communicate, agree, and the harem concept be acknowledged and addressed.

    Now the visuals in all categories are a mixed bag for me. Models are good, and some of their designs I love. But they do suffer a bit from what I'll call the "character creator effect". Where in the CC you create a great looking model but in game under different lighting, angles, and poses they end up looking different. Certain expressions give them weird lips, some have really sunken-in cheekbones, so on. Nothing terrible but something I noticed. The MC looks really weird, too. I'll chalk it all up to Fey influence.

    Idle animations give the game some life, as the characters move in a puppet-warp style rather than being entirely still and their portraits blink when talking. It's a small and subtle thing but its nice. Some of the movies are also great, like Katie with the fireball, Emily first coming from a portal... Others less so. Two characters with the same walk cycle, choma keyed explosion overlays, and so on. They work, and get the idea across, but for me I ended up having a hard time taking a cool moment seriously because it felt awkward.

    With all that said... This looks like its a one-person project. If they built it entirely from the ground up it's mindblowing. Even if some systems, animations, and assets were premade its still a really impressive project. They went all-in with worldbuilding, making characters, and having a cohesive narrative. It oozes passion and effort. Feels like someone who decided to make a porn game but fell in love with a bigger idea and ran with it.

    Pretty successfully, in my opinion.

    This got way longer than I intended. TL;DR: Good game with a lot of ambition, rough around the edges, but baked with enough love that I can look past the edges more often than not.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Love of Magic [Book1: v1.0.7b, Book 2: v0.1.19d] [Droid Productions]

    I recently tried out "Love of Magic", and I have to say that it left me with mixed feelings. On the surface, it's an intriguing concept, but my initial experience left me questioning whether this game is the right fit for me.

    First and foremost, "Love of Magic" is an incredibly slow-paced game. The extensive and verbose dialogues and lore dumps can be quite exhausting. During the two hours I spent playing, I only managed to progress as far as the second day of College. This slow pace left me feeling frustrated and impatient, especially when I have a substantial backlog of games waiting to be explored.

    From a technical perspective, the game seems well-crafted, even if I'm not particularly fond of card games. The world-building and the magical aspects of the game are certainly intricate, which is commendable. However, I found myself struggling to connect with the story due to the overwhelming amount of technical details and discussions about the magic system. I lacked the necessary context and felt like I was drowning in information.

    While I can appreciate the potential depth and complexity that "Love of Magic" might offer, it's challenging to dedicate significant time to a game that doesn't immediately capture my interest. The slow pace and information overload made me lose focus, and I found myself glazing over during conversations.

    It's possible that "Love of Magic" could evolve into a hidden gem with time, or that its unique approach might appeal to players with different tastes. I'm willing to give it another shot when it's completed, as it might undergo changes or improvements that address some of my concerns.

    In conclusion, "Love of Magic" has the potential to be a captivating game for those who enjoy intricate world-building and don't mind a slow, deliberate pace. However, for players like me with a long list of games to explore, it's essential to be selective and prioritize titles that align more closely with our preferred gaming experience.
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  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This fucking game. Where do I even start?! Oh yes! I need to clarify that I am only done with act 5 so far.
    First of all, the combat and the ability to customize the type of damage you do is magnificent. And the combat in it of itself... I never enjoyed poker, but this can get me going.
    Secondly, the ladies. Each one of them with distinct personalities, different goals and great backstories. Emily seems to be the Damsel in distress but has balls bigger than the MC. Katie is a legend with whom I believe most of us would love to have a pint or two with. Bella is intriguing to say the least and perhaps the damn finest werewolf I've seen in any game here. Molly seems to be just a nympho to begin with but that's not all she is and she has a surprising "evolution" throughout the game. Unfortunately, I'm indifferent to Akane and her bodyguard so far. Cara is slightly devious and self-centered - as far as I can tell -, but just enough to make her fun.
    The paths are a really great way to start learning the ropes.
    Most of the sidequests are interesting and quite enjoyable.
    The story is by far one of the best ones I've read and even if this had no sexual content I would still be all for it.
    Generally speaking, this game reminds me of a modernized D&D campaign where everyone is some sort of spellcaster. Which I truly appreciate.
    Finally, the fact that the MC has cardestry with poker as his power is a big fucking plus.
    So far, the game gets a strong 9/10!
    I would strongly suggest this to anyone who wants a captivating story and some really well rendered scenes.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this site.
    Unique gameplay (even if you dislike poker or don’t know how to play poker), a great fantasy-themed story with interesting characters and to top it all off some good lewds. The game is so good I even bought it lol. 5/5 must play
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Story.
    Fun gameplay.
    Good Characters.
    Played it here, went out and bought in Steam immediately after finishing Book1. Can't wait for the rest of Book2 and Book3.

    Its rare a story grabs me as much as this did.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The best part of this game is the story, that is the reason I bought it on Steam.
    The models are great.
    Some animations in the cutscenes are a bit awkward.
    It would be great if there were more repeatable sex scenes.
    Some people like the card game combat, I personally dont. You can easily ignore using the "auto" button
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Yay. A game with an awesome story and amazing characters. And this really is an adult game and not a VN. The lewd stuff is not the main focus of this game. Don’t get me wrong. There is enough lewd stuff in it. But the game concentrates on character and story development. In this game you don’t have to think about what to do to get the next lewd scene. Instead, you aim to progress the story.

    I did read some players complaining about the poker part in this game. But if you don’t like poker it’s no problem. The abilities of your support characters and auto-play get you through the fights very fast and without knowledge of poker. If it weren’t normal cards you would not even think about poker. It’s a nice game mechanic and there is no stupid grinding. It feels balanced.

    The game is only at the start of Book 2 and it’s already a long game. Love it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few games i'm willing to support the dev for. I've played it multiple times and am lovely the frequency that the dev provides beta builds on their discord.
    Story is the main draw for me and the eye candy doesn't hurt either. It also allows you to effectively play the game even while skipping the 'poker game' should that not be your cup of tea.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, the porn is the worst part aside from the cutscenes.

    This is still worth playing because the characters are absolutely phenomenal, and the lore is really cool.

    For improving the porn: lengthen the scenes, add either more animation or more writing/dialogue in them. They're too short. It's usually like six different images, all with small changes or different posing, and then an animation or two. Maybe some shallow choices in terms of dialogue or what you rub next. Boring. Either enhance the visual component, or the written component.

    But fr, I don't even care. This could have just not had any porn and it still would've been worth the hours. I'd read a book with the same plot and enjoy the hell out of it.

    The poker battles are a neat concept, but I do appreciate the ability to 'auto' my way through them. I'm not great at poker lol. I would have liked the ability to disable party dialogue during battles, though. It gets annoying using abilities and having to click through the same dialogue every time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I caught this when it was starting out, and bookmarked it to finally finish it when it ends. It's only the end of the first book, but whew. What a journey.

    First of all, the story, it sucks you in like nothing else, honestly. Few games here can actually rival the story-telling of this game. Honestly, a part of me felt like it would be better off not a lewd game, so much more people can enjoy it.

    Controls and gameplay are straightforward and easy to learn, but not without its flaws of course. I personally don't like the battle system, not because it's boring or bad, just prefer more action, but I can see how the system would appeal to a bigger fanbase, rather than only action rpg players.

    The lewd scenes and character lines are fappable, honestly well scripted and very sexy. But the actual way you go about it is slightly confusing and lackluster, yes it makes it repeatable, but I would rather not click at random options hoping it loops properly and risk missing out on dialogue and scenes.

    Now the renders. The girls are stunning, especially Emily. And my personal favourite, Bella. Actual animations during scenes were added to the later portion of the game, which was a nice surprise. While the sex scenes were mostly well done, apart from the pixels. There were other less then satisfactory animations that makes this game looks cheap and low quality, which was definitely not what I want people to judge the entire game on.

    Undoubtedly a 5 stars from me, despite me listing out points that I want to see improved. If you like ideas of a fantasy, magic world coexisting with ours, you have to try this game. There's not TOO much taboo or fetishes involved, but I'm pretty sure most of the people who plays this actually stays for the brilliant world forged by Droid Productions
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Story, fun characters! Could use better animations, and more variety of pics during the bedroom scenes, but overall a very fun game! Looking forward to the eventual continuation! Definitely need more Chosen time, especially all 3 together.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Harvey Danger

    I wish there were more replayable sex scenes towards the endgame, but the STORY is terrific. I'm not used to media having reasonably-well-thought-out magic systems in them, so this was a rare treat.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great storyline and game mechanics.

    I found myself enjoying the game itself a lot and am looking forward to the city building mechanics that will happen in the next series of the game.

    5/5 recommended to play.

    Support the creator if you are able to!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    high production quality, expansive storytelling, refreshing gameplay innovation in the medium with the poker playing, fine werewolf girlfriend without the guilt of furfetishism, fine fox girlfriend to bring the guilt on, fine werecat shows up. i'm not normally into this. hoping the story and gameplay spread wings in book two and become less linear. hoping i can coup and depose emily.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Story wise your typical hero's journey (the chosen one finds his powers, his princess and his trusty companions to fight against evil). However, where the game shines is everything surrounding this old tale: interesting characters, a bit of mystery and a good pacing of the story.

    The characters for me are the greatest strength of this game, spending time and learning about them makes you really care and enjoy the plot of this game so much more. Models are beautifully made and animated, the content is abundant.

    The fighting system despite possessing a fair bit of diversity in what you can do becomes quite boring and tedious at times, thankfully there is an auto-button and some people may enjoy it.

    The game is quite long and has a completed story arc (to be continued in books 2 and 3).

    All in all it's a very rounded game excelling in many things at once and a favorite of mine.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with a ton of content. The story is great and a lot of cool characters. Legit my only complaint would be how you have to initiate your chosen wish there was a choice on how that is done. I can't wait for the 2nd book.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    i enjoyed it greatly! From what i can see regarding the mechanics it would not even need to be an erotic game to be good! I find that the best porn games are the ones where the porn is a plus and not the center!

    several choices are fun to make particularly if you pick doing your duty instead of going for a foursome with your chosen girls or slumming it down and dirty with Kathie!

    i rate base on how much fun i had playing a game! it does not mean that i would not have preferred some different choices but since its been pretty good i give it a top rate! the games i dislike i do not even rate!

    definitely on my list for steam for book 2 release!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn good game. The sex scenes are not fap content IMO but the story/writing is enough for 5 stars even though I am not familiar with the content at all. One of the few VNs where I barely skipped dialogue.

    Hoping for more chocolate starfish stretching in the future