Unity - Completed - Love of Magic [B1 v1.6.11f] [Droid Productions]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    this had me interested from act 1... but lost me once i was forced to play a love struck puppy.

    i honestly enjoy both the gameplay and story , the whole romantic /fantasy aspect just really caught me off guard as its not advertised as such... its like a basketball themed game i found on here. Those who like emily enough will no doubt enjoy the puppy love though, and it will probably enhance the story aspect.
    The characters all seem interesting, though i'd have loved to explore some more.
    The clan for instance has some VERY interesting characters imo. i'd have loved to learn more about how they seem to handle were creatures and teach them to handle their rage. That chance seems lost though.
    overall i did like playing the game and imo you've done a good job with this. Just wish you gave the player a choice. i do get that would be far more work though.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Barry Nyle

    Book1: v1.0.7b, Book 2: v0.2.21b

    It's always nice to play a game on here that has more gameplay and mechanics to it than your typical Renpy VN, but unfortunately I didn't really enjoy the combat mechanics that fun and thought the dialogue was extremely verbose leading to a slow paced game that I bounced off of.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Deep story, hot ladies, what more could you ask for? The story is really good, even aside from anything else. The sexy times are pretty good, mostly, but some of the newer ones are technically good but don't really have the soul of the earlier ones. Maybe it's just me.

    The controls can be a bit clunky sometimes, but to be honest I'm engaged enough not to be too bothered by it. Play this game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it, great game, great story, everyone should play this. Can't wait for future updates! Also the Dev keeps polishing up old scenes, so it's also a great game for multiple playthroughs! At the moment definately my most anticipated game for future updates
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    How else is one to rate a game that calls the Lady of the Lake a watery tart?

    In all seriousness, while some elements of the gameplay serve only to slow the progression of the game down, this is a common trait of the sandbox genre and it's hardly egregious, and this is a great game with some very good story writing, visuals, and innovative combat if you're so inclined. Well worth playing.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I have just completed Book 1 v1.0.7b.

    Honestly, the renders are nowhere near as high quality as a great many other games out there. So if you are looking for a game purely for that aspect, I regret to inform you that this is not the game for you. This is not to say that the renders are bad or that the sex scenes are not enticing. Rather the way in which the Dev works a lot of the options in is actually rather more nuanced.

    The story and world building is what makes this game stand out. It is not without its flaws (plenty of people have already pointed out problems with some of the MCs interactions), but the story was well developed and the setting highly engaging.

    The poker thing....I could go either way on it. The combat system felt a little awkward and even with practice still was hard to keep track of. Thankfully the companion skills helped a lot. My biggest gripe was actually the lack of repeatable scenes with the companions and other 'love interests'.

    If you're looking for a game to play and just want to have the spice of sex scenes and the like, then I wholeheartedly recommend this game. I know I'll be adding them to my list of Patreons to support.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Not much to like about this game to be honest. A lot of people are praising the "story" but its flat, dull, uninteresting, and cliche in a lot of ways. The sandbox is un-necessary and a complete waste of time. Choices dont matter at all.

    The poker aspect of it, frankly, is not to my liking at all, (and i suspect i am not alone in this). However, I do commend and give props to the dev for doing something unique, even if overall its boring to some.

    I don't like the character i am forced to play. Others have mentioned this before, but the MC is really kind of a dick, especially to Chloe, Susan, and Molly in the first game. As a tie-in to that, The story is way too focused on the relationship between the MC and Emily. Yeah i get it, they are destined for each other blah blah blah, but he barely pays any attention (if any) to the other girls, Mostly choosing to spend time with Emily over anyone else when given the option to do so. Even if you choose to respond to them with "i love you, and you are important to me", They fade quickly into the background and prove that they are, in fact, not very important to him.

    All in all, its... subpar for a f95 game and considering that 99% of all games on here are trash... 3 stars makes it shine.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a review of book one.
    So just going to say this first, if you're looking for a quick fap or a story that is mainly about erotic content go ahead and skip this one

    Before going into detail, let me sum it up by saying this:
    This game is like a interactive fantasy book, a great one, where you have a small influence on the direction of the plot but it is mostly going to go a certain way. it's not all bad though because instead of a focusing on a bunch of different routes the Dev is focusing on the story and gameplay which are pretty great in my opinion.

    So visually it looks good, nothing too impressive but it certainly gets the job done, models are good looking but a bit similar looking body wise, the Developer clearly has a certain type of preferred body-shape.
    Some of the faces seem a bit off(mainly Katie).
    Environments look great, especially in the latter part of the game, I'm going to assume it greatly improves in book 1
    Animated sexual scenes are a few in number but they are good, they do happen in the latter part of the game though(again there's probably more in book 2)
    UI is very slick and convenient to use with a lot of QoL improvements that should be present on all sandbox games.

    Story is one of the strengths of the game, there's plenty of good stories in erotic games but very few stories with a fantasy setting manage to create a universe that feels so deep and rich in lore as this one, there is a lot of dialogue setting up the lore and the plot of the world(which some people find annoying).
    The overarching plot isn't something unique but it's definitely delivered in a fantastic way and slowly unfolds as the game goes on.
    Characters are decently written but nothing special about them, they pretty much become in love puppies after a certain point at the game, honestly the only one who stands out in terms of personality is Molly or Katie.

    Gameplay is the other strength of this game, the "poker" is very fun and engaging, and the Gem system that comes along with it is quite interesting, I loved trying out different builds to see what's effective and what's not.
    Companions definitely needs balancing, some are very useful while others are not.

    Fetishes are very Vanilla if you discount the Harem elements.(there's maybe 2 scenes with more than 2 people)

    Overall I greatly enjoyed this experience and the developer is clearly improving by leaps and bounds so do give this one a shot and support them if you can!
    And do leave a like or review it because it helps with visibility!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    My review after playing Love of Magic Book 2 Act VIII:

    I am not a poker player but I enjoyed the game and mostly the story. Graphics and animations are excellent, especially in book 2. The option ot change the camera angle to POV during sex scenes is a huge plus. The cinematics are of high quality. The theme of the story is quite common in these games but the way it was written and presented in this game is undoubtedly top tier. It has everything I can ask for in a game, hot women, hot sex, magic, gods, elves, orcs, humans, warriors, mages, knights, fighting against monsters, harem, no sharing of my women, romance, comedy, action, adventure and so much more. 5 stars!
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Shadow Emperor

    I was never good at writing reviews, but after playing through both book 1 and 2 i will say that this has been a very memorable/Enjoyable journey i loved every second of it, some moments in the story hit me in the feels pretty hard, the romance, the tragidy, comrads/friends banding together & the fights that make you feel like a badass, All in all make one hell of a game. Kudos to the developer for making such a Amazing game, ill definately be looking forward to more chapters in the future.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't like typing a lot, but if I did this would be the length of a college essay on just how much i like this game cant wait for each new release! downloading newest release (Book 2: v0.2.5b) would love to get Chloe and Katie as chosen.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I am a fan of the story and this VN has a good one. I am not saying it is great but it is entertaining. You can tell there was a lot of effort and thought put into this game. My only real issue is you are locked into the wife path. I would have like an option but that is what the designer wants. It is worth your time.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Game Version Book1:v1.0.7b, Book2:v0.2.5b.
    A bit of a disclamer I've played up to day 144 and the following "review" will contain spoilers!!!!!

    Let me beggin by saying that in my oppinion the game is very good to great!
    It has a great story, some good and some amazing characters and very few that kinda miss the mark. The univers in witch the story takes place is very interesting, well designed and decently well explained and considering the game is still going it has room to improve even more!

    That being said the game is not perfect (no game is).
    Here are some of the "gripes" I have with the game:
    (incoming wall of text, I think I was polite enough but if there are any issues please let me know)

    There are a few inconsistencies mainly with the Main Character. As a mentioned earlier there are some characters that are weaker than the rest. In my oppinion that is the main character being the worst followed by a "type" of characters ( women with above small size breasts ) I'm not even kidding here, all women that are even slightly big breasted in this game are either dense are a rock, evil or have little to no screen time.
    Now to return to the issue of the MC he is sometimes relatively smooth when interacting with powerfull characters(in terms of ingame strenght/power) and most of the time dumb as a rock, ignorant, kind of an ahole (you the player have no choice in the matter) and when it comes to most women incapable of doing anything if not first told what to do mainly by his ingame wife or Molly his first chosen.
    There is a reason on the background image of the title you are with Emily on one side and the rest of the cast is on the other side!
    There is a huge focus on your relationship with Emily (Ingame Wife/ you have no choice in the matter it's basically part of the main story or is the main story) and I mean Huge focus in my oppinion to much of a focus on her to the detriment of the other characters since Bella, Katie and Molly (followed up by Chloe who has huge potential) are some of the best and most fun characters I've seen in a adult game. Now Emily is not a bad character, in my oppinion she is above average but your jurney to fall love with her is done in the first ingame month after that you just keep doing the same stuff with her, you go from 0 to 100% way to fast. The relationship with Katie"Best friend" is amazing, very slow/too slow to progress but amazing up to this point. This is tentatively countered by Emily saying that she understands that it's your destiny to have other women around you and basically give you the green light.
    Now you are a young god and the women mentioned earlier Bella, Molly joined by Akane(who needed more screen time before stating that she is in love with you when you barely interacted with her) become your "chosen". The game and the MC and your Wife (Emily) states repeatedly that the bond that you and your chosen share is so strong that no one and nothing can get between you (Not even your wife) and you the MC repeatedly state that these women are very important to you and you have dialog choises in witch you can say that you love to then immediately say that well not like Emily but you love them. And then proceed to mostly ignore them for the majority of the game.
    Even Emily states again repeatedly that you are treating them badly, you agree and proceed to do the same or ignore them even more and I as the player have no choice in the matter.
    The game does this a lot, states repeatedly stuff and the proceeds to more or less ignore that. You as the MC have one priority and that's it, Emily, the rest is irrelevant no matter how much the game and you (MC) tell the rest of the cast that they are important. You mostly treat them are extras. Your chosen (incredible bond between you and all that) are "employes with occasional benefits" at best the rest of the cast even less than that.
    At one point Chloe opens up about living for a very long time and shows a moment of vulnerability when you promptly dont give a damn and when Emily asks if she is ok you just answer without a care in the world that yup she is just fine no issues there at least none that you care about! ( missed oportunity to expand on Chloe, but I mean she is not Emily so yeah...).
    Another example is the end of book one with the new year "party" You spend most of the time prior to the party with Emily, when you interact with Bella, Molly, Akane and Katie at the party it's rushed and short, you get the feeling that you cant wait to get through this so you can spend time and watch the fireworks with who? Ah yes Emily!!!
    Again wasted potential to progress with the rest of the cast. If you would usually be busy with others like your chosen and the rest of the cast it would be ok but you spend most of the time with her!! When other characters show moments of vulnerability or you have sensitive scenes with them they are quite quickly forgoten and until now not followed up on. Bella and her rage, Molly and her loneliness (because of you ofc) are kinda pushed to the background and ignored. (until now atleast)
    To "fix" the issues (if you actually consider them issues in the first place, maybe thats the way you want it to play out) you would not need to change the story in any way just maybe give more "screen time" to the other characters and develope their relationship with the MC a bit more.

    Now enough of that!! The renders are great, the sex scenes have their own style but I dont dislike them, the scenes are decent enough, the game is a slow burn (I like games that dont rush into sex to fast) but it is a bit bloated sometimes (textwise) I feel that way in a few conversations with Emily but that may be because half the game or more is Emily. (How many times do you have to tell her that you love her and she is your world??? Because a lot of the scenes and conversations can be broken down to just that)
    The combat is quite enjoyable not all companions are equal but that can still change and the base combat system is very decent.
    The sound is great it enhances the atmosphere and it ramps up at important moments. The animation is well done and at least until now I have not experienced any major bugs only the occasional in combat issue where you click on the companion and have to click again anywhere on the screen to bring up their "text bar" instead of it appearing on its own when you click on the companion.(this happend mostly in book one)

    So all in all this is a very good game with great potential!!
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 122764

    Man, this game has so many things going for it. As many of the 5 star reviews point out, the gameplay and scenes are great. The unique card game is genuinely fun, as is the gem system that improves your combat abilities. The sex scenes, when you eventually reach them, are well done. The sandbox navigation style is pretty much the same as any other game, nothing to really complain about or praise there.

    Unfortunately, the pacing is just so excruciatingly slow for me. I was into the plot in the beginning, especially because the writing was above average for sex games. But oh my god, they stretch out the conversations and story so much. You can play for hours reading dialogue and not encounter a real scene. I said the writing was above average, but it's not good enough to warrant the sheer amount of reading required. I got quite far into the game and made the MC pretty much unstoppable in combat, but I just stopped playing because it's so goddamn tedious to read all this shit, even when I'm invested in the story.

    It's clear the devs put a lot of work into this, and I respect that. But it just isn't for me.

    Pacing is also definitely a preference, so I can somewhat understand why some people enjoy this game. If you don't mind reading long, unnecessarily verbose, and painfully extended dialogue, then maybe give this one a go. If you're like me and have a normal attention span, I'd steer clear.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the pr0n, stayed for the well-written story, jokes, and mechanics, among other things. I would play this even without NSFW content, I'm now beyond the current release just to grind out stuff and play with gem combinations (I recognize there's a debug menu, I didn't want to use it to keep my save vanilla and I've never been afraid of a grind). I'm really looking forward to more map exploration and expansion on Elsewhere, plus some repeatable kingdom tasks (assuming those are already planned where some have success percentages). It would also be kinda cool to manage kingdom defenses and recruitment, as well as upgrading the city itself, from the castle instead of the story, but I get that it's assumed to be left up to Emily and her staff.

    I was reluctant to keep playing once I saw the combat system, but once I got into the gem aspect of it I was willing to give it a shot, and I'm glad I did. It really has nothing to do with Poker except the valuations of certain hands. This is fairly well integrated into the lore of the game and the way mages visualize their magic.

    It can be a little grindy, but even if you're just here for NSFW content, it does have plenty. Just expect to enjoy an actual game instead of simply clicking your way through sex scenes. If you share a love for games both SFW and NSFW, you don't know what you're missing if you pass this one up.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 683489

    Art/Graphics: 20/25
    Story: 20/25
    Quality: 20/25
    Content: 25/25

    Overall: 85/100

    Is it worth to try? Definitely, yes.

    What to expect from this game? Unique combat experience, Good Story, Well written characters
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    The Old Chaos

    Amazing game. First of all thank you for including the "auto" option in battles for all of us who don't have any poker experience. The characters and their developement are well written, the story keeps you on the edge speculating on what will happen next and the occasional humor is refreshing. Character models look amazing, nothing better in this world than a fierce red-head (or two). All in all a wonderful adult adventure, keep up the good work :).
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, spent the past couple of weeks going through Book 1 and Book 2, and I must say, this game is really fantastic.

    The story is really captivating, infusion of Arthurian legends, as well as Norse mythology and other mythology which are very carefully woven together which I love a lot.

    The characters all have their unique personalities which makes the experience of interacting with each of them very much refreshing, Emily, Katie, Chloe, Bella, Molly, Akane and so many other characters each of their banter with the MC adds a whole new level to MC's storyline and their own.

    And I simply love the soundtrack of this game, with each character having their own dedicated soundtrack, as well as soundtrack changing based on MC's emotions or events that are happening (e.g. a battle happening will change to battle music).

    The hand-drawn maps of Camelot, Lancaster, as well as when elsewhere is explored (Book 2) are visually striking and are pleasure to see.

    At first with the game being Poker gameplay (which I knew nothing about), I wasn't too sure about it but I did come to get used to it, and customizing the character's abilities with the gems did become fun.

    Only thing that I wasn't too fond of was the initial grind to raise the MC's level up to access some events early on, but that can be pretty much remedied with a debug console.

    All in all, a fantastic game, and I'm looking forward to rest of Book 2 and Book 3.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Story rich content, full of lore and foreshadowing that suck you right into it. New and interesting poker gameplay mechanic which is easy to learn but quite hard to master. Definitely recommended 5 out of 5.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Played almost over10 hours I think,
    so finally decide to give a review then...
    This sex scene is unbearable!
    right after I won a fight with Katie,
    how tf CM block all the view,let alone animation,none!

    Second is the script,just like most game's habit:
    you know,just do your things,ok?

    The music vary which I like,and the card game is somewhat refreshing,
    finally,the graphic is amazing

    All in all,I do hope the devs improve some sex scene,
    it need to be more intense,
    come on,it's a adult game,right? :)

    Thanks for all the hard work!